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30 Cards in this Set

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For what three reasons is client teaching becoming progressively more important?
1. Patients participate in healthcare decisions
2. Hospital stays are brief
3. Healthcare is expensive
What describes the nurse's teaching role and responsibility?
The Nurse Practice Act
Which ANA standard states that "The registered nurse employs strategies to promote health and a safe environment."?
Standard 5B
Joint Commission Standards require that who must also be included in any client teaching?
Any person involved in the patient's care.
What are the patient's rights to high quality care as put forth by the American Hospital Association?
1. clean and safe environment
2. protection of privacy
3. complete and current information about their diagnosis, treatment and prognosis
4. information communicated in ways they can understand
5. the right to be informed of hospital policies and practices that relate to them
An interactive process that involves planning and implementing instructional activities to meet intended learner outcomes or providing activities that allow the learner to learn is what?
Why must teachers have effective communication skills?
1. adequately convey information
2. assess verval and nonverbal feedback
3. accommodate various learning styles
What is learning?
A change in behavior, knowledge, skills or attitudes.
In what three domains do people learn?
Cognitive, Psychomotor, affective
What are the five rights of teaching?
1. Right time
2. right context
3. right goal
4. right content
5. right method
Which type of learning involves memorization, recall, comprehension and analysis, synthesis, application, and evaluation of ideas?
If a client identifies that he needs to read directions before starting a project he is demonstrating which type of learning: Cognitive, Psychomotor, or Affective?
If a client designs a planned schedule for dressing chanbges for a wound on her leg she is demonstrating which type of learning?
If an adolescent makes eye contact with the nurse as she explains the admission process he is demonstrating which type of learning?
When a client with limited vision creates a new approach to giving his daily injections he is demonstrating which type of learning?
Learning that involves changes in feelings, beliefs, attitudes and values is which type of learning?
When a client describes how to distinguish between normal inflammation and signs of infection in a wound, which type of learning is he demonstrating?
Learning that involves learning a skill that requires both mental and physical activity is which type of learning?
When is motivation greatest?
When clients recognize the need fr learning, believe it is possible to improve their health and are interested in the information they are being given.
What two factors impact a client's readiness to learn?
1. Physical Condition - pain, strength, coordination, energy, senses and mobility
2. Emotions - severe anxiety, stress, or emotional pain interfere with the ability to learn
People retain information better under what conditions?
When they have an opportunity to use it soon after it is presented.
Is passive listening a more effective way to process and retain information than activities involving more than one style of learning?
What are the characteristics of the ideal learning environment?
private, quiet, physically and psychologically comfortable and free from distractions.
In which developmental stage do people begin to acquire language skills and find meaning through the use of symbols and pictures?
The preoperational stage (2-7yrs)
In which developmental stage dos the person use abstract thinking and deductive reasoning?
The formal operational stage (11yrs and older)
In which stage does the person learn best by manipulating objects in two or more ways?
The concrete operational stage (7-11)
In which stage does the person relate general concepts to specific situations, consider alternatives, begin to establish values, and try to find meaning in life?
the formal operational stage
In which stage does the person find meaning through use of symbols and pictures?
the preoperational stage
What things does the nurse need to consider when teaching older patients?
1. physical barriers to learning
2. Allowing extra time for teaching''
3. stop for rest periods
The ability to understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate healthcare decisions is called ___?
Health literacy