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71 Cards in this Set

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Age of Acasta Gneiss
Between 3.96 and 4.03
Big Bang moment occurred
13.73 billion years +/- 0.12 billion years
The Big Bang formed these elements w/in the first few seconds
Lots of:
With trace...
Oldest minerals (other than those brought by meteorites)
Age of zircons in Australia (through U-Pb dating)
~ 4.4 billion years
Most abundant element in the solar system
Hydrogen (H)
How many galaxies in the universe?
~ 200-400 billion
Spectral type of sun
G2 yellow dwarf star
Who is credited with the original proposal of the "Big Bang" model?
Georges LeMaitre
We see the Universe to be expanding from every interior point and in all directions. When we reverse this expansion by mathematical-physical modelling, we find that
Time and space of our Universe seem to have originated 13.7 billion years ago
Which radiogenic dating method determined the age of the oldest of the Jack Hills detrital zircons?
Uranium-Lead sequence using 238U → 206Pb, 235U → 207Pb concordia methods.
Earliest era on the geological clock (precedes earliest rock record). Rock record goes back ~ 4.28 billion years
The "Phanerozoic Eon" (fossil record of animals) preceded by "Precambrian Time" (no hard shell fossils). What is the first period of the Phanerozoic?
What process generates the heat and light of the sun?
H --> He fusion process
If we were to start with N radiogenic nuclei of a given half life, how many would we expect to have after a period of 3 half lives?
Age of Porpoise Cove rocks
4.28 billion years
Within ONE SECOND of the BB, what happened?
leptons and quarks condensed from the pure energy field produced in the explosion
What is Baryonic Matter?
The ordinary matter of the universe (quarks, protons, neutrons, leptons)
Why is the Tagish Lake meteorite noteworthy?
It is composed of the very most primitive materials from the condensing solar nebula
Age of the oldest meteorites?
4.567 billion years
How much Samarium left?
When did the universe become transparent?
About 380,000 years after the Big Bang
In about 6 to 7 billion years, our sun will have completed its H-->He burning stage and will begin to burn the He into C. What class now?
A red giant
The substantial quantities of iron listed BEYOND IRON were produced by what process?
the r-process during a Type II supernoval explosion.
Composition of the Sun by atomic count
92% H and 7% He and a little more than 1% heavier elements
Hertzsprung-Russell "main sequence" is a star...
that is presently in its H-->He fusion stage.
Absolute magnitude of the Sun
Apparent magnitude of the Sun
Proxima Centauri is closest to sun, but we can't see it. Why?
It is a very small, dim red dwarf star with an apparent mag. of only 11.5
What type of star did Henriette Leavitt and Edwin Hubble discover that proved that Andromeda was actually a galaxy at a great distance?
The Cepheid Variable
Number of stars in Andromeda Galaxy
200-400 billion
Brightest star (absolute mag.)
Brightest star (apparent magnitude)
Hubble constant/slope
70.8 +/- 1.6
What type of star is proxima centauri
Red dwarf
What property of Cepheid variables allow astronomers to determine a distance to these galaxies?
The period of variation in brightness is very closely related to the absolute magnitude of these stars.
Each step of +1 unit in the apparent magnitude scale represents a change in apparent brightness of the star. What is the factor of that change?
A step of +1 in magnitude represents an apparent dimming by a factor of 2.5. That is, for each step of +1 the perceived brightness of a star is diminished to 40%.
Bolometric magnitude
Measures the total brightness across all wavelengths of light emitted by stars
Densest Planet
Age of Faux-Amphibolites
4.28 billion years
When did sun start nuclear fusion?
4.6 B.A.
Most abundant element on Earth
Heat capacity of rock compared to water
Mercury Spin-Orbit coupling ratio
planets with no moons
mercury and venus
Radius of Earth
6371 km
Circumference of Earth
40,000 km
Kuiper Belt
A thick and extended band of icy bodies beyond the distance of Pluto which might, itself, well be regarded as the innermost body of the belt.
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon is in what phase?
New moon
3 Most common elements in Earth's atmosphere
Most eccentric orbit
Least eccentric orbit
% of required geodynamo power comes from...
Deposition of iron onto the inner core
Diameter of inner core
1250 km
Which is heavier - Neptune/Uranus?
Order of seismic waves
Love waves
Raleigh waves
Least distance we have measured a star's position with parallax
to Proxima Centauri - 1.29 Pc
Rigel Kentaurus scale of parallax half angle
.80 degrees
Parallax distance limit
~300 pC, 1000 ly
Moment of inertia of hollow planet
I = 0.66
Iron on mercury - %
Oldest age of ocean basin rocks
200 million years
Cascadia subduction zone type
oceanic-continental conv.
Tonga trench
Aleutian arc
Raleigh Number
R is the ratio of the forces of BUOYANCY to the forces of VISCOUS RESISTANCE TO FLOW
Indian plate encroaches on other plate how much per year?
4 cm/year
Last reversal of magnetic poles
730,000 years ago
Important parts of Titan's atmosphere
Nitrogen, Methane
Most important gas in Triton's atmosphere
Mid-Atlantic ridge diverges more rapidly in N or S Atlantic?