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13 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of duration?
Duration is the measure of how long or short a beat value is.
What is the definition of a beat? What are some examples?
A beat is the amount of value that we give to a specific beat.
(i.e a whole note receives four beats, a half note receives two beats, a quarter note receives one beat, an eighth note receives 1/4 of a beat, and a sixteenth note receives 1/8 of a beat.)
What is the definition of syncopation?
Syncopation is the occurrence in which an accented note falls on a weak beat.
What is a double bar line?
A double bar line is two lines that signal the ending of a song.
What is melody? (Two definitions)
Melody is the main theme or tune of a song.
Melody is a series of various pitches in a row.

What are ledger lines?
Ledger lines are small lines that extend the staff to allow sharp pitches on a staff.
Note: Can be added either on top of the staff and/or below the staff.
What is a sharp?
A sharp is the occurrence in which a pitch goes up by a half step.
What is a flat?
A flat is the occurrence in which a pitch goes down by a half step.
What is tempo?
Tempo is the measure of how fast or slow the music is.

What is form?
Form is the structure and/or order of music.
What are some examples of tempo?
Some examples of tempo include:
1. Grave: Heavy, very solemn (Slowest tempo)
2. Largo: Large, slow, stately
3. Adagio: Slow
4. Andante: Walking Pace
5. Moderato: medium pace (moderate)
6. Allegro: Lively, brisk, a rapid pace
7. Vivace: Spirited, bright
Presto: Very fast and rapid (Fastest tempo)
What are dynamics?
Dynamics are the varying intensities of sound given throughout a musical composition.
What are some examples of dynamics?
Some examples of dynamics include:
1. Pianissimo: Very soft (Quietest volume)
2. Piano: Soft
3. Mezzo Piano: Moderately soft
4. Mezzo Forte: Moderately loud
5. Forte: Loud
6. Fortissimo: Very loud (Loudest volume)