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40 Cards in this Set

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What do you call people who are vulnerable because of a physical limitation or life stage

Special populations

What is the modification of basic massage techniques and body positions to meet the needs of women as they undergo changes during pregnancy and the postpartum period

Pregnancy massage

What is a sequence of events that begin with implantation, continues with & Beyond akande fetal growth, and ends in birth


What is the premature termination of a pregnancy


What is the inflammation of a vein with the formation of blood clots

Deep vein thrombosis

Pregnant women are at higher risk for deep vein thrombosis. This remains for how long

10 weeks after childbirth

What trimester is the first day of the last period two week 14

First trimester

What trimester spans from week 15 to 28

Second trimester

A pregnant woman will begin to experience her baby moving for the first time between weeks

18 and 22 weeks

During pregnancy What is a persistent high blood pressure with protein in the urine that develops after 20 weeks of gestation and return back to normal levels after delivery


What is it called as the pregnant uterus compresses major abdominal blood vessels especially the inferior vena cava

Supine hypotension syndrome

What is the most common sign of preeclampsia

Widespread edema

If you notice widespread edema because this may indicate preeclampsia massage will be


If edema is present in the leg, ankles, and feet only then massage is


During a prenatal massage a small cushion should be Place beneath her

Right hip

The third trimester is what time period

Week 29 to birth (40)

this hormone is released to increase the flexibility of the pelvic girdle and help the cervix relax and dilate during childbirth


What is the burning sensation in the chest and may extend to the lower throat called


What are dilated veins due to incompetent valves

Varicose veins

What is the feeling of being overheated and is common complaint of pregnant women in their third trimester

Heat intolerance

What are the result of tearing, thinning, or overstretching of skin, which reduces its thickness

Stretch marks

What pressure do you use when massaging over stretch marks

Light pressure

What is it called when pregnancy is more likely to have complications for the mother for the developing fetus

High risk pregnancy

Twins, triplets, maternal age, gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, and fetal abnormalities are all what

High risk factors

This period Begins after childbirth and extends for probably 6 weeks

Postpartum period

What type of Massage uses massage techniques to create a nurturing and bonding experience between the infant and the parent or caregiver

Infant massage

What must happen on the minors behalf before giving a minor a massage

Consent from a parent or legal Guardian

This is a modification of basic massage techniques and body positions to meet the needs of the elderly

Geriatric massage

What percentage of the elderly report having at least one chronic disease


Giving a geriatric massage should be done at what time

Daylight hours

Reduce muscle tone and decreased muscle mass related to inactivity is called


What position is used for a geriatric massage

Whatever position the client sleeps at night

What is a diminished capacity that can involve movement, Vision or hearing, or emotional and cognitive function called


What is the inability to perform a major life activity, such as, seeing, hearing, speaking, or care of oneself


The loss of vision that cannot be corrected with standard measures, such as glasses or contact lenses is called

Visual impairment

What is the inability to use one or more extremity causing difficulties with task, such as sitting or walking.

Mobility impairment

What type of care that seeks to improve the quality of life by reducing suffering

Palliative care

What agency is used if a qualified healthcare provider determines that the person is terminally ill and expected to live six months or less

Hospice agency

What trimester and what's heartburn, lower back pain, and feet swelling or more prevalent

Third trimester

What pregnancy trimester in which morning sickness and fatigue or more prevalent

First trimester