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76 Cards in this Set

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adaptive methods

include the latest trends in software development

agile methods

include the latest trends in software development

application software

consists of programs that support day-to-day business functions and provide users with the information they need.


business to business


business to consumer

business model

describes the information that a system must provide.

business process model

graphically displays one or more business processes, such as handling an airline reservation, filing a product order, or updating a customer account.

business process modeling notation

includes standard shapes and symbols to represent events, processes, workflows, and more.

business rules

inside each process, input data is transformed by _________ that generate the output.

business support systems

provide job-related information support to users at all levels of a company.

CASE tools

provide an over-all framework for systems development and support a wide variety of design methodologies, including structured analysis and object-oriented analysis.


verifies that an individual demonstrated a certain level of knowledge and skill on a standardized test.


a collection of similar objects

computer-aided software engineering

a technique that uses CASE tools

computer-aided systems engineering

a technique that uses CASE tools

corporate culture

a set of beliefs, rules, traditions, values, and attitudes that define a company and influence its way of doing business.

critical thinking skills

include the ability to compare, classify, evaluate, recognize patters, analyze cause-and-effect, and apply logic.


the raw material that an information system transforms into useful information.

data flow diagram

uses various symbols and shapes to represent data flow, processing, and storage.


the result of each phase in a waterfall model, which flows into the next phase.

electronic data interchange

electronic commerce between two companies


gives employees more responsibility and accountability.

enterprise applications

company-wide applications.

enterprise computing

information systems that support company-wide operations and data management requirements.

enterprise resource planning

provide cost-effective support for users and managers throughout the company.

feasibility study

reviews anticipated costs and benefits and recommends a course of action based on operational, technical, economic, and time factors.


enables users to share data, collaborate on projects, and work in teams.


everything in the physical layer of the information system.

help desk

the user support function

horizontal system

a system, such as inventory or payroll application, that can be adapted for use in many different types of companies.


data that has been transformed into output that is valuable to users.

information technology

the combination of hardware, software, and services that people use to manage, communicate, and share information.


can be traced back to Japanese auto firms that were able to boost productivity by using a flexible manufacturing system, where team-based effort and short-term milestones helped keep quality up and costs down.

joint application development

uses teams composed of users, managers, and IT staff. focuses on team-based fact-finding,

knowledge base

allows users to find information by entering keywords or questions in normal English phrases.

legacy systems

older systems

mission-critical system

a system that is vital to a company's operations.


produces a graphical representation of a concept or process that systems developers can analyze, test, and modify.

moore's law

the number of transistors on an integrated circuit chip will double about every 24 months.

object-oriented analysis

combines data and the processes that act on the data into things called objects.


represent actual people, things, or events.

preliminary investigation

evaluates IT-related business opportunity or problems.


describe the tasks and business functions that users, managers, and IT staff members perform to achieve specific results


_________ firms manufacture computers, routers, or microchips

project management

the process of planning, scheduling, monitoring, controlling, and reporting upon the development of an information system.


objects possess characteristics called __________, which the object inherits from its class or possesses on its own.


an early working version of an information system.

radio frequency identification

uses high-frequency radio waves to track physical objects.

rapid application development

a compressed version of the entire development process.

requirements modeling

the first step in a systems analysis phase, where you investigate business processes and document what the new system must do to satisfy users.


can expand to meet new business requirements and volumes

server farm

a large concentration of servers working together.


include consultants, vendors, software developers, and service providers.


the programs that control the hardware and produce the desired information or results.

spiral model

represents a series of iterations, or revisions, based on user feedback


people who have in interested in an information system.

strategic plans

top managers develop long-ranged plans, called ___________, which define the company's overall mission and goals.

structured analysis

a traditional method that still is widely used.

supply chain

all the companies who provide materials, services, and functions needed to provide a product to a customer.

supply chain management

software that managers supply chain.


a set of related components that produces specific results.

system design specification

presented to management and users for review and approval

system requirements document

describes management and user requirements, costs and benefits, and outlines alternative development strategies.

system software

manages the hardware components, which can include a single workstation or a global network with thousands of clients.

systems analyst

a valued member of the IT department team who helps plan, develop, and maintain information systems.

systems design phase

create a physical model that will satisfy all documented requirements for the system

systems development life cycle

a series of phases used to plan, analyze, design, implement, and support an information system.

systems implementation phase

delivers a completely functioning and documented information system.

systems planning phase

preliminary investigation report

systems request

a formal request to the IT department

systems support and security phase

the IT staff maintains, enhances, and protects the system during this phase.

technical support

includes seven main functions: application development, systems support and security, user support, database administration, network administration, web support, and quality assurance.

transaction processing systems

process data generated by day-to-day business operations

user productivity systems

e-mail, voice mail, fax, video and Web conferencing, work processing, automated calenders, database management, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, presentation graphics, company intranets, and integrated mobile computing systems.

vertical system

designed to meet the unique requirements of a specific business or industry, such as Web-based retailer, a medical practice, or an auto dealership.

waterfall model

the result of each phase is called a deliverable and flows into the next phase.