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41 Cards in this Set

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Why is the year 1607 important in U.S. history?
Founding of Jamestown
Why is the year 1776 important in U.S. history?
Signing of the Declaration of Independence
Why is the year 1787 important in U.S. history? Be able to name 3 events
Ratification of the Constitution, Northwest Ordinance, Whiskey Rebellion
Why is the year 1803 important in U.S. history?
Louisiana Purchase, Marbury v. Madison (judicial review)
Why are the years 1861-1865 important in U.S. history?
U.S. Civil War
Which amendment outlawed all forms of slavery?
Which amendment guarantees freedom of religion and the right to assemble peacefully?
Which amendment gave freed African American men the right to vote?
Which constitutional amendment gave full rights of citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the US (except for Native Americans)
What court case declared that all slaves were not and could never become citizens of the U.S.?
Dred Scott vs. Sanford
Which court case ruled in favor of the Cherokee?
Worcester vs. Georgia
Which president declared that he would not enforce this decision (referring to the Cherokee having the right to retain land)?
Andrew Jackson
Which court case established the principle of judicial review?
Marbury vs. Madison
Which court case ruled that only Congress can regulate commerical activity that has both intrastate & interstate dimensions?
Ogden vs. Gibbons
In which court case did the Supreme Court rule that Maryland could not tax the branch of the Bank of the US?
McCulloch vs. Maryland
What is an unalienable right?
A right that can not be taken away
What are 3 examples of unalienable rights? (from the Declaration of Independence)
Life, liberty, & pursuit of happiness
What banned further colonization of South America?
Monroe Doctrine
What are the 2 steps involved in amending the Constitution?
1. 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress to propose the amendment.
2. 3/4 of 50 state legislatures vote to ratify the amendment
Who was President during the War of 1812?
James Madison
Who invented the cotton gin?
Eli Whitney
What is a tariff?
Tax on imported goods
What was written during the War of 1812?
"Star-Spangled Banner"
What pamphlet was written by Thomas Paine criticized the British government and persuaded many colonists to support the idea of fighting for independence?
Common Sense
What abolitionist published the North Star?
Frederick Douglass
Who won the Election of 1860? What happened as a result of this?
Abraham Lincoln, South seceded from the Union
What was the name of the United States' first constitution?
Articles of Confederation
Where was the first battle of the Civil War?
Ft. Sumter
Who was President during the War of 1812?
James Madison
Which king did the colonies declare their independence from?
King George III
Where did the Civil War end?
Appomattox Courthouse
What was the turning point of the Civil War?
The Battle of Gettysburg, end hope of South to launch an attack deep into Union territory
Where was the first women's rights convention held?
Seneca Falls
Who was President during the Civil War (Union/Confederacy)
Union: Lincoln
Confederacy: Jefferson Davis
What was written during the War of 1812?
"Star-Spangled Banner"
Who wrote our national anthem?
Francis Scott Key
What order by President Lincoln freed all the slaves in the areas that were rebelling against the Union?
Emancipation Proclamation
What were the first two political parties?
Democratic-Republicans, Federalists
Who were the leaders of the first 2 political parties?
Thomas Jefferson (D-R), Alexander Hamilton (Fed.)
Where was the first battle of the American Revolution? (Hint: Think of the shots heard 'round the world)
Lexington & Concord
Who won the Election of 1860?
Abraham Lincoln