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25 Cards in this Set

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Post Lingually Deaf
Any individual who has a previous acquisition of spoken language
Relating to the tongue/language
Sounds of "ringing" in the head
Conductive Loss
Occuring in the outer and middle ear. It is correctible (b/n/n 100%)viar surgery of the ear canal and replacement part for the eardrum.
10% of children in Deaf Schools have conductive loss.
Never exceeds 60 decibels (moderate loss)

physics: Concucting energy; thansmitting or able to transmit energy - electricity

biology: Tranmitting nerve impulse - used to describe a physiological disturbance to pass thru it.
Malinger Person
One who feigns to be deaf
A case of Mixed Loss occurs when what two conditions exist?
Conductive Loss and SensoriNueral Damage
lack of language abilities: the partial or total inability to produce and understand speech as a result of brain damage caused by injury or disease

[Mid-19th century. From Greek, from aphatos “speechless,” from phanai “to speak.”]
loss of recognition ability: the total or partial loss of the ability to recognize familiar people or objects, usually caused by brain damage

[Early 20th century. From Greek, literally “lack of knowledge,” from gnôsis (see gnosis).]
Central Deafness...

Name to conditions associated with Central Deafness.
Affects the brain

1. Aphasia: lack of language abilities; inability to produce and understand speech.

2. Agnosia: Loss of recognition of familiar people and objects
Originating in mental or emotional rather than in physiological processes.

psycho - mind
genic - produced by a gene
Damage of the cochlea, auditory nerve, or sometimes the brain.

Not correctible; however, Cochlear Implant Technology provides an alternative solution.

90% of student in Deaf Schools have sensorineural loss

0 decibels - 120 decibel loss::: must evaluate carefully for diagnosis
Pre-Lingually Deaf
Hearing loss established before a child has learned a spoken language.

Up to 2 years of age

Able to obtain a TTY for free provided proof of certification.
Hardening and Solidifying of the middle ear bones.

Solution is to break the ear and insert a metal part replacement.

oto- ear
sclerosis - hardening of body tissue

Herpes type affects pregnant moms.
School children actively shedding
Born with; existing at birth

Mothers in their 1st trimester who have been exposes to German measles are at risk.
Profoundly Deaf is a label used when this area of the ear is damaged
The Inner Ear
Old Age Deafness

More people have this than people with any other type of deafness.
What is the psychological impact of Presbycusis
Lose sense of belonging

A cochlear implant may be helpful in this situation
What type of diseases could result in sensorineural damage?
German Measles
What are the educational implications for individuals who have sensorineural damage?
Educational issues are immense because there is NO ACCESS to language UNLESS visual language is provided to those identifies as severe or profoundly deaf.

(71 decibel loss, 91+ decibel loss respectively)
What causes sensorineural damage? (8)
Genetics (bigest percentage)
Spinal Menningitis
Super Loud Noise w/n Environment
CMV (cytomegolovirous herpes)
Congenital (Rhubella, German Measles)
Rh Factor (blood incompatibility between mom and baby)
Drug Use During Pregnancy
What can cause Conductive Loss? (9)
Missing Ossicles
Otitis Media
Perforated Eardrum
Eustachian Tube Inflammation
Ear Infections
Foreign Objects
Caused by hereditary factors

Deafness caused by external factors

exo-after birth
Acquired after birth
1. from outside: added from an outside and often unexpected source rather than intrinsic
2. biology unusually positioned: developing in an unusual position, as does, for example, a root growing downward from a branch

[Early 17th century. From medieval Latin adventitius “coming from outside,” alteration of Latin adventicius , from adventus (see Advent).]