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36 Cards in this Set

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Name the molecule that contains the chemical instructions for the cells to manufacture various proteins.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Where are DNA molecules stored?
DNA are stored in 46 chromosomes.
How many PAIRS of chromosomes are there?
23 pairs
What is a gene and about how many does a human have?
A gene is a section of a chromosome (or DNA Molecule) which the basic unit for the transmission is heredity. There are about 20,000 in all for a human.
What exactly is a protein?
A protein is composed of a sequence of chemical and a long string of amino acids.
So tell me, what are the base pairs?
A (adenine) -> T (Thiamine)
C(Cytosine) -> G (Guanine)

Remember : All Tigers Can Growl (Childish I know!)
How many base pairs do humans have and how are they arranged?
Humans have more than 3 billion base pairs, which are arranged in groups of 3 on the 20,000 genes.
Name a variation in which any of the possible forms of a gene for a particular trait can occur.
What is a genome and what does it contain?
A genome is the full set of genes that are the instructions to make an individual member of a certain species. It contains about 20,000 genes on 46 chromosomes using 3 billion base pairs.
What is a gamete and how many chromosomes does it contain?
A gamete is a reproductive cell; that is a sperm or ovum that can produce a new individual if it combines with a gamete from the other sex. It contains 23 Chromosomes (NOT 23 pairs!!)
If a sperm encounters an ovum and penetrates its outer shell, the nuclei of the two cells may form a new living cell called a....
What is a genotype?
an organism's entire genetic inheritance or genetic potential.
Male or Female: Is the following 23rd pair of sex-chromosomes male or female?

Male. A 23rd chromosome pair that consists of an X-shaped chromosome from the mother and a Y-shaped chromosome from the father.
Which pair is the chromosome pair that, in humans, determines the zygote's sex? Also, what is the natural sex ratio at birth?
The 23rd pair. 50/50 chance of the zygote being male or female.
Male or Female: Is the following 23rd pair of sex-chromosomes male or female?

Female. A 23rd chromosome pair that consists of two X-shaped chromosomes, one from the mother and the other from the father.
Zygotes are genetically unique right? Alright then, about one in how many human conceptions does the zygote split?
1 in 250 human conceptions does the zygote split apart completely before differentiation, creating 1-8 separate zygotes, each identical to that first single cell.
Monozygotic or Dizygotic: Twins who originate from one zygote that splits apart very in development.
Monozygotic Twins! Also called identical twins.
When naturally conceived, about 2/3 of twins are ________ ______, also called fraternal twins.
Dizygotic Twins! Twins who are formed when two separate ova are fertilized by two separate sperm at roughly the same time.
2%-30% of all couples are unable to reproduce when they wish, they are troubles by....
Infertility. The inability to conceive after at least a year of trying to do so via sexual intercourse.
So tell me, what are some causes infertility?
Drug use, sexually transmitted infections and those who live in medically underdeveloped nations.
What is In Vitro Fertilization?
In this process, ova are surgically removed from a woman and blended* with sperm.

*No, they don't use blenders, they use fancy technology.
What's a phenotype?
A phenotype is the observable characteristics of a person, including appearance, personality, intelligence and all other traits.
The interaction of a pair of alleles in such a way that the phenotype reveals the influence of one allele (dominant) more than that of the other (recessive) is called....
Dominant-recessive pattern.
What is a carrier? Or should I ask, "who?"
A person whose genotype includes a gene that is not expressed in the phenotype. The recessive gene is carried on the genotype but does affect the phenotype.
What's an X-linked gene?
A gene carried on the X chromosome. If a boy inherits an X-linked recessive trait from his mother, he expresses that trait because the Y from his father has no counteracting gene. Girls are most likely to be carriers of X-linked traits, but won't express them.
Name FOUR generalities that were surprising when first reported and that develop-mentalists accept today.
1. Genes affect every aspect of behavior.

2.Most invironmentla influences on children raised in the same home are NOT shared.

3.Each child's genes elicit responses that shape development.

4. Throughout life, in a process called niche-picking, people choose friends and environments that are compatible with their genes.
What is the most common extra-chromosome condition that may alter the fetus to survive?
Down Syndrome, also called trisomy-21. It is called that because a person with this condition has three copies of chromosome 21.
What are some characteristics of Down Syndrome?
A thick tongue, roud face, slanted eyes, heart problems, muscle weakness and short stature. They are usually slower to develop intellectually. They are also sweet-tempered and less likey to cry or complain.
Someone with X-Linked genes can have the following issues:
Color blindness
Many allergies
Several diseases
What are some abnormalities of the 23rd Pair (characteristics)?
Odd number of sex chromosome
Impairs cognitive, psychosocial and sexual development.
What are sex-linked abnormalities (names)?
1. Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY)
2.Fragile X Syndrome
3.Turner Syndrome (XO)
4. XXY Syndrome
Name characteristics of Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) and Turner Syndrome (XO).
XXY - Males undeveloped testis.
- Enlarged Breasts
- Become tall

XO - Females are missing an X Chromosome or partially deleted. Short in stature, webbed neck, infertile and may have difficulty in math.
What is Fragile X Syndrome?
A genetic disorder which part of the X chromosome seems to be attached to the rest of it by a very thin string of molecules.
What is genetic counseling?
Genetic Counseling is consultation and testing by trained experts that enable individuals to learn about their genetic heritage, including harmful conditions that they might pass along to any children they may conceive.
Preconception, prenatal, or even prenuptial counseling are recommended for the following people:
-Individuals who have a relative with a serious genetic condition.
-Couples who have had several spontaneous abortions.
-Couples who are related to each other.
-Women over the age of 35 and men over age 40.
So tell me, what is Sickle-cell anemia? Can you give me a description? How about prognosis? Can it be inherited? Who can get it? Can it be detected?
Sickle-cell anemia is when there are crescent shaped cells in the blood stream. Sometimes painful, heart and kidney failure and can be treated with drugs. Recessive. 1 in 11 African Americans and 1 in 20 Latinos are carriers. It can be detected.