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60 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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autonomic bladder
external condom cathater
functional incontinance
ileal conduit
indwelling urethral catheter
intermittent urethral catheter
Kegel exercises
mixed incontinence
overflow incontinence
postvoid residual PVR
reflex incontinence
specific gravity
stress incontinence
suprapubic catheter
total incontinence
transient incontinence
urge incontinence
urinary diversion
urinary incontinence
urinary retention
Organs of the Urinary System
- kidney
- bladder
- ureters
- urethra
Function of the Kidneys
Functions of the Bladder
Function of Urethra
The effects of incontinence
- skin breakdown
- psychosocial issues
- lowered self-concept
- possible infection
- decreased physical activity
The effects of aging
- nocturia
- frequency
- urgency
- incontinence
- prompt for UTI
- NI pg. 1240
Strategies to promote normal urination
Act of Micturition
- process of emptying the bladder
- detrusor muscle contracts, internal sphincter relaxes, urine enters posterior urethra
- muscles of perineum and external sphincter relax
- muscle of abdominal wall contract slightly
- diaphragm lowers, micturition occurs
Nursing Process and Urination
- assessing data about voiding patterns, habits, past history of problems
- physical examination of urinary system, skin hydration urine
- correlation of these findings with results of procedures and diagnostic tests
- 24 hour urine output os less than 50mL
- sugar in the urine
- puss in the urine
- painful urination
Diseases Associated with Renal Problems
- congenital urinary tract abnormalities
- polycystic kidney disease
- urinary calculi
- hypertension
- diabetes mellitus
- gout
- connective tissue disorders
Medications Affecting Color of urine
- anticoagulants - red
- diuretics - pale yellow urine
- pyridium - orange to orange/red urine
- elavil - green or blue-green urine
- levadopa- brown or black urine
Urinary Assessment: Kidneys
- check for costovertebral tenderness
Urinary Assessment: urinary bladder
- palpate and percuss the bladder or use bedside scanner
Urinary Assessment: Urethral meatus
- inspect for signs of infection, discharge or odor
Urinary Assessment: Skin
- assess for color, texture, turgor, and excretion of wastes
Urinary Assessment: Urine
- assess for color, odor, clarity, and sediment
- prevent reabsorption of water and certain electrolytes in tubules
Cholinergic Medications
- stimulate contraction of detrusor muscle, producing urination
Analgesics and Tranquilizers
- suppress CNS, diminish effectiveness of neural refelx
Measuring Urine output
- Ask patient to void into bedpan, urinal, or specimen container in bed or bathroom.
- Pour urine into appropriate measuring device.
- Place calibrated container on flat surface and read at eye level.
- Note amount of urine voided and record on appropriate form.
- Discard urine in toilet unless specimen is needed
Types of Urine Specimens
- routine urinalysis
- clean-catch or mid-stream specimens
- 24 hour urine specimen
- specimens from infants and children
Nursing Diagnosis: Urinary Function as the Problem
- incontinence
- pattern alteration
- urinary retention
Nursing Diagnosis: Urinary Function as Etiology
- anxiety
- caregiver role strain
- risk for infection
Planned Patient Goals
- produce sufficient quantity of urine to maintain fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance
- empty bladder completely at regular intervals without discomfort
- provide care for urinary diversion and know when to notify pyhsician
- develop plan to modify factors contributing to current or future urinary problems
- correct unhealthy urinary habits
Nursing Intervention
- maintaining normal voiding habits
- promoting fluid intake
- strengthening muscle tone
- assisting with toileting
Patients at Risk for UTI
- sexually active women
- women who use diaphragm
- postmenopausal women
- indwelling urinary catheter
- individuals with diabetes mellitus
- elderly people
Reasons for Catheterization
- relieving urinary retention
- obtaining sterile urine specimen
- Obtaining a urine specimen when usual methods can’t be used
- Emptying bladder before, during, or after surgery
- Monitoring critically ill patients
Patient Education for Urinary Diversion
- explain reasons and rationale for treatment
- demonstrate effective self-care
- follow up care and support
- where supplies can be obtained
- address fears/concerns
- encourage positive body image