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41 Cards in this Set

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Epi dermis
o outermost layer (not scales); epithelial cells; no direct blood supply; derived from ectoderm; glands
• Sub-divided/ two layers
o Stratum Germinativum deepest layer of epidermis; produces higher layers of epidermis
o 2nd layer is highly variable between vertebrates
• Dermis
o Largely composed of connective tissue; contains blood supply, nerves
o Layer of fat found beneath the dermis; thicker in mammals and birds; highly variable among groups
Agnathansm Integument
• Relatively thick integument
• Numerous glands (protection against predators/microbes)
o Club glands slime of fibrous protein
o Granular glands unknown function (7)
o No elastic fibers in dermis
o No keratin is produced
Cartilaginous Fish Integument
• Denticles scales made of bone formed in the dermis; each with blood supply; similar in construction to vertebrate teeth
• Integument is thin and glandular (little if any keratin production)
Bony Fish Integument
• Scales composed of dermal bone; thin layer of dermal and epidermal tissue covers scales.
• Scales are not shed; ever-growing (may allow determination of age)
• Skin is permeable and functions in gas exchange (particularly in smaller fish)
• Mucus glands protect against infection; reduces friction
• Poison glands (alkaloid) usually associated with fin spins
Amphibians Integument
• Extinct species covered in scales of dermal bone
• Extent species have no scales
• Thin skin
• Mucus production prevents desiccation (facilitates gas exchange)
• Large amounts of keratin produced
• Pigments cells (digestion/heat exchange)Digestive enzymes are more efficient at higher temperatures (some fish have similar capabilities)
• Poison glands (most are simply distasteful chemicals/ others are deadly)
Reptile Integument
• Thick skin
• Lack glands
• Keratinized scales and scutes
• Lacks elasticity must shed to accommodate growth
Bird integument
• Thin, soft skin (little keratin produced in integument)
• Lack glands (except preen gland in tip of tail)
• Keratinized feathers
• Extensive layers of smooth muscle within dermis for control of feather position controls flight and thermoregulation
Mammal integument
• Hair (modified scales)
• Thick skin
• Cornified epidermis (keratin) prevents desiccation
• Sudoriferous glands (sweat glands)
o Eccrine glands open onto skin surface (not associated with hair follicles)
o Apocrine glandsopen into hair follicles of groin/anus/armpits develop during sexual maturity/sexual attractant (only release sweat during times of excitement or stress)
• Mammary glands
• Sebaceous glands secrete sebum/lubricates hair/waterproofs skin/encourages growth of bacteria/associated with all hair follicles
• Originally believed to have arisen from walls of the digestive tract (visceral cranium)
• Arises from neural crest cells
• Embryologically, it begins as branchial basket, composed of fibrous connective tissue. Never bone or cartilage
• Supports the gills and/or offers attachment sites for respiratory muscles (referred to as branchial arches, or gill arches)
• Elements of Spanchnocranium also contribute to formation of jaws (gill arches can also be involved in this)
• 1st functional arch of jawmandibular arch, composed of Platoquadrate and meckel’s cartilage
• hyoid arch composed of hyomandibula
• Branchial arches vary with species, roman numerals
• Composed of neural crest cells and mesenchyme of mesodermal origin
• Produces elongate cartilages adjacent to notochord
o Trabeculae anterior pair of cartilages
o Parachordals posterior pair of cartilages
o Polar cartilages may lie between parachordals in some vertebrates
o Occipital cartilages form behind parachordals
• Produces sensory capsules associated with: (figure in book)
o Nose- nasal capsule
o Ears- otic capsule
o Eyes- optic capsule
• Dermal bone produced by dermis and sinks inward during embryological development
• Become associated or fused with elements of spanchnocranium and chondrocranium
• Contribute to formation of pectoral girdle
• Dermal elements in fish and amphibians have been lost or fused during evolution so that skulls in these groups have become more simplified
• All other groups the dermatocranium forms braincase and lower jaw
• Facial series snout: maxilla, premaxilla, nasals
• Orbital series encircles the eye: lacrimal, prefrontal, postfrontal, postorbital, jugal
• Temporal series behind orbit, produces openings called fenestrae (jaw muscles): intertemporal, supratemporal, squamosal, and quadratojugal
• Palatal series roof of mouth: pterygoid, vomer, palatine, ectopterygoid. Any of these may include teeth
• Vault series roofing bones: frontal, postparietal, parietal
• Mandibular series Meckel’s cartilage is usually encased in dermal bones. Mandibles meet in the midline at the mandibular symphysis
Jawless vertebrates
• Chondrocranium
• Cartilaginous throughout life (poorly known in extinct forms)
• All arches are branchial in function
• Number is variable
• Dermal head skeleton is highly variable armored shields/bony scales/none
Cartiaginous fish
• Chondrocranium not protected by bony plates (unusually solid with side walls and roof)
• Jaw suspension is:
o Amphistylic mandibular arch slightly supported by hyomandibula
o Hyostylic mandibular arch supported entirely by hyomandibula
o Autostylic fused to chondrocranium
• 6-8 post-mandibular arches
Bony Fish
• Skulls extremely varied and complex (diet, body shape, habits)
• Chondrocranium well ossified
• Mandibular arch regressed (dermal bone form teeth and jaws)
• Quadrate bone forms upper part of jaw hinge (all vertebrate groups)
• Hyostilic or amphistylic jaw support
• Operculum bony cover of gills unique to bony fish
• Hyomandibula new function/ sound transmission/ stapes
o Hidden below gum line blood supply and nerves and attached to jaw
o Contains blood vessels and nerves
o Roots are held in socket by non-vascular bone (cement)
o Protrudes above jaw line
o Exposed surface of tooth
o Hard outer covering of tooth
o Bony material, surrounds pulp cavity, hard but not as hard as enamel
Parts of a tooth
Types of tooth attachment
Collagenous fibers (sharpey's)
Collagenous fibers
attach dentine to dermis in cartilaginous fishes such as sharks (not attached to jaw) teeth are continually replaced
each tooth touches bone with outer surface of root but not completely surrounded by bone (may be attached with collagenous fibers or cement)
little or no root, attach to crest of jawbone
teeth with well developed roots held in sockets by cement
Types of tooth replacement
teeth continuously replaced/ most vertebrates
2 generations of teeth
Types of teeth arrangement (dentition)
teeth are relatively the same size and glade-like shape
teeth specialized for chewing (only mammals) incisors/ canines/ premolars/ molars
 Dentition in mammals indicates their diet
Fish endoskeleton
• Cartilaginous and/or ossified skeleton
• Primarily for protection (not support against gravity)
• Lack sternum
• If ossified, bone is present.It is usually less dense than in tetrapods
• Skull is extremely complex
Amphibian endoskeleton
• Skull is smaller and flattened compared to fishes; fewer bones (reduced weight)
• Jaw modifications allow for crushing pressure of mouth
• 1 cervical vertebrae and 1 sacral vertebrae
• Sternum is poorly developed (may be absent in most anurans)
• Ribs poorly developed
• Pelvic girdle ilium, ischium, pubis
• Legs are set wide from the body
• Limbs may have evolved from lobe finned fish
• Caudal vertebrae (tail) absent in most anurans
Reptile endoskeleton
• Similar to amphibian skeleton
• Highly ossified bones
• Skull is longer than amphibians (improves respiration with the lungs)
• Secondary palate completely separates oral and nasal cavities (fish and amphibians do not have a secondary palate)
• More cervical vertebrae (at least 2) more in some reptiles
• More sacral vertebrae (at least 2) more in some
• Carapace formed mainly from fused vertebrae and expanded ribs (dermal bone also)
• Plastron formed from pelvic girdle and dermal bone
squamata Serpentes endoskeleton
o Increased number of vertebrae and ribs (200)
o Sternum absent (ribs connect to belly scales for locomotion)
o Joints between vertebrae are very flexible
o Upper jaw moveable on skull/ lower jaw is loosely connected in center (can separate)
Sauria endoskeleton
o Caudal vertebrae in some lizards may have vertical fracture plane (depending on species)
o When tail regenerates, it is always shorter
Aves endoskeleton
• Most modifications of skeleton are due to flight
• Reduced number of skull bones (no teeth)
• Bones are hollow (light weight)
• Cervical vertebrae modified for free range of movement (allow head to be used as an additional limb)
• Uncinate processes projections of ribs that overlap subsequent ribs (forces ribcage to act as a single unit)/ provides greater strength in ribcage (also found in reptiles)
• Furcula large clavicles for attachment of flight muscles (wishbone)
• Sternum highly developed and enlarged (flight muscles) (keel)
• Pygostyle last caudal vertebrae (bladelike) (tail feather attachment and involved in flight)
• Carpals and metacarpals of forelimbs fused (carpometacarpus) (reduces weight and feather attachment)
• Tarsometatarsus fusion of tarsals and metatarsals (reduces weight)
Mammal endoskeleton
• Greater support against gravity
• Increased speed
• Legs underneath body
• Specialized teeth
• Highly developed sternum
• Highly variable number of caudal vertebrae