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69 Cards in this Set

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Brain Tissue is made up of
Glial cells
Glial Cells
Support structure to neurons
Supply nutrients to neurons and other glial cells and maintains the K ion homeostasis for neurons
Waste and debri removal system of the brain
Ependymal Cells
Produce CSF
Maintain the myelin sheath after an injury
function of
Performs motor and sensory functions and a variety of mental activities
function of
Balance, muscle tone, posture and coordination
function of
Motor control, reticular activating system (wakefulness), regulatory centers for heart rate, pulse, blood pressure and respiration
RIGHT hemisphere controls
Hand dominance on L side, artistic functions, music, art awareness, spatial orientation, creativity and insight
LEFT hemisphere controls
Hand dominance on R side, number skills, spoken language, written language, abstract reasoning and scientific functions
Corpus Collasum
connects R and L hemispheres of cerebrum, coord functions of the two halves
4 lobes of the Cerebrum
frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital
function of
Judgment, reasoning, attention, ST memory, motor function (homunculus), motor speech (Broca's area) and personality
function of
Sensation (homunculus), speech organization, hand skillls, grammar, perception and proprioception
function of
Hearing, emotion, smell, taste, understanding speech (Wernicke's area), recall of LT memory
function of
Vision, sensation
triangular opeining of dura that allows brainstem, blood vessels and nerves to pass through an oval opening.
above the tentorial notch; contains f, t, p and o lobes; Also corpus collosum, 2 lat ventricles, 3rd ventricle & CN I & II
area below tentorial notch; includes cerebellum and brainstem
What is normal cerebral blood flow
750 ml/min
Arterial bl flow to brain is what percent of CO
How does the brain autoregulate blo flow over a wide range of BP
by vasoconstriction or vasodilation of the arteries
Major arteries that supply bl flow to brain
R and L Carotid arteries
R and L Vertebral arteries
Carotid arteries provide circulation to
Anterior brain (F, T, P and O lobes). Accounts for 80% of bl flow to brain
Vertebral arteries join to form the basilar artery and provide circulation to
Posterior brain (cerebellum, brainstem and base of O and T lobes). Accounts for 20% of bl flow to brain
What communication artery connects the anterior and posterior circulation
Circle of Willis
functions of Circle of Willis
Connects ant & post circulation, and can act as protective mech by shunting bl from one side to the other or ant vs post port of br
Anterior Cerebral Artery
Supplies most medial portions of frontal lobe and superior medial parietal lobes
Anterior Communicating Artery
Connects the anterior cerebral arteries at their closest juncture
Internal Carotid Artery
Ascends thr base of skull to give rise to ACA and MCA, and connects with post half of COW via PCA
Middle Cerebral Artery
Trifurcates off the ICA and supplies the lateral aspects of the T, F and P lobes
Posterior Communicating Artery
Connects to anterior COW with PCA of vertebral-basilar circulation posteriorly
Posterior Cerebral Artery
Supplies the O lobe and the inferior portionof the T lobe. A branch supplies the choroid plexus
Basilar Artery
Formed by junction of the two vertebral arteries, it terms as a bifurcation into post & cerebral arteries supplying brainstem
Vertebral Artery
Vertebrals emerge from post base of skull (For Magn) and merge to form the basilar artery supplying the brainstem
if intact restricts mvmt of large harmful subst fr bl strm. If ischemic or infectv states, brks down and allows bad stf in
Venous Drainage System
cerebral veins->venous sinuses->R/L int jug veins. Vein and sinuses of br-no valves. HOB @ 30 and head in neutr pos ^ drng
produced in lateral ventricles by ependymal cells on the choroid plexus. Provides nutrients, removes waste prod & shk abs
CSF statistics
250-500cc prod q24h; 125cc in ventric syst at one time; Abs from SA space bay arachnoid villi into the venous syst
maintains the cerebral blood flow.
normal CPP=70-90 mm Hg
hypoperfusion: CPP<60 mm Hg
cerebral blood flow
affected by CPP and CVR
cerebrovascular resistance
the pressure across the cerebrovascular bed from the arteries to the jugular veins
Average CBF
Ischemia CBF
Tissue Death
Hyperemia (CBF>tissue demand)
50 ml/100 Gm/min
<18-20ml/100 Gm/min
<8-10/100 Gm/min
Extrinsic factors that affect CBF
systemic BP, CO, bl viscosity, vascular tone
Intrinsic factors that alter CBF
^CBF: when vessels dialate, ex: ^PaCO2(hypercarbia); vpH; vpaO2(hypoxia)
vCBF: with opposite of above
Other factors that affect CBF
anesthetic and antihypertensive agents, REM sleep, arousal, pain, sz, ^T, and cerebral trauma
Basilar Fractures Types
Anterior Fossa
Middle Fossa
Posterior Fossa
Anterior Fossa S&S
rhinorrhea (d/c from nose); raccoon eyes (occurs immed); anosmia (loss of smell); oculomotor palsies
Middle Fossa S&S
hemotympanum; otorrhea; Battle's sign (bruising behind ear-occurs w/in 24-48 hrs); unilateral hearing loss
Posterior Fossa S&S
hypotension; tachycardia; alteration in respirations d/t compression of the brainstem
Signs of CSF leak in basilar skull fx
salty/sweet taste in mouth; post-nasal drip; coughing or clearing throat; visible drainage from ear/nose;
Procedures to avoid if pt has basilar skull fx
do not drink with straw; no hot liquids, no blowing of nose, don't use IS; no NG tube insertion
Le Forte I
Le Forte II
Le Forte III
most common fx-maxilla bone
"dishpan" face
free floating maxilla
alteration of consciousness following a non-penetrating TBI to brain; CT scan does not show abnormalities
S&S of Concussion
confusion, disorientation, headache, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, hallmark AMNESIA; Usu resolves in 3 mos
Cerebral Contusion
area of bleeding and edema within the brain tissue; prim inj>swelling>bleeding>^ICP>secondary injury
S&S Cerebral Contusion
chg LOC, sz, disorientation, headache, vomiting, deterioration in neuro status. CT/MRI is diagnostic; repeat CT in 24hr
Treatment for cerebral contusion
osmotic diuretic (mannitol), barbiturates (pentobarbital, thiopenthol), hyperventilation (PaCO2 30-35), ICP monitg, sx
bleeding occurs below the arachnoid meninge d/t cerebral bl vessels being stretched or torn at the time of injury. Not vis on CT
Complications of SAH
focal ischemia, localized cerebral edema, VASOSPASM (usu4-10days s/p SAH), thrombosis of bl vess, or traumatic aneurysm
Epidural Hematoma
collection of bl in extradural space; Usu cased by lac of middle meningeal artery; shifts br tissue medially; immed sx req'd
S&S Epidural Hematoma
period of lucidity folw'd by rapid neurological deterioration; ips pupil dial; chg LOC; posturing, contrlat limb wkn, hemipar&plegia
collection of blood below the dura; venous in origin from the B bridging veins; diagnostic on CT
Common causes of SDH
falls, MVC, assault, violent shaking
Acute SDH
Subacute SDH
Chronic SDH
24-48 hrs
2 days - 2 weeks
2 weeks - 3 months
ICH (intracerbral hematoma)
results from bleeding w/in the cerebral tissue, usu from depr sk fx, penetr ing or accel-decel inj
pt presents usu with a sudden deterioration in neuro status
cs by accel-decel & rotational forces during prim hd inj,wh cs stretching & shearing of neurons (white matter tracts) v neuronal tr