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94 Cards in this Set

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1.How do we know when the Brethren are moved up by the Holy Ghost?
the Holy Ghost bears witness to us as well
1.Who received the apostleship along with Joseph Smith the first time it was given?
Oliver Cawldery
2.What offices did the primitive Church have?
apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists
3.What gifts do we believe in?
tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues
4.What is different about the Bible from the Book of Mormon?
The Book of Mormon is translated correctly
5.What was Oliver doing in Palmyra (the Smith house) in 1928?
He was boarding there as a sub teacher
6.Which mortal first knew that Oliver would be Joseph’s scribe?
7.Why was Oliver Cowdery an answer to Joseph’s prayer?
Joseph had petitioned the Lord because a scribe was imparitive to finish translating-Martin had lost the 115 and jeprodized the scribe thing.
8.According to Oliver Cowdery, what prompted him and Joseph to enquire of the Lord concerning baptism?
Translating 3rd nephi
9.How did Oliver Cowdery know that John the Baptist’s visit was not just a vision, but a physical presence?
"I felt the hand and heard his voice"
10.After Joseph and Oliver were baptized, who was the next person to be baptized?
Samuel H. smith
what month and year does Br. Porter believer the Melchizedek priesthood was most likely restored?
June 1829
12.Where did the restoration of the Melchizedek priesthood take place?
13.Who received the apostleship along with Joseph Smith the first time it was given?
Cowdery and whitmer
When and where was the first version of what later became the Articles of Faith first published
1842 times and seasons
2.Who was John Wentworth and what did he have to do with the Pearl of Great Price?
Joseph Smith's Wentworth letter statement was published in the Times and Seasons 1 March 1842 and incorporated into the History of the Church. It is not known if John Wentworth ever published the entire letter in the Chicago Democrat (no extant copies contain even part of the letter).
Why do we not know if the “Wentworth Letter” was ever published in the Chicago Democrat?
there are no existing copies
5.Why were “Articles of Faith” presented for acceptance more than once?
Because there were various changes to help clarify the meanings
6.When were the Articles of Faith first canonized?
7.When was the last time the Articles of Faith were edited or changed?
8.For which audience do the Articles of Faith seem to have been written?
non members
9.The Articles of Faith seem not to have been intended to be all-inclusive, but rather, what seems to have been their purpose?
To clarify what we believe
10.Who clearly stands out as being fully responsible for our “Articles of Faith?
Joseph Smith
11.What sources might Joseph Smith have used, or at least had access to, in preparing the Articles of Faith?
The gospel library of Emma's father/brother-methodist
1.What were the two questions that elicited the original reception of Matthew 24?
when will Christ come?
When will Jerusalem be destroyed?
2.Why can we be certain that people are wrong when they say that Christ has appeared in the desert or secret place?
he will be everywhere at once
4.Why is the world confused about understanding Matthew 24?
T he reason for the confusion is th at the
prophecy contains in formation bot h o n th e fall o f J erusalem and on the
Second Coming of the Messiah; yet it is so constructed that, as one
scholar has noted, " it is impossi ble to sort out which verses refer to
which event."
5.What seems to have been the stimulus for Joseph Smith to have received Joseph Smith–Matthew?
to clarify the ideas of when the savior will come and when Jerusalem will be destroyed.
6.Other than adding more material, according to Br. Draper, more especially, what is the great contribution of JS-M?
He reordered some verses-giving new sequence to the prophecy
7.Why were the Former-day Saints and the Latter-day Saints warned at all about the calamities to come?
They will come right before the Savior
8.What is the proof that the prophecies concerning the 2nd Coming found in JS–M will come to pass?
the prophecies for the last days happened, so so will the ones for these days
9.How did the Christians know to escape the suffering caused by the Roman siege of Jerusalem?
The Savior told them to flee
10.What three events that happened in the first century in the days of the first apostles will be repeated in these latter days?
either wars and rumors of wars or the gathering of Isreal
11.What three earth-shaking events are to take place before the 2nd Coming that have never before occurred?
there would be cosmic disturbance
The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her
light, and the stars shall falI from heaven, and th e powers of heaven
12.How can those living in the last days prepare personally for the 2nd Coming?
never growlllg weary ~f
, o ntinued righteousness
13.What do the five accounts of the Matthew 24 discourse suggest?
The Savior was alone
14.According to Br. Draper, what does “translate” mean with regard to JS–Mathew and to Article of Faith 8?
convey the message of the original writer in a way that cannot be misunderstood
1.What was Joseph doing when he met his future wife?
Boarding with the Hales
2.Who provided Joseph Smith with $50 to help him get to Pennsylvania?
Martin Harris
3.Who was Joseph Smith’s first scribe?
Oliver Cowdery
4.Who conferred the Aaronic Priesthood on Joseph and Oliver?
John the Baptist
5.Why did God call a 14 year old boy to begin the Restoration?
2. Teachable
3. Religious
4. Unschooled
5. Backwater country
6.With one or two possible exceptions, what is different about this dispensation from all the ones that came before?
the truth, the gospel, the priesthood, and the true
Church of Jesus Christ will remain intact until the Second Coming of
the Savior
7.On what basis does the Light of Christ give light and truth to God’s children?
1.) Agency
2.) Our capacity to recieve light and truth
3.) The amount of light with which we are blessed
8.According to Br. Dahl, what does the phrase “they are all wrong” in the First Vision account mean, AND what does it not mean?
not necessarily that they are completely wrong-they have some truths, but not all.
9.According to President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., the Church would cease to be the Church if it did not have which two beliefs?
Fir~t: That Jesus Christ is the Son of God
That the Father and the Son actually and in truth and
very deed appeared to the Prophet Joseph in a vision in the
10.Besides doctrine what else do we learn from the First Vision?
correct procdure
14.What are the six theological significances of the First Vision?
The character of God.
2. The restoration needed a new bottle; needed an uncontaminated prophet.
3. The End of the Apostasy and the Beginning of the Restoration/Gathering.
4. The reality of Satan.
5. No church at that time was acceptable.
6. Correct procedure:
1.Why did Joseph Smith write the 1838 account of the 1st Vision?
to set the record straight
2.Where was Joseph living during the "unusual excitement on the subject of religion?
3.How old was Joseph Smith when he had the first vision?
4.What Church was Joseph inclined to join?
5.Before his first vision, what had Joseph Smith not previously done?
prayed out loud
6.What was the minister's reaction to Joseph's account of the First Vision?
he said it was of the devil and that there are no such things as visions
7.What two conclusions did Joseph Smith draw from the 1st Vision?
he shouldnt join any church and he had a testimony of James
8.How long after the First Vision did Joseph receive the visit of Moroni?
3 years
9.Which books of the Bible did Moroni quote from?
malachi, isaiah, joel
10.How many times did Moroni appear to Joseph in that first 24 hour period?
11.What did Joseph see in the stone box on the Hill Cumorah?
urim and thummin, breastplate, two stones, plates
12.What did Solomon Chamberlain ask when he entered the Smith home?
if they believed in visions
13.What does Chamberlain’s and Hyrum Smith’s mutual understanding of the word “visionary” imply?
people believed in visions
14.What began to slow and eventually quash belief in visions and miracles for most people?
they got labeled as superstitions
15.Rather than social themes, what religious themes dominated the visions in the accounts of the visionaries?
warnings of judgements
16.Even before Joseph Smith’s 1st Vision, why were the Smith’s inclined to believe in visions and revelations?
his father had had visions
17.What false idea do Stearns’ and Chamberlain’s visions dispell?
revelations were unknown until the first vision opened the heavens in 1820
18.Though both Norris Stearns and Joseph Smith both claimed to be prophets, what two very different results of their respective visions came to be?
they did not propose doctrine
they did not proclaim commandment
19.What was the most important difference between how the visionaries and Joseph Smith treated their respective visions?
Joseph didn't go tell everyone and publish it. he started a church
20.When was the Joseph Smith–History first canonized?
21.Why are the accounts of the 1st Vision different?
because each was given to a different audience, different perspective, different purpose
22.What version of the 1st Vision is the most comprehensive?
23.Why might Joseph Smith have not wanted to identify the Father and the Son in the 1835 and 1842 accounts?
the prophet didn't want to increase critism
1.How do we know that Latter-day Saint scriptures do not contain all that God wants to give us?
"All that God has yet to reveal"
2.What do we believe with regard to the Ten Tribes?
they will be restored
3.What do we believe about people who worship differently than Latter-day Saint forms of worship?
They have every right to worship how they please
4.How should Latter-day Saint Canadians feel about having a woman, a queen, as their head of state?
they should be glad and follow what she says
5.What does the 13th Article of Faith say about continuing your education after you have graduated from BYU?
continue to seek after those things which are virtuous, lovely, praiseworthy, and of good report
6.Why do some see the 1st Article of Faith as evidence that Latter-day Saints are not Christian?
we don't believe in the Trinity
7.With regard to creeds, why does the Presbyterian position paper indicate that Latter-day-Saints are not Christian?
we do not believe in the Creeds that other faiths believe in
8.With regard to the Godhead, why does the Presbyterian position paper indicate that Latter-day-Saints are not Christian?
We do not believe in the Trinity
9.Why do most Latter-day Saints think that they are Christian?
they believe in Christ
10.What three features of the Presbyterian position paper on Latter-day Saints stand out as especially noteworthy?
We don't believe in creeds, the Godhead, and we have other cannonized scripture
11.Based on the article “Are Mormons Christian,” how would you answer the question of whether or not Latter-day Saints are Christian?
yes...maybe not the way the rest of the world sees us
Who had been given a special endowment to declare the mind and will of God to His people, subject to the President of the Church?
general authorities
3.Who has the right to interpret scripture and change doctrine for the Church?
4.What has the President of the Church done only on rare occasion
speak on which there is no official standpoint
5.What false standard has been used by some in determining whether a message may be taken as a revelation?
unless a prophet of the Lord states, "Thus saith the Lord"
6.What is the central, saving doctrine all about?
Jesus is the Christ and through his grace we are all saved
7.Name two ways we can keep the doctrine pure when teaching.
teach directly from the scriptures
present the doctrine in the same way as the Prophets
8.Even though we sustain our prophets and apostles with all our hearts, what do we not believe in?
that they are perfect and won't ever make a mistake
9.How can we feel confident that something is or is not part of the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ?
, Is it found ~ithin the four standard works?
Within official declarations or proclamations? Is it discussed in general conterence or other official gatherings by general Church leaders
today? Is it found in the general handbooks or approved curriculum of
the Church today?
10.Elder Oaks has faith in the commandments, but what does he not have faith in?
there reasons
11.Why might a true doctrine or teaching be irrelevant?
12.According to Elder Oaks, what must we do to retain a testimony and to be of service in the Kingdom?
13.Why is it not important to know why the Lord told us not to drink coffee and why might the reason be irrelevant?