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52 Cards in this Set

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Heart Qi Deficiency Manifestations:
chest tightness,
shallow breathing,
shortness of breath, all of which are more severe on exertion
pale-white, bright-white complex.,
possible spontaneous sweating
pale tongue w/white coat
weak pulse
Heart Yang Xu Manifestations:
chest stuffiness and pain,
shortness of breath,
spontaneous sweating - all worse on exertion,
aversion to cold,
cold limbs,
bright-white or dim complexion,
swollen, pale tongue w/slippery, white coat
weak or faint pulse
Heart Blood Xu Manifestations:
pounding of the heart,
dream-disturbed sleep
poor memory
pale or sallow complexion w/o luster
pale lips, pale white tongue
fine, weak pulse
Heart Yin Xu Manifestations:
pounding of the heart,
insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep
5-palm heat
tidal fever,
night sweats,
malar flush,
small, dry, red tongue
rapid, fine pulse
Exuberance of Heart-Fire Manifestations:
Chest suffiness,
mental restlessness,
red complexion,
thirst w/preference for cold water
dark-yellow urine, dry stool
mania, delirium
bleeding, sores, carbuncles,
burning pain in the urethra,
crimson tongue tip, or ulceration and pain of the tongue,
dry, yellow tongue coat
rapid, forceful pulse
Obstruction of the Heart Channel Manifestations:
palpitations, chest stuffiness
pain that radiates to the medial aspect of the shoulder, arm & sm. finger, to the neck & back or to the epigastrium & abdomen, AND is intermittent
Obstruction of the Heart Channel (blood stasis) Manifestations:
stabbing pain in the chest,
dark purple tongue or purplish tongue w/ecchymosis,
fine-choppy, knotted, or intermittent pulse
Obstruction of the Heart Channel (phlegm) Manifestations:
full and oppressive pain in the chest,
obesity, much phlegm,
heaviness of the body,
general lassitude,
white, greasy tongue coat
deep, slippery pulse
Obstruction of the Heart Channel (cold) Manifestations:
sudden, severe, paroxysmal chest pain relieved by warmth,
aversion to cold, cold limbs,
pale tongue w/white coat
deep, slow or deep, tight pulse
Obstruction of the Heart Channel (qi stagnation Manifestations:
distending pain in the chest and hypocondrium that fluctuates with emotional stress, frequent sighing,
pale-red tongue w/thin, white coat,
string-taut pulse
Small Intestine Excess Heat Manifestations:
Mental Restlessness, short temper, thirst, sores and ulcerations of the tongue, difficult and painful urination with concentrated urine, bloody or stone urine in severe cases, red tongue w/yellow coat,
rapid pulse
Lung Qi Xu manifestations:
Weak cough, breathlessness, shortness of breath, shallow breathing - all worse w/exertion
clear/white sputum, weak voice, disinclination to speak, pale or bright-white complex., listlessness, general lassitude, spontaneous sweating, aversion to wind, susceptibility to cold, pale tongue w/white coat, weak pulse
Lung Yin Xu:
dry cough, coughing up sm amounts of dry, stringy sputum or blood-tinged sputum, chest pain, dryness of the mouth, throat, hoarse voice/loss of voice, emaciation, tidal fever, night sweats, 5-palm heat, steaming bone disorder, malaria flush, dry, red tongue with little coat and a fine, rapid pulse
Wind-cold Tightening the Lung Manifestations:
cough w/watery and white sputum, nasal congestion, runny nose w/clear discharge, slight fever, mild chills, no sweat, aching of the head and body, pale red tongue w/thin, white coat, floating tight pulse
Wind-heat attacking the Lung:
cough w/turbid, yellow sputum, dry-mouth, sore throat, even painful obstruction ot the throat w/sudden loss of voice, stuffy nose w/sticky yellow discharge, fever, mild chills, red tongue tip and margin, thin, yellow tongue coat, floating, rapid pulse
Invasion of the Lung by Dryness:
Dry cough, cough w/sm amounts of sticky sputum which is difficult to expectorate, coughing up of blood-tinged sputum or fresh-red blood in severe cases, chest pain, dryness of the lips, nose and throat, slight fever, mild chills, red tongue w/a dry coating and a rapid pulse
Congestion of Heat in the Lung:
cough w/thick, yellow sputum, breathlessness, coarse and hasty breathing, high fever, thirst, metal restlessness, flaring of the nostrils, chest pain, cough w/fishy-smelling sputum w/pus and blood, nosebleed, cough w/fresh red blood, scanty dark urine, constipation w/dry stool, red tongue w/yellow coat, and slippery, rapid pulse
Spleen Qi Xu:
poor appetite, abdominal fullness which is more severe after eating, loose stool, listlessness, lassitude, short. breath, disinclination to speak, sallow or bright-white complexion, weight-loss, possible obesity or edema despite low food intake pale tongue w/white coat, moderate, weak pulse
Spleen Yang Xu:
reduced appetite, bland taste, abdominal fullness, cold pain which can be relieved by warmth and press. loose stool, diarrhea w/watery stool, cold and heavy limbs, edema of the body w/scant urine, profuse thin, white leukorrhea, pale puffy tongue w/possilble tooth-marks, slippery, white tongue coat, deep slow weak pulse
Sinking of Spleen Qi:
bearing down sensation in the epigastrium and abdomen which is worse after eating, rice-water urine, a feeling of frequent and urgent defecation, prolonged diarrhea, chronic dysenteric disorders, prolapse of internal organs, pale complexion, dizziness, listlessness, general lassitude, shortness of breath disinclination to speak, a weak voice, pale tongue w/white coat, weak pulse
Deficient Spleen not Controlling Blood:
Bleeding in all different forms, which are characterized by a plae color and a thin quality of the blood, listlessness, general lassitude, sallow and lusterless complexion, shortness of breath, disinclination to speak, poor appetite, abdominal fullness, loose stool, pale tongue, fine weak pulse
Cold-Dampness Encumbering the Spleen:
distension and pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, poor appetite, sticky and unpleasant taste, no thirst, nausea, loose stool, heaviness of the head and body, profuse white leukorrhea, edema w/scanty urine, smoky yellow complexion and skin, sclera and urine, pale, puffy tongue w/greasy white coat, soggy, moderate pulse
Damp-Heat Accumulating in the Spleen:
Distension in the epigastrium and abdomen, poor appetite, nausea, loose stool, heaviness of the body, itchy skin, possible bright yellow skin, sclera and urine, tidal fever not relieved by sweating, red tongue w/greasy, yellow coat and a soggy, rapid pulse
Taiyang Stage, Invasion of Exogenous Wind
aversion to wind/chills, fever, headache, sweating, sneezing, runny nose, nausea or vomiting, pale-red tongue w/thin, white coat, floating moderate pulse
Taiyang Stage: invasion of Exogenous Cold
Aversion to cold/chills, fever, stiffness and pain in the occipital head and next, general aches, absence of sweating, asthmatic breath, pale-red tongue w/thin white coat, floating, tight pulse
Yangming Jing pattern
High fever, profuse sweating, extreme thirst w/preference for large amounts of cold water, red complexion, mental restlessness, red tongue w/dry yellow coat and surging pulse
Yangming Fu pattern:
Tidal fever in the afternoon, sweating from the hands and feet, distention, fullness, hardness and pain in the abdomen aggravated by pressure, constipation with dry hard stool, bloating, gas or mental restlessness, insomnia, delirium and coma, a red tongue w/red prickles on the margin, thick dry yellow tongue coat, or dry gray, black and cracked tongue coat and a slippery rapid or d deep slow and forceful pulse
Shaoyang Stage:
bitter taste, dry throat, blurred vision, dizziness, alternating chills and fever, fullness in the costal and hypocondriacal regions, reduced appetite, mental restlessness, irritability, frequent nausea or vomiting, white or thin, yellowish tongue coat, wiry pulse
Taiyin Stage:
Oppression and fullness of the epigastrium and abdomen, occasional/intermittent abdominal pain which can be alleviated by warmth and pressure, vomiting, poor appetite, diarrhea, no thirst or possible slight thirst with a preference for small amounts of warm water, a pale tongue w/greasy, white coat, and deep moderate, weak pulse
shaoyin stage - cold pattern (yang xu)
no fever, aversion to cold, frigid cold of the extremities, lying in a curled up position, somnolence, no appetite or vomiting after eating, vomiting, diarrhea w/watery stools containing undigested food, thirst w/a preference for warm water, pale tongue w/slippery, white coat and fine, weak pulse
shoo-in stage - heat pattern (yin xu)
mental restlessness, insomnia, dry mouth and throat, dark-yellow urine, constipation, red tongue-tip, yellow coat. rapid, fine pulse, night sweats.
Jueyin Stage
thirsting and wasting, piglet qi to the chest, hot and painful sensation in the stomach, hunger w/ no preference to eat, vomiting after eating, diarrhea
Stomach Yin Xu
Dull burning pain or a feeling of obstruction and burning in the epigastrium, hunger with little desire to eat, hiccup, nausea, dry mouth and throat, dry stool, a dry, red tongue with no coating, and fine, rapid pulse.
Stomach Cold
Cold pain in the epigastrium which is relieved by warmth - aggravated by cold, bland taste, no thirst, dull pain relieved by eating and pressure, listlessness, lassitude, spasmodic paroxysmal pain, gurgling sounds in the stomach, vomiting clear fluids; a pale tongue w/ slippery, white coat & slow or string-taut pulse
Stomach heat/fire
Burning pain in the epigastrium, a feeling of emptiness and discomfort in the epigastrium, thirst w/ desire to drink leg amounts of cold water, excessive hunger, acid reflux, vomiting on eating, foul breath, red, swollen, painful gums, erosion/bleeding of gums, scanty dark urine, constipation w/dry stools, red tongue w/ dry yellow coat & slippery, rapid pulse
Retention of food in the Stomach
fullness, distention & pain in the epigastrium relieved by vomiting but aggravated by pressure or eating, anorexia, foul breath, belching, nausea, vomiting sour and fetid vomitus w/undigested food, acid regurgitation, abdominal distention, gas, borborygmus, loose & rotten-egg smelling stools w/undigested food, constipation, a thick greasy poss. yellow tongue coat & slippery, forceful pulse
Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine
Abdominal pain, emergent sensation of defection, bearing-down sensation in the anus, incomplete discharge of foul-smelling stools w/mucus, pus & blood, fulminating diarrhea w/watery, foul-smelling & yellow stools; burning sensation in the anus during defecation, scanty dark urine, w/fever or fever & chills, thirst, red tongue w/greasy yellow coat & a soggy, rapid or slippery, rapid pulse
heat obstructing the Large Intestine
constipation w/dry-hard stool, burning & swelling sensation in the anus during defecation, abdom. fullness, distention and pain which are worsened by pressure, nausea, belching, fever or tidal fever, sweating esp. the palms & soles, red complex., thirst w/desire to drink leg amounts of cold water, scanty dark urine, mental restlessness, delirium, red tongue w/red or black prickles, thick, dry, yellow coat, rapid & forceful, wiry & forceful, or deep, slow & forceful pulse
stagnation of Liver Qi
distending &/or wandering pain in chest, hypocondrium & groin, preference for sighing, mental dep. irritability, throat lump which is difficult to swallow or expectorate, goiter, scrofula, abdominal masses, fullness, oppression &/or distending pain in breasts b4 menstruation, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation - even amenorrhea, thin white tongue coat, wiry pulse
upward-flaring of Liver Fire
distending headache, dizziness, vertigo, red face & eyes, dry mouth w/bitter taste, burning pain in hypocondrium, irritability, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, nightmares, high-pitched tinnitus, redness, swelling & pain of the ear canal, bleeding, yellow urine, constipation, red tongue w/yellow coat, string-taut, rapid pulse
deficiency of Liver Blood
dizziness, low-pitched tinnitus, pale complexion w/o luster, blurred vision, dull vision, night blindness, pale, withered, brittle nails, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, numbness or even tremors of the limbs, rigidity & inflexibility of joints, muscular twitching, late menses w/scanty pale flow or even amenorrhea, pale tongue w/white coat, & fine, wiry pulse
uprising of Liver Yang
distending pain in the head & behind eyes, dizziness, vertigo, high-pitched tinnitus, red face & eyes, irritability, short & hot temper, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, palpitations, poor memory, soreness & weakness in the lwr back & knee joints, cold in the lwr part of body, weak legs, unsteady gait, red tongue & relatively forceful & wiry or fine, rapid & wiry pulse
Liver Yin Xu
Dizziness, low-pitched tinnitus, dryness & roughness of the eyes, double vision, dull & burning pain in the hypogasrium, tremors of the limbs w/small amplitude, malaria flush, 5-palm heat, tidal fever or low-grade fever, night sweats, dry mouth & throat, dry red tongue w/little or no coat & fine, rapid, wiry pulse
Liver Wind Stirring
A. liver yang rising causing wind
dizziness, vertigo, unsteady gait, pain & shaking of the head, rigidity of the neck & spine, numbness or tremors of the limbs, slurred speech, dysphasia, loss of consciousness, coma, rattling of phlegm in throat, deviation of mouth & eye, hemiplegia, aphasia, stiff tongue, red & tremulous tongue, greasy tongue coat, wiry, forceful pulse
B Extreme heat generating wind
high fever, red face & eyes, loss of consciousness, coma, convulsions of the limbs, rigidity or arched back of neck & spine, staring-upward eyes, lockjaw, red tongue w/dry, yellow coat & rapid, wiry pulse
C Deficient Liver-Blood causing wind
numb & tremulous limbs, rigid & inflex. joints, muscle spasms, cramps, shaking of head, pale tongue w/white coat & fine, wiry pulse
D. Deficient Liver-yin causing wind
tremulous limbs, dizziness, tinnitus, dry & rough eyes, blurred vision, hot & flushed cheeks, dull, burning pain in hypogastrium, 5-palm heat, tidal fever or low-grade fever, dry mouth & throat, night sweats, red tongue w/little, dry, yellow coat or no coat, fine rapid wiry pulse
Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder
Full, burning pain & a palpable mass in the hypocondrium, itchy & painful genitalia, hot & itchy scrotal eczema, swollen testes w/scorching, hot & burning pain, vag. itching, yellow leukorrhea w/foul smell, alternating fever & chills, bitter taste, yang-type jaundice w/bright yellow, poor appetite, abdominal distend. nausea, irreg. bowel movements, scanty yellow urine, red tongue w/greasy yellow coat & rapid, wiry pulse
Depressed Gallbladder w/Harassing Phlegm-heat
Timidity & fear, fear of being caught, lack of courage, indecisiveness, anxiety, metal restlessness, fright palpitations, insomnia, oppression in the chest & hypocondrium, frequent sighing, dry mouth & throat, bitter taste, dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, reduced appetite, greasy, yellow tongue coat, wiry, slippery pulse
Kidney Yang Deficiency
Soreness, weakness & dull, cold pain in the lower back & knee joints, dizziness, blurred vision, bright-white or black complexion, apathy, general lassitude w/preference for lying down, aversion to cold, cold limbs, frequent nocturnal urination, weakness of sexual function, weak or loss of libido, impotence, premature ejaculation, infertility in males, chronic cold of uterus, prolonged daybreak diarrhea w/watery stool w/undigested food, yin-type pitting edema, ascites of the abdomen, scanty-clear urination, urinary retention in severe cases, swollen, pale tongue w/tooth marks, slippery, white tongue coat, deep, weak pulse
Kidney Yin Xu
Soreness, weakness & dull hot pain in the lwr back & knee joints, dizziness, low-pitched tinnitus, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, poor memory, strong libido w/impotence, easy & frequent erections, vivd sex dreams w/orgasm, infertility, late menstruation w/scanty flow, amenorrhea, spotting in females, malar flush, dry mouth & throat, thin or emaciated body, tidal fever, 5-palm heat, steaming bone dis., night sweats, scanty dark urine, constipation w/dry stool, dry, red tongue w/little coat & fine, rapid pulse
Kidney Essence Xu
Physical and/or mental development disorders in kids, short body form, emaciated flesh, weak bones, delayed closure of fontanels, slow movement, mental fatigue, slow speech development, weakness of sexual function, weak libido, infertility, late menstruation w/scanty flow or amenorrhea in females, early aging, premature graying of hair, hair loss, loose teeth, low-pitched tinnitus, deafness, forgetfulness, poor memory, sore & weak lwr back & knees, flaccid legs, pale tongue & weak pulse