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69 Cards in this Set

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What are the five officially recognized religions in China today?
Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, Protestantism, Taoism
How did the ancient Chinese practice ancestor veneration
Through, Filial piety it is the concept of remaining loyal to parents as their child
How did they practice divination
Fortune telling
Identify Confucius and Mencius and the main themes of the respective teaching
Confucius: teacher of the the Tao. Chinese teacher.
Mencius: Chinese philosopher.
They both wanted the same thing.
Who is the perfectly holy teacher of antiquity
Who is the second stage
And what kind of social and political context did they live and work
Both Councled .
How were they similarly successful and similarly unsuccessful
Both traveled around and taught
How are they venerated
Elaborate funeral rites
Extensive mourning rituals
Continuing rituals long after mourning
Explain Confucius' interest in ancient studies
He was a learner and a teacher and wanted to make the world a better place.
Identify the Confucian project
The task of becoming a fully human community
Identify the following Confucian concepts: Jen/Ren, Li, Hsiao/xiao, te/de, wen, the chun tzu/junzi, and the mandate from heaven
Chun Tzu/junzi: the mature or superior person (literally, "the son of the prince" or "princeling," traditionally rendered into English as, "the gentleman".

Jen/Ren: human-heartedness, compassion

Li: propriety, ritual

Hsiao/Xiao: filial piety

Te/De: the power of moral example

Wen: arts of peace, culture
Explain the rectification of names
means by which things were either to be called their correct names (that is, the name corresponding to behaviour), or people are meant to live up to the name that they have.
Identify the following Confucian writings: I Ching (Yijing), the analects
I Ching: Book of changes
Analects:"pure" ethical teachings of a humanistic Chinese sage "Confucius"
Identify the five relationships and the 10 attitudes
Ruler and subject: benevolence and loyalty

Parent and child: kindness and filial piety

Husband and wife: righteousness and obedience

Elders and juniors in the family: gentility and humility

Elders and juniors in the society: humaneness and deference
Explain why you do or do not think Confucius was religious
Yes. He may not be religious like the westerners are used to.
Explain Mencius' original heart (true heart) and it's four tendencies
Compassion (show)
Shame (show)
Courtesy (or respect) (show)
Right and wrong (know from)
Explain why you agree or disagree with Mencius that all human beings are originally good
I agree. Because I don't believe people are born bad.
What are the three types or classifications of Taoism
What are the three meanings of the word Tao
The way of alternate reality
The way of the universe
The way a human being should order his or her individual life
Identify Lao Tzu/Laozi and Chuang Tzu/Zhaungzi
Lao Tzu/Laozi: personified as dao. Pure one.

Chuang Tzu/Zhaungzi: influential Chinese philosopher
Identify the Tao Te Ching/Daodejing and the Chuang Tzu/Zhuangzi
Tao Te Ching: foundational text of Taoist philosophy and religion.
Chuang Tzu: it is the 2nd most important text in Taoist philosophy.
Who dreamt that he was a butterfly and what was the meaning of that dream
Chuang Tzu/Mencius
Didn't know if he was a man dreaming he was a butterfly of a butterfly dreaming he was a man. All things are relative.
Explain the meaning of the yin Yang symbol, as well as the Dragon/Tiger symbolism
Yin yang: opposite energies
Dragon: is a female
Tiger: is male
Explain these Taoist beliefs: selflessness; te/de; the relativity of all values; the reversion of all things; wu Wei
Union with the tao by selflessness
the reversion of all things
the relativity of all values
De:is power
Wei: actionless action, pure effectiveness, creative quiet
What does water symbolize for taoists
It's the softest of all things, yet it is able to cut deeply into rock hard surfaces.
Identify the ways of vitalist Taoists sought longevity or immortality
Disciplines of breathing
Sexual practices
Bodily disciplines
Charms and talismans
Help for immortals
Meditations: 5 stages: stilling the body, stilling the mind, concentrating, emptying the mind, merging with the Tao.
Moral behavior
Explain the practice and purpose of Chinese alchemy (and it's elixir of life), vitalist Taoist breathing disciplines (and womb breathing), vitalist Taoist sexual discipline
Alchemy: the making of metals into gold and helping people to not be sick
Breathing: it also helped improve your life
Sexual: was because it helped improve life
What is ch'i/qi
Cosmic energy and one's vital energy
What is a hsien/xian
An immortal being
How is hsien/Xian represented in Taoist art
Hsien/xian: an immortal being
Identify the three pure ones
Jade Emperor
Lao Tzu/ Laozi
Ling Pao/Lingbao
Explain the function of the stove/kitchen God
Heats stove with fire. To be able to cook
What are the two main functions of the Taoist priests
Performing liturgies and rituals of guidance and protections (especially rites of passage)
What is feng shui
Flow or balance of energies
Wind (feng) water (shui)
What is qigong
"Breath practice" for healing purposes
Identify Fallon gong/dafa, it's three principles, it's purpose and practices, and the two designs of its symbol
Great law – wheel practice
Of what is the swastika an ancient and universal symbol
A symbol of prosperity and good fortune
What are the Abrahamic religions
Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Approximately how many Jews are in the world today and what percentage of the worlds population is Jewish
14 million
1/10 of 1%
In what two countries do more than 80% of Jews live
Israel and USA
How many Jews perished in the Holocaust (Shoah)
6 million
What are these Jewish writings: the Torah; the Tanakh , the Mishnah, and the Talmud
Torah ("law" "teaching")
Tanakh acronym of Torah
Mishnah "(repetition")
Talmud ("teaching")
What are the three parts of the Tanakh (in English)
What is midrash
"Inquiry" into what scripture does not quite say what means, interpretation and supplementation of Scripture
How does God and why does God created the heavens and the earth in Jewish tradition
The image of G-d
Is the meaning of these two Latin phrases: creatio ex nihilo; imago dei
Creation out of nothing
Image of G-d
The fruit of what tree is forbidden Adam and Eve and Eden and why
Apple because they were trying to hide their nakedness
According to Novak, what are Judaism's two big ideas
The idea of one God
The idea of human dignity
Who are Abraham, Moses, and David
Abraham: first Jew
Moses: took out of Egypt
David: King
What are the three covenants in the Torah and their three parts
G-d and Noah (representing all humankind)

G-d and Abraham (representing the jewish people)

G-d and the Jewish people (represented by Moses)
How many commandments are given to the Jews in the Torah
How many are given to Gentiles
What is the decalogue
The 10 Commandments
Identify the Sabbath, the high holy days, Rosh hashanah , Yom Kippur, Passover and Purim
Sabbath: day of rest
High holy days: days of awe
Rosh hashanah: head of the year
Yom kippur: Day of atonement
Purim: book of Esther
Pesach: passover. Jewish holiday commemorating the exodus from Egypt
Does God's special name YHWH (Yahweh) express
G-d's name is revealed to Moses
What does the Hebrew term yeshuah indicate about salvation
"Deliverance" "salvation" from root verb meaning "make wide"
Delivering Jews into salvation
Who is the Messiah and what do Jews tend to believe about him
That he/she will make the world a better place
What is central to the notion of a prophet in the Tanakh
A prophet sees what others don't
A prophet speaks for G-d
In what three stages did the office of profit evolve
G-d exists
G-d providence is real
The soul is immortal
What is kashrut
Jewish dietary laws
What are some major examples of foods that are kosher and not kosher
Not kosher:
Quadrupeds that do not chew the cud and had a split hoof like pigs
What is the significance of matrilineal decent, the kippah (or yarmulka), the shekinah
Matrilineal descent: one is born a Jew if one's mother is Jewish
Kippah: Jewish skullcap. Knowing g-d is above you.
Shekinah: god's presence.
Who are the Ashkenazic and shephardic Jews
Ashkenazic: from Central and Eastern Europe
Sephardic: drives from Spanish. From Iberia, Mediterranean and middle east
What are the four major ways that Jews are grouped in the world today
Which group is the largest in the United States
Reform 41%
Who are the Haredim
super religious orthodox
What happens ca. 587 B.C.E., in 70 CE
Ca. 587 to 538: exile in Babylon
Ca 515 B.C.E. – 70 CE: second (Harod's) Temple is standing in Jerusalem
Ca. 70 CE: Romans destroyed Jerusalem (and its Temple)
What is the significance of the Western Wall or Wailing Wall
Last standing wall of a fallen temple.