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15 Cards in this Set

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the brain and spinal cord are protect by three connective tissue membranes known as this
dura mater
a double layered membrane, one layer periosteal layer is attached to the skull, forming the periosteum. The other forms the meningeal layer, the outermost brain cover and is continuous with the dura mater of the spinal cord.
falx cerebri
an extension of the dural layers that extends into the longitudinal fissure between the cerebral hemispheres to attache to the crista galli of the the ethmoid boneof the skull
superior saggittal sinus
collects blood draining from the brain tissue, formed by the falx celebri
falx cerebelli
seperating the two cerebellar hemispheres
tentorium cerebelli
seperating the cerebrum from the cerebellum below
arachnoid mater
this membrane underlies the dura mater
subdural space
cavity between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater
subarachnoid space
threadlike projections that bridge the arachnoid space to the innermost meninx pia mater
pia mater
innermost membrane, highly vascular and clings to the brain
arachnoid villi
specialized projections of the arachnoid tissue which potrude into the dura mater therefore allowing cerebrospinal fluid to drain back into the venous circulation via the superior sagittal sinus and other sinuses
inflammation of the meninges
inflammation of the brain
cerebrospinal fluid does not drain therfore leading accumulation of fluid on the brain
cerebrospinal fluid
this is formed in the choroid plexus, this forms a cushion cushion the protects the brain tissue against blows to the head