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58 Cards in this Set

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How can you manage visitors?
a.) Controlling the number of visitors. b.) Modifying visitor behavior.
c.) Adapting the resource to enable it to cope with the volume of visitors.
d.) All of the above.
If the amount of visitors goes above the carrying capacity, the ambience and character of the place is can be damaged and the quality of the experience may be threatened.
a.) True
b.) False
A major problem in the relation to all types of visitor management is the lack of data about the impacts of tourism at particular sites that attract visitors.
a.) True b.) False
There have been no concerns about the visitor satisfaction at the site of Stonehenge.
a.) True b.) False
5.)Preventing tourism development in the town of Jabiru.
6.) Damage to the site itself.
7.) Damage to wildlife.
or guards

A) Restricting use of the site
C.) Hiring wardens
5-B; 6-C; 7-A
Crowding may contribute to low satisfaction levels, adversely affecting the natural/built environment and safety problems.
a.) True b.) False
Stonehenge is located in
a.) Ireland
b.) New Zealand
c.) United Kingdom
d.) Apache Junction
Managing visitors often involves education through the use of interpretation.
a.) True b.) False
The environment has 7 components.
True or False
The Great Barrier Reef is made up of some 600 islands.
a.True b. False
The term ecotourism has emerged in the last 20 years
a. True b. False
Which are considered the environments components?
a. The natural environment
b. The built environment
c. The farmed environment
d. Wildlife
e. All of the above
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park was set up in which year?
a. 1964
b. 1965
c. 1974
d. 1975
e. 1985
What zoo is discussed in the case study?
a. Lincoln Park Zoo
b. San Diego Zoo
c. Wellington Zoo
d. Brookfield Zoo
e. Phoenix Zoo
Nature‐based tourism has become very important in the last _____ or so years. a. 14
b. 15 c. 12 d. 17 e. 13
Nature‐based tourism has become very important in the last _____ or so years.
a. 14
b. 15
c. 12
d. 17
e. 13
B- 15
__________ is viewed as a key component of ecotourism and increasingly the host community is seen as having an important role to play.
a. Energy
b. Trees
c. Education
d. Government
e. Recycling
What was not one of the major response categories in Bonzon‐Liu’s data?
a. Education
b. Ethical Matters
c. Focus on Nature
d. Maximizing impacts
e. Proactive measures
The Great Barrier Reef is located of the coast of ________.
a. Queensland
b. Sydney
c. Brisbane
d. Melbourne
e. Perth
The host community is being recognized as a major player in decision-making about tourism management and the future direction of tourism.
a. True b. False
It is very important to note that as with tourists, the host community is homogeneous, not heterogeneous and hence there is no such thing as a host community.
a. True b. False
You should make what type of contact with members of a particular community?
a. Indirect
b. Direct
c. Non-verbal
d. None of the above
B -Direct
Involving _________ communities in decision-making about development projects does not necessarily ensure their success.
a. Local
b. national
c. international
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
A- Local
The main reason that community-led planning has failed is due to the fact that a community does not really exist and hence obtaining a consensual view on tourism development is virtually impossible.
a. True b. False
Which of the following is not a part of Pretty’s typology of participation? a. manipulative participation
b. self-mobilization
c. Functional Participation
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
D -All the above
Drake created a __ phase model for participation in tourism development.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 9
d. 11
Which of the following is not a phase in Drake’s model for local participation in nature based tourism?
a. choose research team
b. conduct preliminary studies
c. collective decision-making
d. monitoring and evaluation
e. all of these are part of the model
A relatively new feature of host population involvement in tourism planning and development is the participation of indigenous people.
a. True b. False
One important difference between planning tourism inside and outside a reserve is that local state or municipal planning laws and regulations do apply inside a reserve.
a. True b. False
Is a host community heterogeneous or homogenous?
A) Heterogeneous
B) Homogenous
It is relatively easy for a community to unite in opposition to a tourism development. However, it is far more difficult for a community to conceptualize, agree and then achieve its own long-run tourism future. True or false?
A) True
B) False
The host community is being recognized as a major player in decision-making about tourism management and the future direction of tourism. True or false?
A) True
B) False
Tourists from wealthy, developed countries are often attracted by the products of a host community, such as....
A) Arts and crafts
B) Music
C) Dance
D) All of the above
According to Mowforth and Munt, one of the criteria often agreed as essential to achieving sustainability in any new tourism scheme is:
A) Ecofriendlyaccommodations
B) Effective zoning
C) Attracting tourists who understand sustainability
D) Participationoflocalpeople
Who created the Typology of Participation?
A) Holden
B) Mowforth
C) Munt
D) Pretty
What is passive participation?
A)People participate by being told what has been decided or has already happened
B) People participate by being consulted or by answering questions C) People participate by contributing resources
D) People participate in joint analysis
Match these three types of participation with the correct answer:
A) Participationbyconsultation
B) Participation for material incentives
C) Self-mobilisation

1) People participate by taking initiatives independently of external institutions to change systems.
2) People participate by being consulted or by answering questions.
3) People participate by contributing resources.
A-2, B-3, C-1
Involving local communities in decision making about development projects ensures their success. True or false? A) True B) False
The terms “people participation” and “popular participation” are not part of the normal language of development agencies. True or false?
A) True B) False
True or False: According to Bromwell and Lane, mass package tourism has been traditionally ‘supply side’ or ‘product led’ tourism.
Large Scale operators in the United Kingdom work according to three basic concepts: lowest possible prices, perceived advantage of market share, and _______________?
a. Greatest domestic product
b. Environmental awareness
c. Hiring local staff
d. Maximum aircraft loads
e. All of the above
Which of the following is a true statement based on the three pronged strategy to help tour operators play a more effective role in the development of more sustainable forms of tourism?
a. Local communities should hire outside tour operation enterprises.
b. Destinations should try to ensure that inbound tourism be handled by the convention visitors bureau.
c. Mass market operators should be encouraged to act more responsibly. d. Destinations should focus on decreasing their carbon footprint.
According to the case study on pg 182, what practices are tourism associations currently using to be sustainable?
a. Advising members on sustainable tourism
b. Developing links with research charities
c. Liasing with government to increase awareness
d. all of the above
According to the Lisu Lodge case study on pg 188, why did Lisu Lodge receive the Conservation International – Ecotourism Excellence award in 2000?
a. The Lodge was surrounded by endangered mountain lions
b. The Lodge took part in a study, which concurred that the location was the number one hot spot for eco-tourists.
c. Mr. Lisu is the chairman of the Conservation International – Ecotourism Association, so he awarded himself with this honor.
d. Lisu Lodge contributed to conservation and the safeguarding of society and culture, while allowing outsiders to experience the local environment with little to no disturbance to the cultural atmosphere.
True or False: Lisu Lodge only allows a maximum of six guests at any one time.
Why does the marketing approach for Lisu Lodge need to be carefully monitored?
a. Not many people are interested in going to Thailand.
b. Demand could easily exceed supply.
c. Small-scale development
d. b and c
e. all of the above
True or false: The most perceived obstacle to adopting practices of sustainable tourism for carriers is the belief that carriers are marginal to the main tourism industry and hence powerless to change.
Which of the following is NOT a practice of sustainable tourism, which tour operators currently use?
a. Providing eco-tips and advice in brochures
b. Sponsoring research into impact/management of tourism
c. Lobbying of destinations to improve infrastructure
d. Reaching out to a younger audience by promoting sustainable tourism during commercials of television shows kids ages 8-16 watch.
What was the first hotel group to attempt to be more environmentally friendly and better plans for tourism? (pg 185)
A. Whitbread Group
B. Chateau Whistler
C. Travel Inn
D. Starwood
E. Hilton
The ‘Pile ‘em high and sell ‘em cheap’ approach is generally unfriendly to (pg 179)
A. tourists
B. tour operators
C. the environment
D. suppliers
E. travel agents
The 3 pronged strategy involves: (pg 180)
A. environment, sustainability, and destinations,
B. tour operators, tourists, and destinations
C. hotels, restaurants, and transportation,
D. local communities, destinations, and mass market operators
E. communities, destinations, and hotels
Club Med is one of the most successful resort communities and one of the first to take the environment into consideration before construction. T/F
Affiliation, kindness, and notice are involved in the code of conduct involved in the AFTA. T/F
Lisu Lodge is located in:
A. China
B. Philippines
C. Thailand
D. Burma
E. Japan
AFTA stands for: (pg. 180)
A. American Foundation of Tourist Agents
B. Awesome Funds for Traveling Abroad
C. Australian Federation of Travel Agents
D. American Federal of Traveling Abroad
E. Asian Funding for Tourism Abroad
The Notice portion of the AFTA agreement refers to the notification to clients of any changes in price or itinerary. T/F
AFTA was formed in (PG 180)
A. 1982
B. 1980
C. 1956
D. 1957
E. 1996
The three pronged strategy was developed by: (pg 179/180)
A. Seabrook
B. Dawson
C. Hunter
D. Colter
E. Nealson