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74 Cards in this Set

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6 types of visual aids (Graphics)

1. Line Graphs

2. Bar Graphs

3. Pictographs

4. Tables/Grids

5. Pie Charts

6. Statistical Maps

Writing Process (4)

1. Pre-Writing

2. Rough Draft

3. Revising

4. Final Draft

You ____________ the content, and __________ the form.

Revise; Proofread


Exact Quote


In your own words

You gather data by ___________, and ____________ people to different things.

Experimentation; Exposing

Elements of Graphics (4)

1. Contrast in colours

2. Simplicity

3. Balance

4. Unity


Educated Guesses


The belief in one's capabilities of reaching a goal or outcome

Fear of Judgment (2)

1. Insecurity or fear of making mistakes.

2. Dulls creativity.




Good premise and reasonable conclusion


Looking at all the available evidence


Accepting when you're wrong if the evidence proves it to be so.


Experiments made to lessen coincidences or unreliability

Sufficiency (3)

1. Extraordinary Claims

2. Argument of Authority

3. Burden of Proof

Bloom's Taxonomy of Thought (7)

1. Remember

2. Understand

3. Apply

4. Analyze

5. Synthesize

6. Evaluate

7. Create


Looking at all the available evidence, both good and bad


Accept when your claim is wrong


Conduct experiments to reach a certain goal. Avoids coincidence.

Sufficiency (3)

1. Argument of Authority

2. Extraordinary Claims

3. Burden of Proof

Bloom's Taxonomy of Thought (7)

1. Remember

2. Understand

3. Apply

4. Analyze

5. Synthesize

6. Evaluate

7. Create

The Water Wars took place in

Bolivia, City of Cochabamba

Tyrone Hayes

Proved that atrazine is dangerous

Shades of Meaning

Differences in meaning/context between similar words (Ex: kids vs. youth)

Atrazine (3)

1. Changes the sex of fish

2. Created by Syngenta

3. Endocrine disruptor


To betray one's country

Deductive (4)

1. Specific and Certain

2. From general to particular

3. Premise will guarantee the conclusion with logic and facts

4. Used for application

Inductive (3)

1. Uncertain

2. Particular to General

3. The truth of the premises do not give the truth of the conclusion


Done at a favourable or useful time

Discrimination is good for __________ and __________


Selecting relevant information and variables

Data Gathering Guidelines (3)

1. Valid

2. Reliable

3. Practical

Types of Sources (2)

1. Primary (direct evidence)

2. Secondary (books, articles, news, etc.)

Quality Criteria (4)

1. Cost

2. Relevance

3. Timeliness

4. TRAC (Traction Control)

____________ is on the person who makes the claim

Burden of proof

The person should _______ change the ________

Not; subject


Goes against one's intuition or common sense. Contrary to what we expect.

Logical Fallacies

Errors in reasoning or mistakes in beliefs

Cognitive dissonance

Cultural good and bad narratives (Ex: Christopher Columbus; the fossil fuel industry)

_____________ is part of the process of learning.


BS Detector (3)

1. Critical Thinking

2. Logical Fallacies

3. Levels of Cognition

Basis of all learning is __________ and __________.

Remembering; memorization

Remembering and memorization do __________ include ________ ________

Not; deep thinking

_____________ helps identify what type of __________ the person is.

Questions; thinker

Levels of Cognition involve ____________ ___________

Developmental errors

Variable (2)

1. Viable to change

2. Inconsistent and without a pattern

Developmental errors

Mistakes made during the process of learning a new language or concept

Language acquisition process

Requires making mistakes to learn a new language


In politics, it is favouritism towards the family (Means 'nephew' in Italian) (Ex: Ricky Roselló and his son)


To accept, reject, consider, or submit one (for or to do something)

Dogma (3)

1. Article of faith

2. Does not change

3. Close-minded thought

Types of logical fallacies (6)

1. Ad hominem

2. Non sequitur

3. Begging the question

4. Argument of authority

5. Red Herring

6. Strawman

__________ __________ is used in technical reports

Specialized vocabulary

Specialized vocabulary (3)

1. Misleading meanings

2. Miscommunication

3. Formality

Feasibility Report

Whether something should be done or not

Viability Report

Making a plan to buy something

Types of technical reports (11)

1. Viability

2. Feasibility

3. Maintenance

4. Memorandum

5. Procedural/Instructional

6. Minimum Viable Product

7. Environmental Impact

8. Research and Development

9. Proposals

10. Field Report

11. Letters

Cognitive Skill (3)

Acquire knowledge and understanding through

1. Thought

2. Experience

3. The senses


Belief or opinion contrary to orthodox, religious doctrines (Means 'choose' or 'choice')

Types of knowledge (4)

1. Facts

2. Concepts

3. Procedures

4. Metacognition


Technical writing helps users solve problems with ___________ and ____________ ____________ _____________

Technology; technical subject matter

You must recognize your ___________


Research and science are ___________; __________

Subject to change; tentative

Stages of Problem Solving (7)

1. Define the problem in clear, falsifiable words

2. Consider the context

3. Research precedents

4. Apply expertise

5. Generate possible solutions

6. Test results

7. Come to a supported conclusion

Characteristics of a good technical writer (6)

1. Organized

2. Simple

3. Honest/Humble

4. Tenacious

5. Meticulous

6. Tentative

Characteristics of a good technical report (5)

1. Clear, measurable, observable, and objective

2. Evaluation Criteria (Reasonable and realistic)

3. Falsifiable language (FiLCHeRS)

4. Time frame and resources

5. Tentative and holds burden of proof

Self-efficacy is by

Albert Banduras

Intuition (2)

1. Calculated guess

2. Something known by the subconscious mind

You need to _________ first before you can __________

Analyze; evaluate

A ________ is the surface or ________ of what you're going to talk about

Summary; ruse

You can use __________ for a topic you're not knowledgeable of


____________ has to be accessible


Ruse (2)

1. Deceive and trick

2. Tactic of persuasion


Drawing from experiment and observation