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52 Cards in this Set

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____ activity follows electrical activity in the heart. So by interpreting the electrical activity, one can determine the ____ activity that follows.
What happens after electrical conduction from the SA to the AV nodE?
atrial contraction
What happens after electrical conduction from the AV node to the Bundle of His and Purkinje fibers?
ventricular contraction
How long is a normal PR interval?
0.12 to 2.0 seconds
How long is a normal QRS interval?
0.04 to 0.12seconds
How long is a normal ST segment?
0.12 seconds
How long is a normal T-wave?
0.16 seconds
How long is a normal QT interval?
0.34-0.43 seconds
What does the rhythm strip look like when there is a prolonged conduction from the SA to the AV nodE?
the PR interval will be longer than 0.20 seconds
What does the rhythm strip look like when there is slow conduction from the AV node to the Bundle of His/Purkinje fibers?
the QRS interval will be longer than 0.12 seconds
What portion of the rhythm strip can indicate MI?
ST segment
What portion of the rhythm strip shows ions reshifting and getting ready for another contraction?
T wave
How many times does the SA node normally fire per minute?
60-100 bpm
What is the "pacemaker" of the heart?
SA node
What takes over if the SA node stops firing/gets damaged?
AV node
What takes over if the SA and AV nodes stop firing/get damaged?
His-Purkinje system
How many times per minute does the AV node spontaneously fire?
How many times per minte does the His-Purkinje system fire?
Would it be better to have an atrial dysrhythmia or a ventricular?
How many seconds does a small square take up on EKG paper?
0.04 seconds
How many seconds does a large square take up on EKG paper?
.20 seconds (5 small squares)
How many seconds does 5 large squares represent on EKG paper?
1 second
What is it called when there is normal conduction through the heart (all intervals are normal and rhythm is regular) but the rate is <60 bpm?
Sinus Bradycardia

Can be due to something that slows firing, like beta blockers
What is it called when there is normal conduction throught the heart (all intervals are normal and rhythm is regular) but the rate is >100 bpm?
Sinus tachycardia
What is it called when there is normal conduction through the heart, but there is a "sinus node beat" that comes early, and rhythm is irregular?
Premature Atrial contraction
What is electrical activity discharged from somewhere other than the normal conduction pathway (other than SA or AV node) called?
ectopic focus
What is it called when the SA node isn't the pacemaker, but instead, ectopic foci are quickly firing in the atria, overtaking the pacemaker called? The Atria are just quivering instead of beating here.
Atrial Fibrillation
What dysrhythnmia is indicated by crazy, random flutters in place of normal P wave, no PR interval, and normal QRS complexes?
Atrial Fibrillation
What can happen as a result of atrial fibrillation?
the atria quiver, causing blood to pool (hemostasis), blood clots, and can be life-threatening if not eventually resolved/controlled.
What is it called when one ectopic focus is the pacemaker instead of the SA node, and it is firing rapidly? Creates a "saw-tooth like pattern"
Atrial flutter
What is it called when an ectopic focus is very rapidly firing above the AV node (SA node is not pacemaker), causing a heart rage that can be as high as 200s?
SVT (supraventricular tachycardia)
What can result if SVT is not treated?
the heart overworks, so can cause CHF or MI
What dysrhythmias are strictly of the atria, meaning that there is normal conduction through the AV node and ventricles?
Atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and SVT
What is it called when the AV node is the pacemaker, and there is no activity in the atria? Usually the HR will be 40-60bpm.
Junctional rhythm
What does no P waves on a EKG indicate (except for an occasional inverted P wave)? There will be only flat line before QRS complex, and T wave can still be present.
Junctional Rhythm
What is it called when there is a junctional rhythm that is >60bpm?
acceleraged junctional rhythm
What is it called when the PR interval is >0.20, and always is followed by a QRS complex?
1st degree heart block
What is it called when there are progressively longer PR intervals in a row, eventually leading to a dropped QRS?
Second degree type 1 heart block
What is it called when there is a consistently prolonged PR interval that doesn't progressively lenthen, but does eventually lead to a dropped QRS complex?
Second degree type 2 heart block
What is it called when there is no association between the SA and AV nodes, where there are inde[endent P waves from QRS waves (P-P waves are always regular, and QRS-QRS are always regular)
Third degree heart block
What part of the heart is responsible for heart block?
between SA and AV nodes, so in atria
T or F: in second degree heart blocks there is still some association between SA and AV nodes.
What is it called when there is a contraction that originates from ectopic focus in the ventricles? It could be either unifocal or multifocal. it looks like wide, bizzarre, and scattered waves on EKG and
PVCs (premature ventricular contractions)
what is it called when neither the SA or the AV node or firing, and an extopic focus in the ventricle creates a run of 3 or more PVCs in a row?
ventricular tachycardia
What is it called when multiple ectopic focu fire in the ventricles, causing the heart to quiver?
ventricular fibrillation
What is it called when there is no electrical activity in the heart at all?
What takes over if the SA and AV nodes stop firing/get damaged?
His-Purkinje system
How many times does the AV node fire per minute?
How many times does the His-Purkinje system fire per minute?
How many seconds is a small square worth on EKG paper?
0.04 seconds
How many seconds is one large square worth on EKG paper?
.20 seconds (5 small squares)
How many seconds do 5 large squares take up on EKG paper?
1 second