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56 Cards in this Set

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What ingredients are found in Yue Ju Wan?
Xiang Fu, Chuan Xiong, Zhi Zi, Cang Zhu, Shen Qu
(is what formula?)
What are the Indications for Yue Ju Wan?
Stagnation Syndrome-
focal distention, stifling chest & abdomen sensation, fixed pain in hypochondria, belching, vomit, acid reflux, reduced appetite, & indigestion
What herbs would you add to Yue Ju Wan for severe Qi constraint?
increase dose of Xiang Fu
add, Mu Xing, Zhi Ke, Hou Po
(is for what problem?)
What herbs would you add to Yue Ju Wan for severe blood constraint?
Increase dose of Chuan Xiong
add Tao Ren, Hong Hua
(is for what problem?)
What herbs would you add to Yue Ju Wan for severe dampness constraint?
Increase dose of Cang Zhu
add Fu Ling and Ze Xie
(for what syndrome?)
What herbs would you add to Yue Ju Wan for severe food constraint?
Increase dose of Shen Qu
add Shan Zha and Mai Ya
(this treats which syndrome?)
What herbs would you add to Yue Ju Wan for severe phlegm constraint?
Add Ban Xia and Gua Lou to Yue Ju Wan
(what prob would this treat?)
What formula treats SI Hernia Syndrome? marked by Low abdominal pain radiating to the testicles ( swollen)
Tian Tai Wu Yao San
What is the function of Tian Tai Wu Yao San?
move the qi, spread LV qi, scatter cold and stop pain
What is contraindicated for using Tian Tai Wu Yao San?
damp-heat in the LJ
Hou Po Wan Zhong Tang best treats which syndrome? what are the symptoms?
Cold-dampness coagulated Syndrome-
epigastric and abdominal distention, fullness or pain, loss appetite, fatigue in the extremities, & vomiting clear liquid
What are the ingredients in Jin Ling Zi San?
Jin Ling Zi and Yan Hu Suo
what formula treats LV qi stag turning into heat Syndrome?
Jin Ling Zi San
What are the symptoms that Jin Ling Zi San would be used to treat?
Intermittent epigastric and hypochondriac pain, hernia pain, menstrual pain, bitter taste in mouth
What is the contraindication for taking Jin Ling Zi San?
What are the ingredients in Ban Xia Ho Po Tang?
Ban Xia, Hou Po, Fu Ling, Sheng Jiang and Zi Su Ye
What syndrome does Ban Xia Ho Po Tang treat?
Plum Pit qi Syndrome-
feeling of something caught in throat that cant be swallowed or ejected, stifling sensation in chest & hypochondria, also coughing or vomiting
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang contains which 11 herbs?
Zi Su Zi, Ban Xia, Hou Po, Chen Pi, Qian Hu, Rou Gui, Dang Gui, Sheng Jiang, Zi Su Ye, Da Zao, Zhi Gan Cao
What formula treats wheezing due to excess cold-phlegm obstruction syndrome?
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang
What signs and symptoms does Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang treat?
cough and wheezing with watery copious sputum, stifling sensation in chest & diaphragm, SOB, may have pain & weak lower back & legs, edema of extremities, or fatigue
What are the ingredients in Ding Chuan Tang?
Ma Huang, Bai Guo, Xing Ren, Su Zi, Kuan Dong Hua, Ban Xia, Sang Bai Pi, Huang Qin, Gan Cao
What formula would treat Asthma due to exterior wind-cold & interior phlegm-heat Syndrome- marked by cough & wheezing w/ copious thick yellow sputum, labored breathing & slight aversion to cold?
Ding Chuan Tang
Si Mo Tang treats what Syndrome and what symptoms?
LV qi Stag Syndrome-
irritability, stifling sensation in chest & diaphragm w/ labored breathing, wheezing, epigastric focal distention,fullness & loss of appetite
What does Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang best treat? What are the symptoms?
ST qi xu w/ turbidity-phlegm obstructing the interior Syndrome-
unremitting belching, hiccough, regurgitation, nausea or vomit, hard epigastric focal distention.
What does Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang treat? what are the symptoms?
ST deficient heat hiccough Syndrome-
hiccough, nausea, dry heaves or retching
What are the herbs found in Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang?
Ju Pi, Zhu Ru, Sheng Jiang, Ren Shen, Gan Cao, Da Zao
What formula best treats Deficiency Cold Hiccough Syndrome- marked by hiccough, belching, vomiting w/ a stifling sensation in the epigastrium, focal distention of the chest?
Ding Xiang Shi Di Tang-
Ding Xiang, Shi Di, Sheng Jiang, Ren Shen
What are the ingredients found in Tao He Cheng Qi Tang?
Tao Ren, Da Huang, Gui Zhi, Mang Xiao, Zhi Gan Cao
What formula treats Blood buildup in the LJ Syndrome? What would the symptoms be?
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang-
acute low abdomen pain, incontinence, night fevers, delirious speech, irritability, restlessness, thirst, manic behavior, dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea.
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang contains which herbs?
Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Dang Gui, Chi Shao, Sheng Di, Chuan Xiong, Niu Xi, Chai Hu, Jie Geng, Zhi Ke, Gan Cao
What formula treats Blood & Qi stag in chest Syndrome? What are the symptoms?
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang.
Pain in chest & hypochondria, chronic headache w/ fixed piercing pain, chronic hiccough, choking feeling when drinking, dry heaves, depression or low spirits, palps, insomnia, restless sleep, irritable, mood swings, evening tidal fever.
what are the indications for Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang?
invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis, open orifice
accumulation of blood stasis in head, face, and upper body w/headache & vertigo, chronic tinnitus, hair loss & dark "brandy" nose
What are the indications and symptoms for Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang?
invigorate blood, disperse blood stasis, move qi & alleviate pain.
for blood stasis & LV qi stag w/ palpable abdominal masses w/ fixed pain or abdominal masses visible when lying down.
What are the indications for Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang?
invigorate the blood, dispel blood stasis, warm the channels & alleviate pain, low abdominal masses, irregular menses. metrorrhagia & infertility
What are the indications for Shen Tong Zhu Yu tang?
invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis, move qi, open collaterals, unblock obstruction & alleviate pain.
bi syndrome due to qi & blood obstruction in channel & collaterals w/ shoulder, arm, low back, leg, body aches and pain
Shi Xiao San would be used to treat which syndrome and symptoms?
Blood stasis obstruction Syndrome-
irreg menses, dysmenorrhea, retention of the lochia, postpartum abdominal pain, acute colicky pain in low abdomen, severe pain in mid abdomen or epigastrium
What ingredients are in Shi Xiao San?
Pu Huang & Wu Ling Zhi
What formula best treats HT pain & stomachache due to blood & qi stag Syndrome?
Dan Shen Yin-
abdominal or epigastric pain that may radiate upward accompanied by symptoms of blood stasis & qi stag
Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan is used for what Syndrome and which symptoms?
Blood consumption Syndrome-
emaciation, abdominal fullness, loss of appetite, dry skin, dull/dark eyes, amenorrhea & tidal fever (LV disease)
What formula treats pathology of wind-stroke Syndrome- w/ hemiplegia, paralysis, atrophy of low limbs, facial paralysis, slurred speech, drooling, dry stool, frequent urination or incontinence?
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang
What is the chief herb in Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang?
Huang Qi
(large dose)
What ingredients are in Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan?
Gui Zhi, Tao Ren, Mu Dan Pi, Bai Shao, Fu Ling, Bai Mi
What does Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan treat/ What are the symptoms?
Blood Stasis in Uterus syndrome-
mild persistant uterine bleeding of purple or dark blood during pregnancy accompanied by abdominal pain that increases w/ pressure.
Wen Jing Tang contains which herbs?
Wu Zhu Yu, Gui Zhi, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Chuan Xiong, Mu Dan Pi, E Jiao, Mai Men Dong, Ren Shen, Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Ban Xia
What are the functions of Wen Jing Tang?
Ren & Chong channels deficiency cold with blood stasis obstruction Syndrome
(mild, uterine bleeding, irregular menses either early or late or twice a month or stopped period, infertility pain, distention, fullness in lower abdomen, low grade fever @ dusk, 5 palm heat, dry lips & mouth)
What are the ingredients in Sheng Hua Tang?
Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Tao Ren, Pao Jiang, Huang Jiu, Tong Niao, Zhi Gan Cao
What formula treats Postpartum abdominal pain due to blood stag Syndrome marked by retention of the lochia w/ cold & pain in the lower abdomen.
Sheng Hua Tang
What formula treats Physical Trauma Injury Syndrome with pain associated w/ traumatic injury, especially in the chest, hypochondria or flanks
Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang
What is Qi Li San used for?
Physical Trauma Injury Syndrome with bruising, swelling, & pain accompanying traumatic injuries such as broken bones & torn sinews, bleeding due to lacerations, also used for burns
What is Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan used to treat?
Qi & Blood Stag Syndrome
(pain in various locations such as the heart, stomach, abdomen, back, leg or arm. bruising & swelling due to traumatic injury, fixed abdominal mass, internal or external ulceration)
What formula treats Bleeding due to Blood Heat running reckless Syndrome marked by acute bleeding such as vomiting, spitting, coughing up blood or nosebleed?
Shi Hui San
What does Si Sheng Wan treat?
Bleeding due to Blood Heat running reckless Syndrome
(coughing,spitting, vomiting blood or nosebleed w/ fresh red blood accompanied by dry mouth and throat)
Huai Hua San treats which condition and symptoms?
Bleeding due to Intestinal Wind or Organ Toxin Disorder
(bright red bleeding from rectum that proceeds or follows defecation, or blood in the stool, hemorrhoids w/ either bright red or dark red bleeding)
What formula treats Bloody Lin Syndrome with bloody, frequent, difficult, burning & painful urination or simple blood in urine?`
Xiao Ji Yin Zi
What formula treats Bloody Stool due to yang deficiency Syndrome with bleeding that follows defecation, vomiting, spitting up blood, nosebleeds, or abnormal uterine bleeding of pale red blood accompanied by cold extremities & a wan complexion?
Huang Tu Tang
Jiao Ai Tang treats which Syndrome and Symptoms?
Ren & Chong channel deficiency & injury w/ Beng Lou Syndrome
(abdominal pain w/ uterine bleeding, excess menses, menses w/ spotting, postpartum bleeding, or bleeding during pregnancy, the blood is pale & thin w/out clots, & is accompanied by weakness & soreness of the low back, a dull complexion) Calms fetus