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55 Cards in this Set

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Flow of Qi in main meridians:

Great Yin

Pin Yin Name:
Arm Organ & Time:
Leg Organ & Time:
Great Yin

Pin Yin Name: Tai Yin
Arm Organ & Time: Lung 3-5am
Leg Organ & Time: Spleen 9-11am
Flow of Qi in main meridians:

Lesser Yin

Pin Yin Name:
Arm Organ & Time:
Leg Organ & Time:
Lesser Yin

Pin Yin Name: Shao Yin
Arm Organ & Time: Heart 11am-1pm
Leg Organ & Time: Kidney 5-7pm
Flow of Qi in main meridians:

Great Yang

Pin Yin Name:
Arm Organ & Time:
Leg Organ & Time:
Great Yang

Pin Yin Name: Tai Yang
Arm Organ & Time: Small Intestine 1-3pm
Leg Organ & Time: Bladder 3-5pm
Flow of Qi in main meridians:

Bright Yang

Pin Yin Name:
Arm Organ & Time:
Leg Organ & Time:
Bright Yang

Pin Yin Name: Yang Ming
Arm Organ & Time: Large Intestine 5-7am
Leg Organ & Time: Stomach 7-9am
Flow of Qi in main meridians:

Lesser Yang

Pin Yin Name:
Arm Organ & Time:
Leg Organ & Time:
Lesser Yang

Pin Yin Name: Shao Yang
Arm Organ & Time: San Jiao 9-11pm
Leg Organ & Time: Gall Bladder 11-1am
Flow of Qi in main meridians:

Absolute Yin

Pin Yin Name:
Arm Organ & Time:
Leg Organ & Time:
Absolute Yin

Pin Yin Name: Jue Yin
Arm Organ & Time: Pericardium 7-9pm
Leg Organ & Time:Liver 1-3am
Provide the next Jiao/Division/Stage in the sequence:

Arm Tai Yin ➡ Arm Yang Ming ➡ ___________
Leg Yang Ming

Arm Tai Yin ➡ Arm Yang Ming ➡ Leg Yang Ming
Provide the next Jiao/Division/Stage in the sequence:
Arm Tai Yang ➡ Leg Tai Yang ➡ ___________
Leg Shao Yin

Arm Tai Yang ➡ Leg Tai Yang ➡ Leg Shao Yin
Provide the next Jiao/Division/Stage in the sequence:

Leg Shao Yin ➡ Arm Jue Yin ➡ ___________
Arm Shao Yang

Leg Shao Yin ➡ Arm Jue Yin ➡ Arm Shao Yang
Provide the next Jiao/Division/Stage in the sequence:

Leg Shao Yang ➡ Arm Jue Yin ➡ ___________
Arm Tai Yin

Leg Shao Yang ➡ Arm Jue Yin ➡ Arm Tai Yin
Provide the next Jiao/Division/Stage in the sequence:
Leg Tai yang ➡ Leg Shao Yin ➡ ___________
Arm Jue Yin

Leg Tai yang ➡ Leg Shao Yin ➡ Arm Jue Yin
What is a function of the 12 regular channels?
The 12 regular channels connect internally with organs and externally with limbs and joints.
What are functions of the 8 extraordinary channels?
The 8 extraordinary channels act as reservoirs regulating Qi and Blood flow in the regular channels.
Do extraordinary channels have points of their own?
No. The 8 extraordinary channels borrow points from other channels with the exception of Ren and Du channels
What is the name of the 12 channels that tend to be vertical branches, strengthen Zang Fu relationships, usually ascend to the head?
The 12 Divergent Channels.
What do the 15 (or 16) Luo channels connect?
The 15/16 Luo channels connect the Zang & Fu channels. It always starts on a Luo point and connects to the Source point on the corresponding Zang Fu channel
What is the name of the first pulse position?
The first pulse position is: Cun
What is the name of the second pulse position?
The second pulse position is: Guan
What is the name of the third pulse position?
The third pulse position is: Qi
What are the organs in each of the pulse positions on the LEFT wrist?
cun: Heart
guan: Liver
qi: Kidney (Yin)
What are the organs in each of the pulse positions on the RIGHT wrist?
cun: Lung
guan: Spleen
qi: Kidney (Yang)
Name the 6 External Pathogens (Pernicious Influences).
Summer Heat
Jin & Ye fluids -- which are thick and which are thin?
Provide samples
Jin fluids are thin fluids:
tears, sweat, mucous

Ye fluids are thick fluids:
sinovial, spinal
Long Term memory is controlled by which organ?
The Heart controls Long Term memory.
Focused memory is controlled by which organ?
The Spleen controls Focused memory.
Short Term memory is controlled by which organ?
The Kidneys control Short Term Memory.
Define and locate:
Corporeal Soul
Define and locate:
Define and locate:
The Three Treasures are:
Jing - Essence
Qi - "energy"
Shen - spirit/mind/vitality
The four pillars of evaluation are:
Inspection - observation
Listening & Smelling
Palpation - including pulses
The STRENGTH of a pathogen is refers to?
The strength of a pathogen is refers to DEFICIENCY or EXCESS.
The DEPTH of a pathogen is refers to?
The depth of a pathogen is refers to INTERIOR or EXTERIOR.
The NATURE of a pathogen is refers to?
The nature of a pathogen is refers to COLD or HOT.
The overall QUALITY of a pathogen is refers to?
The overall quality of a pathogen is refers to YIN or YANG.
Tai Yang Arm: Organ
Small Intestine
Tai Yang leg: Organ
Urinary Bladder
Tai Yang Organs
Arm: Small Intestine
Leg: Urinary Bladder
Tai Yin Organs
Arm: Lung
Leg: Spleen
Yang Ming Organs
Arm: Large Intestine
Leg: Stomach
Shao Yin Organs
Arm: Heart
Leg: Kidneys
Jue Yin Organs
Leg: Liver
Shao Yang Organs
Arm: San Jiao
Leg: Gall Bladder
Counts of the 72 Channels
12 Primary Channels
8 Extraordinary Vessels
12 Divergent Channels
12 Tendino-muscular Pathways
16 Luo Connecting Pathways
12 Cutaneous Regions
Function of Extraordinary Vessels
Act as reservoirs for the primary channels (but not 1:1 ratio. There are 8 Extraordinary vessels).
Function of Divergent Channels
Reinforce associatn between superficial Primary channels and the deep Organ (sometimes other structures).

Diverge proximal to knee/elbow and resurface around neck and shoulders.
Function of 12 Tendinomuscular pathways
Treats muscle/sinew issues. They begin distally @ fingers & toes and run proximally towards head and trunk.

They are broader than the Primary Channels.
Function of 16 Luo Connecting Pathways
12 of 16 connect Ying/Yang pairs.
Those connect between Luo Connecting point & Yuan-Source point

2 connect the Du Mai & Ren Mai channels

2 connect the Great Luo Sp/St
Elemental Shu Points:
Which are the most distal points on any channel.
They are used to clear heat, revive consciousness and for infantile convulsions.
Jing Well points.
Elemental Shu Points:
Which are the 2nd most distal points on any channel?
Used to clear heat & clear excess related to the channel.
Ying Spring points.
Elemental Shu Points:
Which are the 3rd most distal points on any channel? (except GB, which is 4th distal)
Used for joint pain & body heaviness.
Shu Stream points.
Elemental Shu Points:
Which are the 4th, 5th (or higher) most distal points on any channel?
used to treat lung conditions and bone conditions.
Jing River points.
Elemental Shu Points:
Which points are found on or near the knees & elbows?
Used for rebellious Qi and digestive issues.
He Sea points.
Elemental points for the Yin channels begin (most distal) with what element at the Jing-Well point?
Yin channels most distal elemental points (Jing-Well) start with the Wood element:

Elemental points for the Yang channels begin (most distal) with what element at the Jing-Well point?
Yang channels most distal elemental points (Jing-Well) start with the Metal element:
