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96 Cards in this Set

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What type of measurement is numerical measurement?

quantitative measurement
What type of measurement is descriptive measurement?
qualitative measurement
Written as a product of a number between 1.00 and 9.99 and 10 raised to some power?
scientific notation
A reflection of how near the actual measurement the taken measure is?
A reflection of how close multiple measurements are to one another?
A unit in chemistry is called?

It is often used to discuss the quantity of a substance
The mass in grams of a substance?
Molar mass
Anything that takes up space and has mass?
T/F mass is NOT the same as weight?
Quantity of matter an object has?

What are the shapes of epithelial tissue?

Squamous, cuboidal, columnar

What supplies blood to epithelium?

No blood supply. Relies on diffusion from nearby capillaries for oxygen and food

Is smooth muscle under voluntary or involuntary control?


Where is smooth muscle found?

In the walls of hollow organs, such as intestines, blood vessels, bladder, and uterus

What are nerves made up of?

Nerves are made of specialized cells called neurons that sen electrical impulses throughout the body

Describe human cell

Eukaryotic. Has a nucleus, membrane bound organelles, surrounded by a semi-permeable membrane. Nucleus houses the DNA and is the site of DNA replication

What are ribosomes responsible for

Protein synthesis

What is the rough ER responsible for?

Protein translation

What is the Golgi apparatus responsible for

Protein sorting, modification

What is the mitochondria?

Main powerhouse of cell, has it's own DNA, its own ribosomes, and produces ATP

Connective Tissue

Serves to connect and support structures of the body. Commonly has its own blood supply

Muscular tissue

dedicated to producing movement. 3 types: Skeletal, cardiac, smooth

Nervous tissue function

Provides structure for the brain, spinal cord, and nerves

Centrisome function

Organize the microtubules of the cell. Centrioles of the centrisome produce mitotic spindle during cell division


Cellular protrusions that can beat to enable movement or serve to increase cell surface area to maximize absorbtion

An inhibitor targeting the electron transport chain would most likely target which organelle

Mitochondria, which utilizes ETC and produces ATP

Functions of epithelium

Provide covering or produce secretions

Respiratory system function and components

Nose, throat, lungs. - to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide

Digestive system function and components

Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine

Immune system function and components

Spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes. - Protects the body from foreign pathogens

Endocrine System Function and components

Hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal glands, thyroid, testes, ovaries, pancreas. Function is to produce and secrete hormones to control bodily processes including glucose regulation, sleep cycles, and gametogenesis

Urinary system function and components

Kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra. Filters blood and eliminates waste through urine

Reproductive system function and components

Males: testes, penis

Females: ovaries, uterus, vagina

Function: Produce gametes and facilitate fertilization

Muscular System

= muscle. Enables movement of the body

Nervous system components and function

Brain, spinal cord, nerves

Function is to receive and process stimuli, transmit information, and control bodily functions

Skeletal System


Function is to protect the internal organs, create blood cells, provide a framework for muscle

Circulatory system function and components

Heart and blood vessels

Function is moving blood through out the body to enable nutrient delivery to and waste removal from tissues

Coronal Plane

Sagittal Plane

Transverse Plane

Directional Terminology

Macrophages (immune cell responsible for breaking down pathogens) have more of what kind of organelle?

Lysosomes, which break down cellular waste

Urea buildup is most likely due to failure of which organ system?

Urinary. Liver creates urea but Urinary system removes it.

Axial and appendicular skeletons

Bone types/ shapes

Synovial joints

This includes ball and socket, hinge, and pivot joints. Most common joint in body and contain synovial fluid. Exp= knee and hip joints

Fibrous joints

Held together by ligaments and not moveable

Cartilaginous joints

When two bones meet at a connection made of cartilage and are partially moveable, such as joints between vertebrae

Cartilaginous joints

Main bones in body

What is a tendon

Fibrous connective tissue that attache muscle to bone

Spongy bone

Less dense, located at the ends of bones. Contains bone marrow which is the site of red blood cell and lymphocyte production

Compact bone

Much denser, supports body and stores calcium

Structure of bone

A defect in which part of bone would result in stunted growth

Epiphyseal plate

Osteoblasts/ Osteoclasts/ Osteocytes

Osteoblasts build bone

Osteoclasts break down bone

Osteocytes regulate both blasts and clasts

Inner structure of bone

A drug to treat osteoporosis would most likely increase activity of which bone cell type?



Largest part of the brain and responsible for thought, perception, and visual and auditory processing

Parts of the brain

Brain Stem function

Connects cerebrum to the spinal cord and controls critical involuntary function


Dense cluster of neurons located at the base of the brain that control muscle and balance/coordination


Regulates breathing, swallowing, and heart beat

How many sets of crainial nerves


Nervous system

Nervous sytem

Examples of the autonomic nervous system at work

Digesting a meal

Maintaining B/P

Exhaling after holding breath

Examples of somatic reflexes

Skeletal Muscle components

Smooth Muscle Diagram

Cardiac Muscle

Skeletal Muscle Contraction

Neuron stimulating muscle

Anatomy of a neuron

Anatomy of a neuron

Difficulty walking would most likely be a side effect of damage to what part of the brain


True of False: Muscle fibers contract in an all or none fashion?


Diagram of the heart

Mitral Valve

Three types of blood vessels

Arteries, capillaries, veins

Blood vessel type functions

Blood info

Systemic Circuit

Pulmonary Circuit

What types of cells would increase during a viral infection


True of false- The pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs


Systole vs diastole

Which valve prevents blood from backflowing between the right atrium and right ventricle

Tricuspid Valve

What prevents blood from back-flowing into the left ventricle from the aorta

Aortic Valve

Heart Valves

Hemoglobin and Oxygen

Do the kidneys store urea


Is blood pressure highest in Aorta, capillaries, pulmonary arteries, vena cava



How many milligrams in a gram


Enzyme that regulates arterial blood pressure
