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195 Cards in this Set

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8 cervical
top most part of spine
-C1 & C2- Head and Neck
-C3 &C4- Diaphram
-C5- Deltoids, Biceps
-C6- wrist extenders
-C8- Hand
12 thoracic
second from the top spine
-T2-T7- Chest Muscles
-T8-T11- Abdominal Muscles
-T12- leg muscles
5 lumbar
third most from the top of the spine
-L1-L5- Leg muscles
5 sacral
bottom most segment of the spine
-S1-S3- Bowel, Bladder
-S4-S5- Sexual function
Basal Ganglia can be seen in which view
Horizontal section, Coronal (transverse) section
Layer 1 of cortex has
few cell bodies
Layers II, III, V, and VI of cortex
consists primarily of cell bodies or pyramidal neurons
peripheral nervous system
1) cranial nerves
2) spinal nerves
3) autonomic nervous system
how does the signal get from the eye to visual cortex
travels via cranial nerve II the optic nerve
subnucleus of the thalamus
eye-->optic nerve (tract)-->LGN-->visual cortex
visual information processing
12 cranial nerves
7 sensory
5 motor
5 motor cranial nerves
-3 (III) Oculomotor
-4 (IV) Trochlear
-6 (VI) Abducens
-11 (XI) Spinal accessory
-12 (XII) Hypoglossal
7 sensory cranial nerves
-1 (I) Olfactory
-2 (II) Optic
-5 (V) trigeminal
-7 (VII) Facial
-8 (VIII) Vestibulocochlear
-9 (IX) Glossopharyngeal
-10 (X) Vagus
Trigeminal nerve
-cranial nerve V
-has both sensory and motor components
Vagus nerve
-cranial nerve X innervates much of the periphery
-does all of the projecting below (trigenial neuralgia-constant pain, shooting pain)if severed can't feel anything on the contralateral side of the body
cranial nerves
most cranial nerves impact just the head and neck
hypothalamus is made of a bunch of different subnuclei
paraventricular nucleus, superoptic nucleus contain endocrine neurons which project down into the posterior pituitary and relaease on the capillary system
oxytocin stimulates
uterine contractions, which triggers milk letdown, facilitates social bonds (released during orgasm)
Vasopressin (AVP) acts on
kidney to reduce urine output (water conservation), increases blood pressure
anterior pituitary gland
-neurosecretary cells in hypothalamus produce releasing hormones are secreted into hypothalmic pituitary portal system, releasing hormones circulate to anterior pituitary endocrine cells to stimulate release of tropic hormones, which circulate to target tissues to release target hormone
neuroendocrine cell bodies in the hypothalamus produce releasing hormones
-neruons terminate at the
mdian eminence- a region above the pituitary stalk that contains blood vessels the hypophyseal portal system
-releasing hormones travel through these vessels and are released in the anterior pituitary, where there are additional hormone producing cells, which produce tropic hormones, which are released into the bloodstream and travel to and regulate endocrine glands throughout the body
hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis
critical for stress...flight or fight response
-under stressful conditions the hypothalamus produces corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) which is released into the capillaries in the median eminence
-CRH travels to the anterior pituitary and causes the release of a tropic hormone (adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-released into the blood and travels to adrenal gland which releases cortisol, which feeds back to the anterior pituitary and decreases further ACTH release (negative feedback important for hormone regulation)
in prairie voles, blockade of either dopamine or oxytocin receptors w/in the nucleus accumbens
blocks mating-induced partner preferences which shows that these receptors are necessary for this behavior
-activation of dopamine or oxytoxcin receptors can facilitate partner preference formation
-shows that activation of these receptors is sufficient to produce this behavior
protein and amine hormones bind to
metabotropic receptors on the cell surface
-activate G-protein mediated second messenger cascades
-fast acting (seconds to minutes) (still slow compared to neurotransmitters like glutamate (miliseconds)
steroid hormones
-pass through cell membranes
-bind receptors located inside the cell
-form a complex and binds DNA
-then acts as a transcription factor
-takes hours to take effect...takes time to make new protein
second messengers, like cAMP, can have immediate effects on proteins in the cell making
protein and amine hormone effects rapid (but still slower than ion channels)
similarities btw. neurons and endocrine cells
1)both produce, store, and release chemical messages
2)neurons and endocrine cells are directed to release chemical messages by other cells
3)neurotransmitters and hormones act on receptor proteins; some using second messengers
differences btw. neurons and endocrine cells
1) neural is direct, hormones are diffuse
2)many neural signals are fast, hormonal messages are slow.
main endocrine glands
1)pineal gland: reproductive maturation; body rhythms
2)pituitary gland/anterior pituitary/posterior pituitary:/hormone secretion by thyroid, adrenal cortex, and gonads; growth/water balance; salt balance
3)thyroid: growth and develoopment, metabolic rate
4)adrenal glands/adrenal cortex/adrenal medulla: /Salt and carbohydrate metabolism;inflammatory reactions, emotional arousal
5)pancreas: sugar metablolism
6)Gonads: body development; maintenance of reproductive organs in adults
the pituitary gland is a
major endocrine gland
-two distinct components: anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary (completely separate in function)
oxytoxin and vasopressin neurons in the hypothalamus project
to the posterior pituitary and are called hypothalamic
nongenomic effects
hormone binds at membrane through second messenger (ex: estrogen receptors on the membrane)
neurosecretory cells extand all the way into the
posterior pituitary and terminate on capillaries and action potentials release Oxytoxin (OT) and Vasopressin (AVP) into blood stream
hormones traditionally define traveling through the blood, there is also
neuroendocrine signaling that occurs w/in the brain (or from brain to pituitary)
autocrine communication
hormone released by a cell which then affects its own activity
paracrine communication
hormone released by a cell to affect nearby target cells
endocrine communication
hormone released into bloodstream to act on distal target tissues
hormonal signaling from one individual to another
hormonal signaling btw. species
principles of hormone action
1)slow, gradual action that outlasts hormonal signal
2)changes intensity or probability of behavior rather than turning behavior on or off
3) hormones produced in small amts. often secreted in bursts
4) hormones affect metabolic processes in most cells
5)hormones affect only those cells that have receptors for the hormone
protein hormones
(strings of amino acids)-ex: vasopressin
Amine hormones
single amino acids e.g. thyroid hormone
steroid hormones
four carbon rings e.g., testosterone, estrogen
norepinephrine receptors
are metabotropic
large population of acetylcholine containing neurons are located in the
basal forebrain (including the diagonal band and nucleus basalis)
-project to hippocampus, amygdala, and cortex (important for attention and learning)
-lost in Alzheimers
curare blocks ____ receptors (it is an _____)=paralysis
nicotinic, antagonist
all drugs of abuse increase dopamine in
the nucleus accumbens
probe lowered into the dopamine region, porous membrane, artificial CSP pumped in and out and up a collection vial and inside the membrane conc. of dopamine is 0, extracellular space lots of dopamine moves into collection tube and gets pumped out and you can measure conc. of dopamine
THC -lipid-endocannabinoids
act on CB1 and CB2receptors (both metabotropic)
-endogenous ligand is a lipid like substance called anandamide
-not stored in vessicles, transport then deactivated by enzyme
CB1 receptors are on the terminals that release
glutamate, GABA, acetylcholine and monoamines
-anadamide is co-released
-binds CB1 receptors on the presynaptic terminals, which opens K+ channels which hyperpolarized the presynaptic neuron, reduces action potential frequency
soluble gases (nitric oxide) produced from
arginine by nitric oxide synthase and is released as soon as it is produced (not stored in vesicles)
-does not activate a membrane bound receptor
-enters cells and activates enzyme which produces a 2nd messenger (cGMP)
chemical of communication that is secreted into bloodstream and carried to distinct target tissues
organs in the body that make and secrete hormones
endocrine glands
amino acid neurotransmitters
GABA and Glutamate, and a wide variety of peptide neurotransmitters
nicotinic receptor
referring to cholinergic receptors that respond to nicotine as well as to acetycholine
-muscles have nicotinic receptors
muscarinic receptor
referring to cholinergic receptors that respond to the chemical muscarine as well as to acetylcholine
-G-protein coupled (metabotropic) receptors
-can be excitatory or inhibitory
the caudate nucleus and putamen together
metabotropic receptors
metabotropic and ionotropic receptors
gaba, acetylcholine
ionotropic (fast changes in membrane potential)
g proteins can be
stimulatory or inhibitory
stimulatory increase
second messenger (CAMP- bind open ion channel) (allows amplification of the signal thousand second messenger per moleciule of bound dopamine)
medium spiny neuron is a
GABA containing cell
cortex contains pyramidal cells which contain glutamate and it's job is
put glutamate onto these meidium spiny neurons, which project caudally and have a GABA signal, they are constantly inhibiting caudally
medium spiny neurons express either
D1 or D2 type dopamine receptors (both metabotropic either have stimulatory or inhibitory over on CAMP system
glutamate is major _____ on GABA receptors and chloride is the major _____on inhibitory GABA receptors
depolarizer, hyperpolarizer
output of these striatal cells is a
gabaergic projection
agonist is a drug (GABA receptor)
that activates a receptor (relaxes you ex: xanax, benzodiazaphenes, rophies)
D1 receptor
stimulatory G protein (alpha binds adenelocyclase increases CAMP)
D2 receptor
reduces action of adenelocyclase and decreases the amt. of CAMP in the cell
dopamine releases at
the neck of the spine
-act more as a volume transmitter (not only acts in synaptic cleft but also escape and bind dopamine receptors outside of the synapse
Glutamate only binds receptors in
the synaptic cleft
serotonin receptors are
both ionotropic and metabotropic
dopamine neurons are in the midbrain in the
ventral tegmentum area (VTA) and substantia nigra
VTA dopamine neurons project to the
nucleus encumbens (w/in NE neuron it's projecting to is GABergic neuron)
substancia nigra dopamine neurons project to
more dorsal striatum
molecule binding the receptor is the
ligand, produced w/in the body (endogenous ligands)
ionotropic receptors directly control
ion channels (when ligand binds, channel opens and ions flow across the membrane into the cell)-ligand gated channel
metabotropic (involves metabolic energy) receptors ligand binds and then indirectly
opens ion channels through activation of G-proteins (slow, metabotropic receptors)
gabergic neuron also receives glutamate projections from
hippocampus, amydala, prefrontal cortex
gabergic medium spiny neuron (cells of the striatum) receive dopamine and glutamate projections which work together to modulate
activity of these gaba cells
G protein consists of
three subunits (alphe, beta, gama)
alpha subunit of G protein either
binds and opens an ion channel or binds an enzyme (such as adenylate cyclase) which produces a second messenger (cAMP), which can then bind and open ion channels
sensory info sent to brain (peripheral) once it gets to brain, neural processing is called
range fractionization
different cells respond to different intensities
initial burth of activity
constant firing of a cell which is a stable firing
motor neurons never send inhibitions to muscle
only excite, to inhibit system, must dumb inhibitory signal to level of neuron
sense of your body's position in space
suplementary motor area
lesions here means patients cannot initiate movement
extrapyramidal system
engage the spinal cord through reticulospinal tract of rubrospinal tract
rubrospinal is initiated (originates at)
red nucleus dorsal to VTA strong projections from red nucleus to motor neurons in the spinal cord
reticulospinal tract
originates in the reticular formation
basal ganglia receives dense dopamine innervation
substantia nigra projections to dorsal striatum very important for mvemet
learning of behaviors occur in
basal ganglia
results from stroke in parietal or frontal cortex
parkinson's and huntingtons disease disorders of
basal ganglia
three different cranial nerves involved in taste
facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus
G protein involved in taste
mutation in T1R2 prevents perception of
are in olfactory bulb
advertising that you are ready to mate
signal transduction
process of turning environmental information into sodium channels being open and action potentials occuring
primary sensory cortex receives
direct projections from the sensory organ or sensory portions of thalamus
secondary sensory cortex receives direct projections from
primary sensory cortex
area of the brain responding to physical pain
cingulate cortex
trpv1 capsaicin - high enough temp causes c fiber to fire action potential
trpv1 located on c fibers
even higher temp Trp2 receptors
adelta fibers not mylinated
sensing pain in thumb
reaches spinal cord synapse decussation at spine release glutamate and peptide transmitter called substance p in dorsal horn
pariaqueductal gray
opiate receptors activated here through release of endorphins brain kicks into gear to reduce pain as well as get away from it releases opioids which alleviate pain
advertising that you are ready to mate
signal transduction
process of turning environmental information into sodium channels being open and action potentials occuring
primary sensory cortex receives
direct projections from the sensory organ or sensory portions of thalamus
secondary sensory cortex receives direct projections from
primary sensory cortex
area of the brain responding to physical pain
cingulate cortex
traveling of noxious stimuli signal to brain is called
trpv1 capsaicin - high enough temp causes c fiber to fire action potential
trpv1 located on c fibers
even higher temp Trp2 receptors
adelta fibers not mylinated
sensing pain in thumb
reaches spinal cord synapse decussation at spine release glutamate and peptide transmitter called substance p in dorsal horn
pariaqueductal gray
opiate receptors activated here through release of endorphins brain kicks into gear to reduce pain as well as get away from it releases opioids which alleviate pain
sexual dimorphic nucleus in preoptic area
area is much larger in males than females, homosexual men's sexually dimorphic nuclus looked like the female's
hypothalamus very important to understand sex differences this is the brain region that talks to
pituitary gland that causes release of hormone
anterior pituitary regulates
hormone secretion from the gonads
nosuseptive or noxious stimulus
info. leading to the likelyhood of experiencing pain and that's potentially damaging information (being burned)
-receptro proteins TrpV1 (changes in temp), even higher temp a delta fibers, hot right away- myelinated
-TrpV2- high temp and captasin (chili pepers) chemical, slow signal - capsasin on c fibers- unmylinated
-time delay with spicy
-free nerve endings right at skin's surface sense heat
traveling of signal until pain is received
neurons in the hypothalamus that contain gonadotropin releasing hormone into pituitary gland
which releases luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone
-testosterone released into blood from testes and goes back to negatively feedback at anterior pituitary gland and hypothalamus
-high levels of testosterone act w/in brain and pituitary gland to negatively down regulate the production of GNRH, follicle stimulating hormone, lieutenzing hormone , and less testosterone is produced
some androgen receptors in the hippocampus, amygdala etc.
not just in hypothalamus, androgens play roles in behaviors
(regular touch) detecting things in the environment nerve ending is in periphery cell body that produces that nerve ending originates in the dorsal root ganglion (dorsal portion of spinal cord important for sensory, ventral portion important for motor output)
-axon derived from unipolar in dorsal root ganglion (c8)
-multiple pathways at spinal cord detect at same level of thumb different sensations- touching and burning have two different cells that sense them and they run along the same spinal nerve tract
1)sensory receptors send axons to the dorsal portion of the spinal cord
2)does not synapse goes straight up to the medulla where the first synapse occurs
3)at level of medulla it projects to thalamus by crossing over at the level of the medulla and up to the thalamus (right side of spinal cord projects to left side of thalamus and vice versa)
hormones that help maintain pregnancy
estrogen receptors play important roles in both sexes
progesterone is more important for the birthing process allowing for egg implantation, reducing uterine contractions, allowing production of milk and lactation
albert niemann
purified cocaine from leaves
amphetamines bind to
monamine transporters, slows uptake of dopamine and increases dopamine release too, which makes it stronger than cocaine
dorsal horn of the spinal cord important for
sensory processing
acts as mu and delta
acts as kappa receptors
bind mu and delta (endorphins)
touch pathway
decussation happening at medulla to thalamus
testosterone does not affect mullerian system
anti mullerian hormone regresses the mullerian system
-testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone and that further results in the development of male secondary sex characteristics
-Dhy causes tissue around urethra to form prostrate gland, scrotum and penis
if androgens are absent
prostrate fails to form and external skin grows into labia and clitoris
-if syr gene is present you will develop testes
antimullerian hormone causes mullerian ducts to not develop if no receptors to anct on
hormone is invisible to system
-if you get rid of androgen receptors then system does not get masculinized further, but secondary sex characteristics are masculinized further
V1 is not very sensitive to just spots of light
visual cortical cells require more specific environmental stimuli to be activated
V1 sends axons to other cortical regions important for vision V2 V4 and inferior temporal region referred to as
extrastriate areas
ventral stream important for
identifying objects
-includes occipitotemporal, inferior temporal frontal areas
dorsal stream
important for locating an objecct
in humans information about faces becomes more specific the more
rostral the processing occurs
anterior part of the dorsal stream merges with the motor cortex and includes neurons that have both
visual and motor functions
-mirror neurons
-these neurons are important for transforming visual info. into knowledge
neurons that control muscle contraction are
located in ventral horn of the spinal cord
within accumbens projects to
gab-urgic neuron which also receives glutamate projections from prefrontal cortex hippocampus, amydala
All MAOs are in
Midbrain and hindbrain caudal regions of the brain
V1 is not very sensitive to just spots of light
visual cortical cells require more specific environmental stimuli to be activated
V1 sends axons to other cortical regions important for vision V2 V4 and inferior temporal region referred to as
extrastriate areas
ventral stream important for
identifying objects
-includes occipitotemporal, inferior temporal frontal areas
dorsal stream
important for locating an objecct
in humans information about faces becomes more specific the more
rostral the processing occurs
anterior part of the dorsal stream merges with the motor cortex and includes neurons that have both
visual and motor functions
-mirror neurons
-these neurons are important for transforming visual info. into knowledge
neurons that control muscle contraction are
located in ventral horn of the spinal cord
dopamine neurons are in
midbrain in ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra
within accumbens projects to
gab-urgic neuron which also receives glutamate projections from prefrontal cortex hippocampus, amydala
All MAOs are in
Midbrain and hindbrain caudal regions of the brain
second messengers
amplify the effect of the ligand (aka the first messenger)
compared to ionotropic signalling, metabotropic is
slow and longer lasting
glutamate containing neurons project to
glutamate synapse contain many proteins including multiple types of glutamate receptors, complex at synapse is called
post synaptic density
an amino acid neurotransmitter, main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain
3 ionotropic glutamate receptors
1) NMDA 2)AMPA 3)Kainate
metabotropic glutamate receptors
called mGluRs
AMPA and Kainate glutamate receptors are
ligand gated sodium or calcium channels (glutamate binds to receptors and allows the flow of ions in)
NMDA glutamate receptors (complex) has 6 binding sites and glutamate is not the only ligand
-both ligand gated and voltage gated channel (expelling Mg2+)
-glutamate binding ampa receptor opens allows the flow of sodium in this causes partial depolarization that pushes out magnesium, glutamate then binds NMDA receptor and allows NMDA receptor to open and this allows the flow of both sodium and calcium into the postsynaptic cell causing an even greater depolarization of the cell
-glycine must also be bound for glutamate to open the channel
amine neurotransmitters
acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin
each cone in the human retina has
one of three classes of pigments
color perception occurs in
ganglion cells and brain (not at the photreceptor cells)
-cones don't detect color they are named for their relative wavelength peak
ganglion cells in each eye fire action potentials that travel through the
optic nerve to the brain
optic nerves cross the midline at the
optic chiasm
after the optic chiasm the axons are called
are called
gonadotropin releasing hormone of the hypothalamus projects and dumps into the bloodstream, then that hormone
travels to anterior pituitary and release the tropic factor (lutenizing hormone and follicle releasing hormore) act at both the testies and ovaries
most axons from the optic tract terminate on cells in the
visual thalamus
visual thalamus is called
lateral geniculate nucleus
testes are segregated into
sperm producing cells and testosterone producing cells, releases from the testes and then goes back to negatively feedback both at the level of the anterior pituitary gland and the hypothalamus (regulate follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone and thus less testosterone will be produced)
LGN neurons project to
occipital cortex
occipital cortex is called
visual cortex, primary visual cortex, V1, also called striate cortex
the projections from LGN to primary visual cortex are called
optic radiations
surrounding cortical regions are also critical for vision, these regions are called
extrastriate cortex
cells in visual cortex respond to more complicated stimuli
ex: stimuli moving in certain directions
(on center, off surround) bipolar and ganglion cells (in the retina) have concentric receptive fields with antagonistic center and surround
light at center of the receptive field excites these cells (more action potentials)
off center/ on surround
light at center of receptive field inhibits these cells (fire less action potentials)
cells in the LGN respond like cells in the retina
can be activated by just spots of light
-6 layers
-2 inner layers have relatively large cells
-called magnocellular
-4 outer layers relatively small cells
-called parvocellular
input to magnocellular layers have relatively large receptive fields the input to these neurons is from many large ganglion cells in the retina called
M cells
magnocellular neurons do not show differential responses to different wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum
are not involved in color discrimation
input to parvocellular layers have relatively small receptive fields
input comes from small ganglion cells in the retina (P-cells) that receive their inputs from individual cone cells (color vision)
List all different types of breads/rolls/buns we stock on our line (17)
challah bun, hot dog bun, sub rolls, p-rolls, o-rye, o-rolls, CW, Challah, BHW, BH, pecan raisin, sourdough, farm, rye, pump, ses sem, rustic
10 slices are cut from which standard loafs of bread?
rye, pump, ses sem, rustic
8 slices are cut from which standard loaf of bread
6 slices are cut from which standard loaf of bread
sour dough
how long do we double bake most of our bread
20 mins