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12 Cards in this Set

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New beginnings, opportunity, potential, drive, ideas, inspiration and aspiration, independence, action, will.


Balance, duality, a crossroad or choice, partnership, assimilation, sharing, receptivity, diplomacy, agreement and insight. partial success with more activity later. Or a reconciliation or reunion, facing contrast, opposites.


Mystery, intuition, creativity, adaptability, growth, abundance, communication and friendships. Multiple 3s indicate group activities. Or delay but with advancement in time.


Structure, foundation, stability, stagnation, endurance, manifestation of physicality, practical application, production with humility, concentration, simple organisation and planning. Many 4s indicate fertility of desires.


Instability, conflict, loss, the opportunity for change, passion, expansion and re-creation, fluctuation. Travel & movement, They also indicate material prosperity but spiritual poverty if not balanced. Unpredictability.


Sincere communication, problem-solving, cooperation, balance, relaxation, adjustment, protecting harmony, compassion, social consciousness, domesticity, love, care, comfort and concern for changes in thoughts, attitudes. Transcend difficulties, dependability, growth.


Reflection, assessment, motives, spirituality, wisdom, perfect order, observation, investigation, meditation, discovery and knowledge. faith. It is about knowing truths, through experience that understanding develops and faith is attained. many 7s indicate introspection or solitude. Imagination, restoration of wellbeing.


Action presents opportunity, regeneration, re-evaluation, capability, spiritual fortitude, success, recognition, accomplishment and attainment. 8s indicate a + change of mind or status

Observation, Intention, Abundance, Repetition, Infinity


Fruition, attainment, reaching conclusion, fulfilment, altruism, magnetism, idealism and giving wisdom or influencing inspiration by intellectual fortitude. A step is being completed. maintaining vision and awareness that another plateau awaits. Invention,


Completion, end of a cycle and renewal. 10 can also become 1 (1+0 = 1) and therefore, the tens represent the same things as the Aces but on a higher level. Many 10s in a reading can indicate endings which will soon transform into new beginnings.

Major arcana cards and Court cards

Major arcana cards have their associated numbers reduced to determine the numerological value of the card. For example, the Moon is 18. 1+8=9. Both 9 and the Moon card represent completion, fulfillment and the conclusion of a cycle.

Court cards typically carry no numeric value and directly represent people in the questioner's life.


Beginning and Ending, Alpha and Omega, Limitless, Infinite, Unity, Pure Potential.