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70 Cards in this Set

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Insomnia as LV Depression Transforming into Fire Formula 1
An Mian San
Insomnia as LV Depression Transforming into Fire Formula 2
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Insomnia as Phlegm Fire Harassing the Interior Formula
Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang
Insomnia as Food Stag Formula
Bao He Wan
Insomnia as Yin Xu w/ Effulgent Fire Formula 1
Huang Lian E Jiao Tang
Insomnia as Yin Xu w/ Effulgent Fire Formula 2
Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan
Insomnia as LV/HT Blood Xu w/ Empty Heat Formula
Suan Zao Ren Tang
Insomnia as HT/Sp Xu Formula
Gui Pi Tang
Insomnia as HT/GB Qi Xu Formula
An Shen Ding Zhi Wan
Insomnia Etiology/Pathogenesis 1
Emo Stress: frustration, anger, irritability, depression injures LV=LV Qi stag=generates heat or Fire disturbs HT Shen
Insomnia Etiology/Pathogenesis 2
Improper Diet: food stag=phlegm-heat in ST=ST Qi rebellion=phlegm heat harass HT Shen
Insomnia Etiology/Pathogenesis 3
`Pensiveness: excess rumination injures SP=Qi and Blood Xu=failure to nourish HT. Lack of blood=Shen has no home=insomnia
HT/SP dual deficiency formula?
Gui Pi Tang
Insomnia Etiology/Pathogenesis 4a
Congenital Xu/aging, etc= KI Yin Xu fails to nourish HT Yin=HT Yang hyper=empty fire agitates HT
Insomnia Etiology/Pathogenesis 4b
Constitutional Xu of HT and GB shows timidity anxiousness and indecisiveness. Sleep is light with panic, nightmares, palpitation wakings
Insomnia Etiology/Pathogenesis 4c
SP Qi Xu=Blood Xu=fails to nourish HT. Lack of blood=Shen has no home=insomnia
Insomnia Diagnostic pointers (5)
1. Primary or Secondary? 2. Diff falling asleep=Blood Xu 3. Falling asleep easily but frequent waking=Yin Xu 4. Waking early in morn or with a start=HT/GB Qi Xu 5. dreaming is normal DDS=abnormal
LV Depression turning into fire treatment principles
Soothe LV, Drain Fire, Calm Spirit
LV Depression Symp
insomnia, irritability, angry, nightmares, red/bloodshot eyes, ribside distention, thirst, constip, bitter taste, dark urine
LV Depression T&P
t=red/yellow coat, p= rapid, wiry
Phlegm-Fire harassing Interior TX Principles
Clear Heat, Transform Phlegm, Harmonize ST, Calm Spirit
Phlegm-Fire harassing Interior Symp
insomnia, chest fullness, copious phlegm, heavy head, aversion to eating, belch, acid regurge, vomits, distention, bitter taste, irritable, dizzi
Phlegm Fire harassing Interior T&P
t-yellow greasy coat, p=rapid, slippery
Insomnia Food Stag Tx Principles
Disperse food, elim stagnation, relieve px, calm spirit
Insomnia Food Stag Symp
insom w distending epigastric px worse w pressure, belching, regurge, halitosis, nausea, vom undigested food, px relieved after belching, complete evac of stool, loose, foul smelling, or constip
Insomnia Food Stag T&P
t= thick greasy coat p= slippery
Insomnia Yin Xu Effulgent Fire Tx Principles
NOURISH KI YIN, downbear HT Fire, Calm Spirit
Insomnia yin Xu Effulgent Fire Symp
insomnia, irritable, restless, dizzi, tinnitus, forgetful, PALPITATIONS, 5 center heat, dry mouth, night sweats, low back
Insomnia Yin Xu Effulgent Fire T&P
t= red, scanty or no coat p= rapid, thin
Insomnia as LV/HT Blood Xu w/ Empty Heat Tx Principles
Nourish LV and HT Blood, Clear Empty Heat, Calm Spirit
Insomnia as LV/HT Blood Xu w/ Empty Heat Symp
difficulty falling asleep, frequent vivid dreams, irritable, HA, Chest or Hypochondriac distention/Px, palps, night sweats, dry throat and mouth, dizzi
Insomnia as LV/HT Blood Xu w Empty Heat T&P
t=red p= wiry or thin, rapid
HT/SP Xu Tx Principles
Supplement HT and Sp to promo production Qi & Blood, Calm Spirit
HT/SP Xu Symp
Difficulty falling asleep, light sleep, frequent vivid dreams, palps, forgetfulness, dizzi, fatigue, poor appetite, pale cxn
t=pale with thin coat p=thin, weak
HT/GB Qi Xu TX Principles
Supplement Qi, Stop Fright, Calm Spirit, Stabilize the mind
HT/GB Qi Xu Symp
insomnia w light sleep, DDS, wake with a start, timidity, palps, easily frightened or startled, SOB, fatigue, copious Clear urine
t= pale p= thin wiry
Insomnia Basic Points (5)
HT7, SP6, An Mian, KI6, BL62
LV Fire insomnia Pts
LV2, LV3, BL18
Phlegm-Fire Pts
ST40, ST44, ST36, CV12, Lu5
Food Stag Pts
Diamond Tx, CV10, ST21, Li Nei Ting, ST44
HT/KI Yin Xu Pts
BL15, BL23, KI3
HT/LV Blood Xu Pts
BL15, BL18, LV3
HT/SP Xu Pts
BL15, BL20, ST36, Sp3
Xiong Bi- Chest Bi definition
oppression in chest with chest Pain, mild are simple stuffiness and discomfort
Xiong Bi Severe cases Symptoms
crushing pain w/ SOB, dyspnea. Pain can radiate to left upper back or left shoulder and arm with SOB, dyspnea, diff breathing lying flat
Xiong Bi Biomedical Ds
Angina, Coronary artery Dz, Ischemic HT Dz, MI, Rheumatic HT Dz, Intercostal Neuralgia, Costochondritis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Emphysema, Carcinoma
Xiong Bi Etiology 1
Invasion by Exogenous Cold which obstructs Yang Qi,(Pre-exist Yang Xu in chest creates succeptibility to invasion) so left with inadequate warming and circ of qi and blood = qi stag blood stasis, obstruction in chest=chest Pain
Xiong Bi Etiology 2
Improper Diet, impairs Sp/ST function leading to patho Dampness and phlegm accum. Phlegm blocks circ of qi and blood in the channels=chest Pain
Xiong Bi Etiology 3
Emo Stress: Sp affected by excess thought=inadequate production Qi and Blood. Insufficient Qi fails to circ blood. Deficient Blood fails to nourish HT. Also, anger and frustration causes LV Qi Stag leads to blood stasis=chest Px
Xiong Bi Etiology 4
Constitutional Xu: againg, decline KI, cause Chest Bi. KI Yang Qi foundation Yang for whole body. KI Yang declines=Heart Yang sluggish. Lack of HT Yang warming and poor circ in vessels=chest pain. KI Yin deteriorates= Heart Yin and Blood Xu=circ becomes sluggish cuz lack of yin=pain
Xiong Bi deficiency or excess?
akways both
Xiong Bi deficiency of which organs?
HT. Sp. KI
Xiong Bi Branch manifestations+
excess resulting from blood stasis, congealed cold, Qi stag and/or phlegm accum
Most important factors in Chest Bi?
Cold, blood stasis, phlegm=obstruction
Other organs play into Xiong Bi?
Describe Xiong Bi as Phlegm Accumulation
chest stuffiness/oppression w/ obesity, cough w copious sput, greasy tongue coat
Describe Xiong Bi as Qi Stag
chest stuffiness/oppression w/changes in severity depending on emo stress
Describe Xiong Bi as HT Qi Xu
Chest stuffiness/oppression w/ aggravation w exertion, SOB, fatigue, spontaneous sweats
Describe Xiong Bi as Blood Stasis
stabbing, throbbing, crushing pain, fixed location, purple tongue w/ petechiae and engorged sublinguals
Describe Xiong Bi as Cold in the HT vessels
Spasmodic pain, sudden onset excrutiating pain w/ cold limbs, suffocation feeling and optional aggravation by cold
Describe Xiong Bi as Yang Xu w/ Empty Cold
Spasmodic pain, aversion to cold, lying in fetal position, puffy, pale tongue
Explain Xiong Bi becomes Zhen Xin Tong
Zhen Xin Tong= True Cardiac Pain) critical, intense, prolonged chest pain, perspiration, cold extremities, pale complexion, faint and thin pulse, intermittent pulse, cyanotic lips, hands and feet
Explain Xiong Bi causes arrythmias
arrythmias=paroxysmal Xiong Bi may cause irregular pulse. Patho abstruct free flow heart yang qi impedes blood circ. Manifest as palps or intermittent pulse, skipping or knotted
Explain Xiong Bi cold congested fluids overflow to HT(heart failure)
extreme deficiency HT/KI Yang causes water to overflow into HT and further deplete HT Yang. Cough, wheeze, copious watery sput, palps and pitting edema
Xiong Bi Differential Diag 1
Xiong Bi=oppression, stabbing pain maybe radiating left shldr/arm, palps, SOB, cold limbs, perspiration, knotted, intermittent pulse. Mostly middle-aged and older w history HT Dz or hyperlipidemia
Xiong Bi Differential Diag 2
True Cardiac Px= critical and fatal, constant, severe, stabbing, profuse perspiration, clammy, cold extremities, pale CXN, faint, thin pulse knotted, intermittent, cyanotic lips, hands, feet
Xiong Bi Differential Diag 3
Wei Tong-Epigastric Px. Px in epigastrium. True Wei Tong= distending Px may sometimes radiate to back. Nausea, bleching, vomiting, acid regurge. Usually improper diet
Xiong Bi Tx Principles
root defic/branch excess= 1st treat branch=elim pathogenic factors then supplement Zheng Qi./Excess patterns=expel Cold, quicken blood to elim stasis, transform phlegm relieve Px/ Deficiency Patterns=warm/supplement Yang, nourish Yin or blood, relieve Px