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37 Cards in this Set

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The form of the verb used when the actor or agent is the subject, and the goal or recipient is the direct object.


Usually a relative clause, but sometimes a subordinate clause.

adjectival clause

Usually a clause introduced by a subordinating conjunction

Adverbial clause

a sequence of words containing a subject and predicate; may be dependent or independent


a sentence containing one independent clause and at least one dependent clause

complex sentence

a sentence containing two or more independent clauses

compound sentence

a sentence containing two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.

compound complex sentence

a sentence that makes a statement

declarative sentence

Theoriginal sentence that fits one of the five sentence patterns.

deep structure

a clause that is unable to stand independently as a sentence

dependent clause

A noun or noun phrase that completes the meaning of a transitive verb

direct object

double negative

The auxiliary do used to form negative and interrogative sentences or used in answers.

dummy auxiliary

The main verb of a clause, occurring last in the main verb phrase.

finite verb

A sentence that commands

imperative sentence

A clause able to stand alone as a sentence

independent clause

A noun or noun phrase that can occur between a transitive verb and its direct object.

indirect object

A question sentence

interrogative sentence

The independent clause in a complex sentence

main clause

A sentence that denies or contradicts its statement

negative sentence

nominal that-clause

A clause that is not essential to the identification of a phrase

nonrestrictive clause

The form of the verb used when the object of a transitive verb becomes its subject; it results from the movement of the subject into a prepositional phrase with by, the insertion of BE + [-en] into the main verb phrase before the main verb, and the movement of the direct or indirect object into the subject position.

passive voice

The form of the verb ending with the [-en] morpheme and able to be used in the sentence I have always...

Past participle

A straightforward statement

positive sentence

Indicates action is ongoing

progressive aspect

The adverbs where, when, and why, used to introduce relative clauses

relative adverb

A clause that begins with a relative pronoun or relative adverb and modifies a noun or noun phrase that proceeds it.

relative clause

The pronouns who, whose whom, that, and which, used to introduce relative clauses

relative pronoun

A clause that identifies the referent of a noun or noun phrase that it modifies and is not set off by commas

restrictive clause

A sentence consisting of a single independent clause

simple sentence

A dependent clause beginning with a subordinating conjunction; usually adverbial in function

subordinate clause

Thesentence that results after applying one or more transformations.

Surface structure

specificprocesses that change the structure of one of the five sentences patterns.


A question that asks for specific information, as opposed to one that asks for a yes or no answer; typically, wh- questions begin with an interrogative word, such as who, what, when, where, why, or how.

wh- questions

An interrogative word, usually beginning with wh, used to introduce questions.

wh- words

A question to which the answer is either yes or no.

yes/no questions