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28 Cards in this Set

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Thump Thump Thump Thump

Creaaaaakkk, Shhh

Nervous, very very dreadfully nervous

Thump Thump Thump Thump

Creaaaaakkk, Shhh

I have been, and I am. But mad?

Thump Thump Thump Thump

(Evil Cackle) Mad. The (with cheer) disease did not make me mad. It sharpened my senses. You say madness, I say a highly developed sense of hearing. I have exceptional hearing


The scrape of a chair in another room. The fall of a leaf on the ground. I have heard all things in heaven and Earth. I have heard things in hell. Hearing things does not make you mad.

(whispering) The eye...


Mad? Ha. Sane. Look. (holds out hand) Look how calm I am. Listen!

Thump Thump

I will tell you the whole story. You'll see how calmly I tell the tale. You will change your mind. (to Old) Morning!

Good Morning.

Sleep well?

Like a stone.

When, When, When?

I don't know. It's impossible to say. As soon as the thought entered my mind.

Kill the old man, Kill the old man

It haunted me day and night.

Why, Why, Why?

I don't know! There was no motivation, no wrongdoing on his part. (to Old) Morning!

Good morning.

(to audience) I loved the old man. (to Old) Sleep well?

Like a stone.

He never struck me, nor insulted me. (to Old) Goodnight!


See you in the morning! (to audience) It was never him at all. (whispering) It was his eye.

The eye, the evil, the evil, the eye

There. The eye of a vulture. Pale blue with a film. And every time that eye looks at me...

The eye, the evil, the evil, the eye...

What's the matter?

(starting) Sorry?

What's the matter? You're staring.

Nothing. Sorry. Lost in thought. Ha.

The eye...

Whenever that eye fell upon me, my blood ran cold.

Kill the old man

And so by degrees

Kill the old man

I made up my mind

Kill the old man

To take his life and rid myself of the eye forever

Thump Thump


Good morning

Sleep well?

Like a stone.

Kill the old man

(evil cackle) You think me mad. The mad know nothing. I know. I am wise. You'll see how wise I am.

Thump Thump



See you in the morning. I was so kind before I killed him. The whole week. And then, I practiced. Midnight. I stand outside his door.

Turn the Latch

Open the door. Slowly. Slowly. Slow, now.

Creeaaaaakkk, Shhh

The old man's sleep...must..not...be...disturbed. There's just enough space to slip my head in and peek into the room


Ah! (draws back and shuts door) This takes a whole hour. Would the mad do this? Would the mad be so precise? (to Old) Goodnight!


Would the mad do this for seven nights? Midnight comes, turn latch, open door, slowly, peek, and again. Goodnight