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20 Cards in this Set

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How do you form the Passe Compose:
Use the verb AVOIR or ETRE with the past participle of the verb. Note that AVOIR and ETRE are conjugated.

ie. I finished = J'ai fini
How do you form the past participles of regular verbs?
Remove the ending (ER, IR, RE) and add the appropriate form:

ER Verbs take "é" ie: Parler = parlé
IR Verbs take "i" ie: Finir = fini
RE Verbs take "u" ie Vendre = vendu
When do you use the passe compose over the other l'imparfait?
Passe Compose is the completed past - things that are no longer going on.

Ie: I finished my homework = J'ai fini mes devoirs.
Which Verbs take ETRE?
Devenir - to become
Revenir - to come back

Mourir - to die
Retournir - to return
Sortir - to go out

Venir - to come
Arriver - to arrive
Naitre - to be born
Descendre - to descend / go down
Entrer - to enter
Rentrer - to return
Tomber - to fall
Rester - to remain
Aller - to go
Monter - to go up
Partir - to leave
Passer - to pass by

**Also, all reflexive verbs use etre
**All verbs that take etre also agree in number and gender
How do you form the subjunctive?
- use "nous" form of the verb, drop "ons" and add endings



ie: parler -> parlons -> parl

Je parle
Tu parles
Il parle

Nous parlions
Vous parliez
Ils parlent
When do you use the subjunctive tense (5 reasons)
1. For a condition - ie to say "whether"
2. To cast doubt
3. Use with certain expressions ie. il est temps que...
4. used after certain prepositions ie. avant que...
5. To express exacerbation ie "Ah let him do it."
What does the conditional tense convey?

ie. I would finish = Je finirais
How do you form the conditional?
Use infinitive of the verb (with regular verbs) and add endings.

**note the endings are the same as imparfair
**note the stems for irregular verbs are the same as future simple

What are the stems for irregular verbs in the conditional tense and futur simple?
avoir - aur
aller - ir
faire - fer
devoir - devr
vouloir - voudr
pouvoir - pourr
être - ser
savoir - saur
How do you form the imparfait?
Use the "nous" form of the verb and add endings.



example: finir -> finissons -> finiss

Je finissais (I was finishing)
Tu finissais
Il finissait

Nous finissions
Vous finissiez
Ils finissaient
What are the stems for irregular verbs in imparfait?
avoir - av
faire - fais
être - ét
How do you form the future proche?
Use the verb aller + infinitive of the verb.


Je vais
Tu vas
Il va

Nous allons
Vous allez
Ils vont
What does the future simple express?
will / shall
How do you form the future simple?
With IR and ER verbs take the infinitive and add endings.

With RE verbs you drop the R first



ie. Je parlerai = I will speak
How do you conjugate reflexive verbs in the present?
Je me couche.
Tu te couches
Il se couche

Nous nous couchons
Vous vous couchez
Ils se couchent

Je ne me couche pas.
How do you conjugate reflexive verbs in the past?
*note they take the verb être.

Je me suis couché.
Je ne me suis pas couché.
How do you conjugate reflexive verbs in the future?
Je vais me coucher.
Je ne vais pas me coucher.
What are the endings for regular ER verbs?

What are the endings for regular IR verbs?

What are the endings for regular RE verbs?
- N/A
