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42 Cards in this Set

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What is a sacrament?
an outward sign, instituted by Christ, that conveys an inward, spiritual grace through Christ.
What is baptism?
the sacramental act of cleansing in water that admits one as a full member of the Church.
What is RCIA?
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults--it is the process for being baptised in the Catholic Church.
At what liturgical event does baptism of adults usually occur?
Easter Vigil
What symbols are used during the baptismal liturgy?
water, oil, white garments, and candle
How is water used during the baptismal liturgy?
By immersion or infusion--pouring both done three times
What are the seven sacraments? Group them into three categories.
Sacraments of Initiation:
1. Baptism 2. Confirmation
3. Eucharist
Sacraments of Healing:
1. Anointment of the Sick
2. Reconciliation
Sacraments of Vocation:
1. Marriage
2. Ordination
List four ways in which Catholics see Christ's presence in the Mass?
1. Took the bread 2. Bless the bread 3. Broke the Bread and
4. Gave to all
3 different ways in which the Mass can be understood?
1. A meal which anticipates the heavenly banquet
2. A meal-sacrifice of thanksgiving
3. "Communion" with the Lord
I Corinthians 11:23-36 makes at least seven points that are important for understanding the origins and the meaning of the Eucharist. List four:
1. thanksgiving
2. identifies bread as the body of Christ
3. Identifies wine as the blood of Christ
4. Establishes a new covenant
Baptism's use of water symbolizes two realities:
Death and Life
According to Paul, what does baptism symbolize?
In Baptism, Christians unite with other Christians to a new life free of sin.
What are the exact words for valid baptism?
"I baptize you in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit"
List the four effects of Baptism:
1. The forgiveness of sins
2. A new creation
3. Members of the Body of Christ
4. Sharers in the Priestly, Royal and Prophetic Ministry of Christ
What is the oil used in baptism symbolic of?
Symbol of respect, healing and consecration
What are some of the Scriptural antecedents for the symbolic uses of oil at a baptism?
1. Respect-Jesus is anointed with oil at dinner in Mark
2. Healing--the Good Samaritan used oil to heal the wounds of the attacked man.
3. Consecration- Samuel anoints Saul as king
How is oil used in the baptismal liturgy?
In the baptism of a baby it is rubbed on the crown of the baby's head.
How is a white garment used in the baptismal liturgy? What is it a symbol of?
recalls the new clothes worn by Christians after baptism and is a sign of innocence and the new life of resurrection.
How is a candle used in the baptismal ceremony? What is the lighted candle a symbol of?
Symbolizes Christ --- the Light of the World. The baptismal candle is lit from the paschal candle, which stands near the altar at Easter as a sign of the risen Christ. The baptismal candle reminds Christians that the light of Christ has entered the child's life; and its flame symbolizes the flame of faith which will burn through the life of the child.
What are the three ways recognized by Catholics of Baptism?
by water, by blood through martyrdom, by desire
What are the four parts of the Eucharist? Which of these are the two most important?
1. Introductory Rite
2. Liturgy of the Word
3. Liturgy of the Eucharist
4. Concluding Rite
Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist
What is a liturgical cycle or year?
cycle of liturgical seasons in Christian churches which determines when Feasts, Memorials, Commemorations, and Solemnities are to be observed and which portions of Scripture are to be read.
What are some of the major celebrations and seasons of the Church's liturgical year?
1. Advent- period before Christmas
2. Lent and Passion Tide and Easter Tridium
3. Assumption of Mary
What does the Easter Tridium consist of?
1. Holy Thursday
2. Good Friday
3. Holy Saturday
4. Easter Vigil
What are four main liturgical colors?
white, red, green and purple
When are the different liturgical colors worn?
white-Easter and Christmas
red-Palm Sunday (Sunday before Easter)
green-Ordinary Time
Purple-Advent and Lent
What is the purpose of the entrance hymn and procession?
It symbolizes unity when singing together.
What does it mean when the priest venerates the alter? Why does he perform this gesture?
To venerate is to kiss and he does so out of respect and adoration
What is the purpose of the penitential rite? What is its function.
In order to make a person more worthy of receiving the heavenly mysteries contained in the Eucharist. It is a time of reflection on one's sins and a prayer for God's mercy.
What is the doctrine of intercession?
prayer to God on behalf of another person or a request to a n interceding saint on behalf of the one praying.
What is the Kyrie?
the Lord have mercy prayer consisting of Lord have mercy, Christ have Mercy and Lord have Mercy recited three times
Why do those celebrating the Eucharist ask for mercy three times?
Trinitarian parallel
Where does the line which begins the prayer called the "Gloria" come from?
"Glory to God in the highest, peace to his people on earth" (Luke 2:14)
What word is used to describe the three phrases, "we worship you, we give thanks, we praise you for your glory?"
What is a doxology?
A prayer which gives glory to God.
What is the typical pattern for Christian prayer?
To the Father, through the Son, and in the Holy Spirit.
How many readings are there on a typical Sunday?
Four: Psalms, Old Testament, New Testament, and the Gospels
What are the signs of special reverence used for the gospel on a solemn occasion? Name six.
Alleluia is sung, special gospel book is used, congregation stands, incense and candles, triple signing, ordained minister venerates the gospels after reading
What is the homily?
is a commentary that follows a reading of scripture usually given during Mass at the End of the Liturgy of the Word.
What is the creed?
An early statement of Christian belief.
What are the prayers of the faithful?
Part of the conclusion of Liturgy of the Word and responded by the congregation by " Lord hear our Prayer"
What is the high point of the Liturgy of the Word?
proclamation of the Gospel