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105 Cards in this Set

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Set up a testing procedure for blocking.

Blocking. Control

S1| A+ | --

S2| AB+ | AB+

Test| B- | B-

Set up a testing procedure for latent inhibition

LI. | control

S1|A- | --

S2|A+ | A+

What is the testing procedure for negative patterning


What is instrumental operant conditioning

Learning the consequences of your own actions

What are the conditioned stimulus processing models?

Mackintosh - associability of the conditioned stimulus is important

If the CS is the best predictor (compared to others CS) of the unconditioned stimulus then Associability of the Cs will be high

if the CS is not the best predictor of the US, the associability to the Cs Will Be Low

Pierce hall - salience and Novelty in CS is important. The associability of a stimulus will be high when it has been followed by a US that is unexpected on the proceeding trial but its associability will be low when it has been followed by US that is expected.

What is one fundamental in instrumental conditioning?

Requires trial and error and multiple trials

What is the law of effect?

If a response to a stimulus is followed by satisfying event (reinforcement), the response is strengthened.

if a response to a stimulus is followed by an annoying event ( punishment) the response is weakened.

Involves SR learning

Explains compulsive Behavior like biting one's Nails snacking or smoking cigarettes

What are the procedures to study instrumental conditioning?

Discrete trail procedures - instrumental response is performed only once. (Eg, Maze experiments) [looking at speed and latency]

Free operant procedures - instrumental response can be performed in a continuous manner. (Many times over again)[looking at operant response]

what are necessary training component used in instrumental conditioning?

Magazine training- training an animal to eat food out of a food well, in a Skinner box

Shaping- reinforcements of successive approximation

If all responses are followed by an outcome, what are the procedures instrumental conditioning uses?

Appetitive stimulus : a pleasant outcome

Aversive stimulus: an unpleasant outcome

Reinforcement: results in an increase in desired Behavior

Punishment: results in a decrease in desired Behavior

Examples of a response producing outcome? (Positive contingency)

Positive reinforcement: is a response produces an appetitive stimulus.

Positive punishment: response produces an aversive stimulus

examples of response preventing or eliminating outcome? (neg contingency )

Omission training or negative punishment: responses eliminate or prevent the occurrence of an appetitive stimulus.

Negative reinforcement: response eliminate or prevent the occurrence of an aversive stimulus.

What are the fundamental elements of instrumental conditioning?

Instrumental response


contingency between the response and outcome

What are the types of instrumental responses?

Serotype responses: the same response is required to get the outcomes over a number of trials

Variable responses: different responses in each trial are necessary to get the outcome

What is belongingness and the relevance of it?

Certain responses belong with the reinforcer because of the animal's evolutionary history.

What is instinctive drift?

Response And other instinctive behaviors with drift in and interfere with performance of the operant response

What variables determine the effectiveness of positive reinforcement?

Quality and quantity and it can be seen on a progressive ratio schedule.

What is the crispie effect?

Positive contrast: low-to-high (reward ) results in increased instrumental response

Negative contrast: high to low results in a decrease in instrumental response.

What is contiguity?

Time between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus

The researchers that tested behavioral variability and stereotyping and what that their test show?

Paige and neuringer the variable group showed much greater response variability and the control group showed stereotyped responses

What is response reinforcer relation?

Instrumental behavior that is produced is controlled by its consequences

two Parts; temporal relation refers to the time between a response and the reinforcer, special case is temporal contiguity refers to the delivery of a reinforcer immediately after the response

second part; is casual relationship or response reinforcer contingency refers to the extent to which instrumental response is necessary and sufficient to produce reinforcer.

Why is responding so sensitive to delay of reinforcement?

Delay makes it difficult to determine which response is reinforced.

How do you overcome the delay in reinforcement?

1)Provide a secondary reinforcer :a conditioned stimulus that was previously associated with the reinforcer. Primary RF- biological; satisfies a need. 2) provide a marker that Target the instrumental response in some way to make distinguishable from the other activities of an organism;marking procedure (turning on a light) * can block learning if we delay marking procedure closer to outcome.

What was concluded or learned from the response reinforcer relation?

The studies of delayed reinforcement show that a perfect casual relation between the response and outcome is not sufficient to produce strong instrumental responding

led to the conclusion that response reinforcer contiguity rather than contingency to use the critical Factor to produce instrumental learning. However disproved by skinner and showed that conttingency is also important.

What was also learned from the response reinforcer relation?

Contingency is also important

effects of the controllability

A strong contingency, whether the reinforcer occurs depends on whether the instrumental response has occurred.

What is Yoked?

Some aspect of training is linked to another group in the experiment

What is the Learned helplessness effect and how was it tested?

Seilgmann had three groups which included a group that had an inescapable shock and the prior experience to the inescapable shock affected their escape avoidance learning which concluded animals can perceive contingency between their behavior and the reinforcement there's motivational lost in the subject generalized expectations and will continue to be independent of Its Behavior (lack of control)

What challenged the learned helplessness hypothesis?

Learning deficit is not due to lack of control as suggested by the learned helplessness Theory but rather is due to lack of predictability

What do we conclude with continuity and contingency?

Casual relation or contingency ensure that the reinforcer is delivered only the occurance of the specified instrumental response. The contiguity relation ensures that other activities do not intrude between the specified response and the reinforcer to interfere with conditioning the target response.

What is the schedules of reinforcement?

A rule that determines which occurrence of a response is followed by the reinforcer.

What is the simplest schedule of renforcement?

Reinforcement depends only on the number of responses the organism has to perform. Requires Meerly counting the number of responses that have occurred in delivering the reinforcer each time required number is reached more common to have a partial reinforcement procedure if not intermittent reinforcement is used.

What are the four other types of schedules of reinforcement?

Fixed ratio (crs) - subject to reward after a set of responses

Fixed interval: response is reinforced only after a certain time has elapsed

Variable ratio: response is reinforced after a average number of responses

Variable interval: response is reinforced after an average amount of time has elapsed

What are the comparisons of ratio and interval schedules?

Fr and fI have a post reinforcement pause and they produce High rates of responding just before the delivery of the next reinforcer.

Vi & vr maintain steady rates of responding without predictable pauses.

VR produces higher response rates than VI schedules

Ratio schedule produces higher response rates and interval schedules

What is cumulative recording and its signs?

Continuously counts for the responses and animal makes

Horizontal line means no response

Is measure is greater than 0 animals responding

slope is the rate of responding

What are the types of patterns the schedules of reinforcement have?

FR staircase patterns

FI scalloped pattern

VR and VI constant responding because no predictability no reinforcements pauses.

What is limited hold?

Kind of restriction on how long a reinforcer remains available it can be added to either FI or VI schedules.

What did Reynolds find when he compared responses on VI & VR schedule?

1 pigeon was reinforced on a variable ratio schedule the other pigeon on a variable interval ratio schedule the frequency of reinforcement is virtually identical for the two animals

Differences in reinforcement rate do not account for differences in response rate.

What is another possible reason for higher response rates for variable ratio than variable interval?

On a variable ratio schedule a certain number of responses must be made to obtain each reward.

On a variable interval schedule only one response must be made to obtain each reward.

What is inter response time?

Time between each response

So why do ratio schedules produce higher rates of responding than interval schedules?

the inter response time between responses

How do IRT's differ?

The subject is reinforced for a response that occurred shortly after the preceding one than a short IRT is reinforce and short IRT become more likely in the future,.

If the subject is reinforced for a long response that ends a long IRT than a long IRT is reinforced and long IRT's become more likely in the future

ratio schedules favor short IRTs

Interval schedules favor long IRTs

what are response rate schedules?

We can have a procedure that requires that a subject to respond at a particular rate to get reinforced

What are response rate schedules of reinforcement?

DRL - differential reinforcement of low rates of responding , reinforcing long IRT's.

DRH - differential reinforcement of high rates of responding, reinforces short IRT's .

What is a concurrent schedule of reinforcement and what is its purpose?

Concurrent schedules allow for continuous measurement of choice because the organism is free to change back and forth between the response alteratives at any time.

The purpose is to see the distribution of Its Behavior between the two response alternatives.

Animals and people try to maximize the number of reinforcements that they receive what is the exception?

When to FR schedules are used.

What is matching law?

The relative frequency of behavior matches the relative frequency of reinforcement.


B= number of responses

R= rate of reinforcement

What are the problems with matching?

Overmatching higher rate of responding for the better of two schedules than the matching law predicts

usually occurs when it is costly to switch to less preferred response alternative. (Two levers far apart)

Under matching occurs when the subjects respond less than predicted on the advantageous schedule

Relative vs. Absolute reward magnitude

1 pellet vs 3 pellets ( matching law predicts the same)

Response bias individual rights for pigeons may have an unconditioned preference of one choice

Ratio vs interval animals do not match when given concurrent ratio schedule they choose the best one

What are the mechanisms or theories of matching?

Molecular maximizing animals choose whichever response alternative is more likely to be reinforced at that time.

Molar maximizing animals distribute the responses among various alternatives so as to maximize the amount of reinforcement they learned over the long runMelioration animals are continuously attempting to better their current chances of receiving award by switching to the other choice looks at the local rate of reinforcement rather than the overall rate of reinforcement

Melioration animals are continuously attempting to better their current chances of receiving award by switching to the other choice looks at the local rate of reinforcement rather than the overall rate of reinforcement

What are concurrent chain schedules?

Involves two stages choice link and terminal linkThis type of schedule involves Choice with commitment.

This type of schedule involves Choice with commitment.

This type of schedule involves Choice with commitment.

Why do people prefer immediate rather than delayed Rewards?

Value/Delay discounting refers to the concept the value of a reinforcer declines as a function of how long you have to wait to obtain it.

What are the theories for self-control and impulsivity?

Concurrent change schedules have been used to study self control success has been found when value discounting is enforced. (Delayed reinforcement )

What are progressive ratio schedules used for?

To study behavioral economics

reinforcement of successive approximations is a way to ___ Behavior


Operant conditioning is concerned with how our Behavior can be modified by learning about the ___ of our actions


When the exact same response is made over and over again even if there are other responses possible that behavior is said to become..


true or false: positive contrast effect is a decrease in instrumental Behavior due to an increase in the amount of reinforcer that is given


Providing a secondary reinforcer and the use of a marking procedure is used for what?

To overcome a delay in the outcome

According to the Learned helplessness effect contingency refers to how much ____ the animal has over the outcome.


What effect causes motivational loss and the generalized expectancy that the outcome will continue to be independent of the animal's behavior

Learned helplessness

Which two schedules of reinforcement causes the most consistent levels of responding no (post reinforcement pauses)


Which schedule of reinforcement is being used when the animal received reinforcement after a fixed number of responses?


To overcome a delay between when the animal makes a response and when the outcome is delivered to you use..

A secondary reinforcer

T or F:Adding a feedback cue that predicts the termination of a shock will enhance the learned helplessness effect


Schedules of reinforcement are essentially partial reinforcement schedules. T or F


In experimental designs in which members of an experimental group and a control group are paired the control group members recieve the same stimuli, renforcement or punishment as the experimental group members but without the possibility influencing these effects through their own Behavior. The control group is sometimes called a ___ group


Define the schedules of reinforcement.

A scallop pattern of responding is indicative of what schedule of reinforcement


For interval schedules the inter response times are ___ than ratio schedules


T or F: DRL schedules have short IRTs


According to temporal discounting rather than the actual value of the reward we make our decisions based on their ____ value of the reward at the time when we have to make a decision


What is the associative structure of instrumental conditioning?

The way we explain classical conditioning is very cognitive following learning the conditioned stimulus activates mental representation the US which then activates the CR

Similar to instrumental conditioning animals process information with respect to stimuli & to their own behaviors

What are the components of an associative structure?

Stimulus (Sd): Every Instrumental behavior is performed in an environment with specific stimuli (turn key to turn on car)

Response (R)

Outcome (O)

What was determined by the S-R Association?

Thorndikes view - establishment develops between the response and the contextual stimuli that are present when the response was reinforced.

Current view- S-R associations represent habits of Habitual response is an automatic reaction to a stimulus context in which the goal was previously obtained. Devaluation will have no effect on responses.

Ex. People who take drugs even if it is no longer pleasurable explains relapse

What is determined by the S-O Association?

Expectancy of reward

anticipated learning = pavolonian conditioning

Motivates instrumental responding

How does the S-O Association motivate instrumental Behavior?

Two process Theory Pavlovian process and instrumental process

What is the two process Theory say about S-O Association?

S-O activate an emotional state positive outcome in a appetitive stimulus negative outcome is an aversive stimulus

This emotional state (which creates motivation) Summates with the appetitive motivation that is involved in making the instrumental response.

What is the pavlovian instrumental transfer or PIT? what does it signify?

This showed that pavlovian S-O motivates instrumental Behavior. In an experimental design Phase 1(lever press-->food) is constructed of instrumental conditioning

Phase 2 (light--> food) pavlovian conditioning

transfer test (lever press --->food; tone vs no tone) presented pavlovian CS during performance of instrumental response

If pavlovian motivates instrumental Behavior then the rate of lever pressing should increase when the tone CS is presented during the transfer test. This was found.

Results of the transfer test is determined by the expectancies for specific rewards rather than a general positive emotional state

Make an example of a demonstration of S-O.

What is the R-O Association to instrumental conditioning?

Usually it is goal directed ; a response produces outcome an example of this is maze learning and an easy way to show that an animal has developed an R-O situation is to devalue the outcome it should decrease responding for the outcome.

It is most common similar to S-R & easiest to show

Demonstrate an example of R-O.

What are other theories of reinforcement?

Hulls drives reduction- body wants to maintain homeostasis when a need occurs this upsets homeostasis anything that can restore the body back to homeostasis can be a reinforcer

Premack principle- all responses should be thought as reinforcers any response that occurs with a fairly high frequency can be used to reinforce a response that occurs with a relatively lower frequency.

When behavioral preferences change the value of the reinforcer must be evaluated

Response deprivation hypothesis- William Timberlake- the proportional distribution of activities constitutes an equilibrium

post reinforcement pauses are present in which two schedules of reinforcement?


The difference in rate of responding between ratio and interval schedules is a result of differing?

IRT -inter response times

Used in behavioral economics these schedules are used to determine at which price point people will stop purchasing an item.

Progressive ratio

If given a direct Choice an animal will choose the more immediate reward rather than the delayed or even if delayed reward is larger. T or F


Match the terms : S-O, S-R, R-O; Habit, Pavlovian, Goal Directed.

S-O= Pavolonian


R-O=Goal Directed

To test for presence of associations which two S-O, R-O, S-R , use the devaluation procedure?

R-O& S-O

Is the animal has developed an S-R Association devaluation of the outcome should result in a decrease in responding. T or F


Devaluation procedure should show a -- in responding for R-O


PIT is used to demonstrate how S-R motivates instrumental responding. T or F


Which two behavioral regulation theories of reinforcements assumes the body wants to maintain homeostasis /equilibrium


If I enjoyed playing the guitar more than taking a shower then according to Premacks theory of reinforcement what should make the best reinforcer?

Playing guitar

According to the two process theory of instrumental responding the S-O association activates a ___ that some of the goal Directed movement.

Emotional state

S-S theory of how we get conditioned responding suggest that after learning the CS activates a mental representation of the US. T or F


The Habit Association only happens after extended training. T or F


CS processing models differ from us processing models in what way.

Salience of the CS chances

Which phenomenon poses a problem for Rescola & Wagner?

Latent Inhibition

Discrete trial procedures require multiple instrumental responses true or false


Squirting your cat with water for eating the plants is an example of what

Positive punishment

Taking away your cell phone for failing an exam is an example of

Omission training or negative punishment

To leave the building when the fire alarm rings is an example of what

Negative reinforcement

Do we test for stimulus stimulus or stimulus response learning?

Devaluation experiments of the unconditioned stimulus see what happens to the conditioned response

Is stimulus stimulus learning the conditioned response will reduce

If stimulus response learning the conditioned response will remain the same

Give an example of unconditioned stimulus processing model

Riscorla and Wagner

Set up for Conditioned Inhibition

Inhibition A+/AB-