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142 Cards in this Set

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what blocks peripheral utilziation of glucose in DKA
glucagon and insulin deficiency
what causes dka osmotic diuresis
low insulin/glucagon ration
stimulates HSL
3 abnormalities in type 2 dm
impaired insulin, insulin resistance, excellive hepatic glucose production
type 2DMconcotdance
maturity onset diabetys of the young
exocrine pancerase DM
chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, hemochromatosis
endocrinopathies that cause diabets
acromegaly, cushings, glucocorticoids
infections that cause diabets
cosacki B, cytomegalovirus
how many b cells must be lost to get secondary or acquired type of diabets in chronic pancreatitis
acute complications of diabetes
DKA and Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State
major chornic complicaitons in DM
vascular lesions
capillary microangiopathy is caused by
chronic hyperglycemia it's what causes retinopathy, nephtopath and neuropathy
by 20 years what's up with DM kidneys
75% of type 1 and 20% of type 2 progress to nephrotic syndroem and ESRD that requires dialysis or transplant
commonest cuase of death in diabetitcs
commonest nontraumatic cause of amputation
diabetes macrovascular comps
hyperlipdiemia in dm
activated lipoprotein lipase leads to increased triglycerides, ldl and decreased hdl and an in crease in platelty adhesivness
gross diabetic kidney
smaller and granular pitted surface and thin cortex
how long in dm until bm thickeing
10 yers
diffuse glomerulosclerosis
in diabets, htn and elderly, kw lesion is psecific
lens in dm
osmotic swelilng and change in visual acuity
anterior chamber in dm
increased veg f
preproinsulin mad ein
when is proinsulin made
from preproinsulin after entry into RER
insulin is made in
membrane bound granules after golgi (trans golgi)
trypsin like enzyme
cleave insulin
glucagon b cell receptor
Gas, AC cAMP, PKA voltage dependten Ca channel releases insulin
glucose into be tel
ATP is manufacture.. Increase atp sensitve K channel stopping excretion of K, hyperpolarization and ca enters through voltage dependent
alpha 2 b cell receptor
Gai… opent K chanenel and decreases calcium channle and thus less insulin secreted
glucose receptor of betacells
aa's that stim insulin
leucine arginine
fatty acid s and ketone bodies and insulin
weak stimuli
pancreati chormones and insuli
glucagon and insulin deficiency
GI hormones increase insulin
stims insulin
all known insulin secretagogs
increase intracellular calcium
increases cAMP (increased inslin by turing off K/ATP channel) also activate EPAC2
increases b cell proliferation and decreased b cell apoptosis
GLP-1 and IGF-1
insulin muscle
enhances transcription of hexokinase, activates glycogen synthase,increases hexokinase and hphophofructokinase and pyruvte dehydrogenase activti…
insulin receptor action
autophophorylates and activates serine threonine kinases
serine thronine kinases
activae othe rkinase via phosphylation
protein phosphatase that is activated by serine thrionine kinase and dephosphyorlates many proteins phosphorylated by PKA (opposite of glucagon which activates PKA)
how does insulin insert glut 4
P13K activates PIP2, PI3 activated PDK (PDK activates PKB (inserts ) and mTOR (70-S6 activation and translation of mRNA)
target of rapamycin
activated by mTOR and PHAS-1 resease initiation factor promoting translation
glycogen synthase kinase 3 also activated by PDK (PIP 2. P13K)
also activated by insulin activate ME and MAPK
glucagon is mediated bia
cAMP and PKA… leading to conersion of glycogen phospholabe b to phosphoylase a.. Increases phosphorylase
glucaon ____ phosphorylase
increases glycogen phophorylase
what inactivase glycogen phosphorylase
pyruvate kinase
low insulin and high glucagon
fatty acid oxition rates go up due to CAT I activated by low malonyl CoA
transcription increased by glucagon
increase HSL (fat), glygogenolysis and glycolis (calorigenic via PKA in uscle) and liver Ca2_ glycogenolysis
HSL adipocytes, deceras sens of cells to insuilin
decerases ssens to insulin, mobilized protein from muscle, permissive action on adiocytes
uncouples ox phos
why codl extermities in DKA
extracellular fluid depletion due to sodium depletion
% of patients comatose in DKA
insulin to glucagon ratio falls
increased hepatic glucose and ketoe production (starvation)
what leads to vomiting in DKA
what leads to loss of water na and k in dka
vomiting, hyperventilation (water only) and osmtic diuresis
what leads to acidosi in dka
low gfr= less renal h, and kenonaemia
glucagon increases carnitine and which increases acyl CoA to acyl carnitine to Aceytle co a to Ketone
Oxaloacetate in DKA
diverted to make glucose instead of acetyl CoA so ketone bodiees produced
fat in parathryoid adenoma
no contrast to usual
commonest cause of primary hyperparathyroidism
parathryoid adenoma
Parathyroid hyperplasian and MEN
1/3 of cases of parathryoid hyperplasia associated with MEN I and MEN Iia
parathyroid carcinoma
water clear cells predominate and clustures of pink appearing (oxyphi) cells
primary parthyroid hyperlasia
secondary parathyroid hyperplasia
principally in CKD, but also in vitamin d deficinecy, intestinal malabsorption, fancoinand renal tuubular acidosis
most common causes of hypercalcemia
primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia of malignancy
cancer associated hypercalcemia
local osteolicic hypercalcemia (20%) # 1 is humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy (75-80%) vitamin d secreiting lymphoma and ectopic PTH (very rare)
how does granulomatous disease cause hypercalcemia
mediated by vitamin d (activated macrophages in granulmomas produce 1 alpha hydroxylase) steroid suppress this converion and return serum calcium to nomral
familial hypocalciurmc hypercalcuria
autosomal dominant disorder… reduced activity is Calcium receptor CaSR
causes hypercalcemia in 10%
can worse or provoke hypercalcemia in bordelin situations
often what are sympsoms of hypercparathryoid
classic manifestations of primary hyperparathyroidism
kidney stones and severe bone disases and more vague malais, musclular weakness, depression, osteopeeni
typical phpt pt
over 40 woman usually elderly who has few or no symptoms cleraly tied to PTH…
must ID PTH using
two site immunometric techinique
EKG in hypercalcemia
prolonged QT
HTN in hypercalcemia
some find it is more frequent, bute rarely improved with parathryoid surgery
EKG changes in hypoparathryodi
condcution abnromalities
eyes in hypoparatyroid
digeorge syndrome… microeletion syn region controls pharyngeal development
Digeoge Cardiac, abnormal facies, thymic aplasia, cleft palate hypoglycmia
origin of parathyroid
inferior 3 superior 4
thymus origin
3 pouch
most common hypopartharyoid
thymic hypopasia and imunodeficnecy
digeorge syndrome… microeletion syn region controls pharyngeal development
ID DiGeorge
candidiasis, ectodermal dystrophy and adnreal insufficney
Type 1 autoimmune Polyglandular syndroem AIRE
Isolated famillial hypoparathryoid ism
ad or ar
ad hypo PTH, calcium receptor activating mutation
autosomal recessive famillal hypparathroidism
inactivating mutation in pth gene
tyep Ia spseudohyoparathyroisim
GNAS gene on 20q13.2-14.4 causing deficinecy of GsA
inheritance of type I pseudo PTH
maternal allele
fail to show nora increase in urinary cAMP following IV PTH
Type 1A pseudohypoparthyroid
hypogonadotropic hypogonad in female
multihormone resistance pseudo hypo pth tsh fsh and LH deficine due to cAMP problems
short stature, obeisity, round face, short metacarpal and metatarsal bones BRACHYDACTYLY (short fingers and toes), ocular and dental MR
albright hereditay osteodystrophy… pseudo PTH 1a
pseudopseudo hypoparathryoidism
usually in type 1 a famlis but have normal parathroid founction and normal urinary cAMP in response to PTH… mutant allelle is from fatehr and since father allele normally under express ed inkidney no PTH or kidney effects
TYPE II pseudo hypoparthyroid
defect in signal transduction pathway (PKA in cAMP dependent) that low Ca due to blunted response (normal PTH)
sone bone, moans and abdominal goranes
lytic bone lesions, renal sones, and pareatitis= hyperparthyroidism
tertiary hyperparathryoidism
paratthyroid become autonomus and after renal transpor t the pth continues to hyperfunciton
men 1 (diarrhea hypokalemia achlorhydria
hMEN 1
glucose intolerance MEN 1
severe peptic ulser MEN I
medullary carcinoma of thryoid
type 2, 2A or 2B
hyerparathryoid an dmne
1 or 2A
mucosla neuromas of mouth
men 2b (or III)
marfanoid features
men 2b (or III)
men no parathryodi
htn and hirsuiism in iatrogenic cushings
tumor producin CRF(H)
rare but can cause cushing syndrome
corticotropin independint cushings
cortisol is produced by eoplastic adreocortical tissues ans supressins CRH and corticotropin
majority of coritcotroin independent cushings
adrenal cortical carcinoma (80%)
large borwn back nodules in adrenal
autonomous micronodular hyperplasia… autoantibodies to ACTH receptors that promote adrenocortical growth and steroid sytnhesis
htn and hypokalemai
conn syndrome primare aldesteronism
glucose in elderly
posprandial level s up by 1mg/dl after 20, insigifact increase in fasting glucose
post challenge hyperglycemia
in some older adults
why change in glucse response to measl in elderly
increased body fat decreased muscle mass, decreased IGF-1 and IG r, and decerased glut 4
why older adults ast risk for hypoglycemia
decreased glycogen stores, incresed chronic disease, decreased caloric intake, increased comorbidity
dm prevalence in elderly
15-20% over 65, 90% type II
life reduction in DM
10 year
risk of blindess in dm
increased by 40
A1C in elderly
target less than 8, less than 7 normally
bp for elderly
ldl for elderly
TSH 5-10
normal in elderly normall .3-5
sublinical hypothryoism
15% in elderly high tsh normlal free t4
vit min d
decreased between 60-90 years of age,
BMD less than
2.5 SD's for osteoporosi
cortisol levels with age
stay same
ocortisol response to stress and age
increased and return to baselin slow
most common cause of adrenal failure in older adults
dhea levels
down with age
reserves, thirst drive,renal response to adh, kideney, polypharmacy, low aldosteron levels,
gh with age
decreased, decreased strench, muslce mass, bone
testosterone in elderly
degreased… common adnrogen deficnys (testicular failure) inc horonically ill
sig of low testosterone
osteoporisis, muscle wasting, anemia, loss of libidio, cognitive decline
factors contributing to udnernutions
depression, poverty, living alone, dementia swallowing, chronic diseaase, medicaiton, acute illness, surger