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20 Cards in this Set

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Hall of the Bulls:

* Dates back to the Paleolithic period

* Discovered in the 19th century

* In cave called Lascaux

Woman of Willendorf:

* Small figure

* Sculpted

* Fertility symbol

Human Head Plastered Skull:

* Comes from Neolithic Period

* Considered a spirit trap

* From Catalhuyuk


* In Salisburg, England

* Considered solar calendar up to a couple years ago

* It is a Cromlech

Female Warka Head:

* From Mesopotemia

* Detail was made by gauging and or sizing

* One of the pieces looted in Baghdad

Tell Asmar Abu Statues:

* Mixture of male and female figures

* Found in the white temple on top of a Zigurat

* Eyes are painted wide open to receive messages and to protect the soul

Reconstructed Lyre with In Laid Panel:

* Large musical instrument

* Lines going horizontal separating the images, called registers

* Animal upright is called Zoomhorphsm

Stele of Naram Sin:

* Designer layout of soldiers going up top is called the bent axis approach

* Stone monument for his victories

* Example of Hierarchial Proportioning

Gate Guardians of Zargon:

* Winged Guardians (Animals) of Lamassu

* Very Large

* Meant to intimidate and frighten away enemies

* Example of a hybrid

Ishtar Gate:

* Entrance to Babylon (Baghdad)

* Currently in Berlin, Germany

* Has glazed bricks featuring hybrid animals

Stele of Hammurabi:

* Very large stele

* Has property laws, a total of 288

* Unified the area

* Set the standards for laws

* Created a set of laws for everyone

The Audience Hall of Darius and Xerxes:

* Very large palace and library

* Has a bent axis approach

* Capital is missing on all of them, it was in the shape of a bull

Palette of Naymer:

* Egyptian

* Eye makeup holder

* Naymer is the largest because he is the most important

* Example of hierarchal proportioning

Step Pyramid of King Dosser:

* Made from mud and brick construction

* Came from Old Kingdom of Egypt

* Designed by Imhotep

Khafre(a) (Egyptian) or Chefren (Greek):

* His face was the image used for most Pharaonic

* Stiff, formal, and seated is a formal presentation because of his level of importance

Menkarure and Queen:

* From the Old Kingdom of Egypt

* Positioning of the feet is to simulate movement

Rock ______________ of Hatshepsut:

* Goes 500 ft into the mountain

* This type of burial was developed in the Middle Kingdom

Collasai of Ramses II:

* Huge image of Ramses II

* Abu Simbel

* High Relief Sculpture

Imhotep or Akatnaton:

* He and wife changed belief from polytheism to monotheism

* His wife was Nefertiti


* It is a mask

* He was known for his treasure not for the things that he did