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53 Cards in this Set

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Naturalistic/atheistic evolution
- Mass of material evolves into a higher organism and continues until it gets to common man

Basis of theory
- Interpretation and faith
- It is a religion
Theistic evolution
- God directed, used, and controlled evolution

Basis of theory
- Their interpretation of scripture
Creationism evolution
- Biblical account in Genesis is fact
- Gap theory
Spontaneous Generation
Particles just came alive
Progressive Evolutionary Development
The hypothesis that life has an innate tendency to move in a unilinear fashion due to some internal or external "driving force."
Process of evolution
Mutations + Natural Selection * Time = Evolution
Problems with Evolution
- Problem with mutations
- Problem with Natural Selection
- 1st Law of Thermodynamics
- 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy)
Portrait of Evolution
Fossil record and geological column do not exist and do not represent slow evolution process but a rapid destruction and burial of life in a short time period
The God of Creation
Genesis 1:1 vs. atheism, polytheism, pantheism, humanism, materialism, dualism, evolution
Creatio ex Nihilo
God created the world out of nothing
Gap Theory
a. Gen. 1:1-2
b. Many years between vv 1&2
c. Ex. 31:11
Solar Days
Yom: literal day when used with numeral adj.
All souls were created first, and as punishment God incarcerated the souls in bodies. One day they will be released again. Reincarnation. No biblical backing.
The soul is created at the moment of conception and added to the body.
- But the bible says that God created everything in 6 days…
The soul is transmitted together with the body through the processes of natural generation (most likely)
Nature of Man
Bipartite Unity – there is a material and a spiritual part, but a human being is a unity
i. The bible mentions, heart, spirit, will, conscious, etc.

Trichotomy – body, soul, spirit (Thomas Aquinas)
Facets of the Immaterial Part of Man
- Heart – sometimes the physical organ, but usually used as the seed of emotion, intellect and human will. The center of spiritual life
- Conscious – a witness within a human being. Helps us to act upon what we’ve been taught in regards to right or wrong
- Mind – center of our intellect and understanding [truth]
- Flesh – human nature apart from God, and physical body tissue
- Will – the way we utilize our immaterial part to make decisions
The Test (fall of man)
a. In order for there to be a real relationship, there had to be some sort of test so they could prove that they wanted to be in relationship with God
b. Eve was deceived, was disobedient, and selfish
Concept of sin in the OT
Sin is a violation of God’s law(s)
Biblical definition of sin
A violation of any of God’s standards or norms whether it be an act, disposition, or state
Erroneous and inadequate definitions of sin
i. Nothing more than an illusion
ii. Nothing more than some type of eternal principle of evil
iii. Selfishness
iv. Nothing more than an alternate lifestyle
Leaven (of the Pharisees, of the Sadducees, of the Herodians)
i. Indicates sinfulness
ii. Leaven helps bread grow and expand
iii. Leaven of Pharisees – hypocrisy
iv. Leaven of Sadducees – false teaching/doctrine
v. Leaven of Herodians – secularism and worldliness
Sources of Sin
Satan, the world, the heart
Forgiveness of Sin
a. The base of forgiveness of sin is the death of Jesus Christ
b. Once we are pardoned, we should have an attitude where we are willing to forgive others
Total Depravity (Romans 1:28)
Denotes that there is nothing in of ourselves that would merit God’s grace
Meaning of imputation
To transfer to or put onto someone else
3 Basic Imputations
i. The imputation of Adam’s sin to the human race
ii. The imputation of man’s sin to Jesus Christ
iii. The righteousness of Christ is imputed to believers
Results of Personal Sins
a. Unpardonable sin: Eternal Death
b. Effect on others not just our selves
c. Non-Believers: Eternal punishment
d. Believers: some believe you can lose your salvation; punishment in this life
Remedy for Personal Sins
Punishments for Sin
a. Un-believers: eternity in Hell
b. Believers: loss of communion with God
c. Results can be: sickness or death from habitual sin or church discipline
Preventative Measures Regarding Sin
a. Prayer
b. Fleeing sin/avoid circumstances
c. The Word
d. Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Remedy for Sin
Confession: to say that our sin is an abomination
Activity of Christ Before his Incarnation
Jesus was the angel of the Lord before he came to earth
i. He was a messenger
ii. Initiated judgment
iii. Protector & guide of Israel

Created the world

Sustains his creation
Predictions of the Incarnation of Christ
a. Isaiah 7:14
b. Isaiah 9
Purposes of the Incarnation
i. To reveal God to us
ii. To provide an example for our lives
iii. To provide an effective sacrifice for sin
iv. In fulfillment of the Davidic covenant
v. To destroy the works of the devil
vi. To be a compassionate high priest
vii. To be a competent judge
Early History of the Doctrine of the Incarnate Christ (list all)
- Docetism
- Ebionism
- Arianism
- Apollinarianism
- Nestorianism
- Eutychainism
- Orthodoxy (Council of Chalcedon 451)
Jesus 3 Key Messages
- Upper Room
- Sermon on the Mount
- Mount of Olives
Christ as Prophet
a. A prophet speaks to people on behalf of God
b. Moses predicts Jesus a prophet
c. Jesus declared himself as a prophet
d. He speaks God’s truth to other humans
e. He proclaimed God’s message through preaching and teaching
f. He was authoritative
Christ as Priest
Jesus is a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek
Christ as King
a. He was promised, predicted, proposed (by God), accomplished (through his incarnation)
b. He will come back as King of kings
“Jesus emptied himself, taking the form of a bond-servant…”
Christ was unable to commit sin

- Temptation of Jesus was pointless
- The he can’t really be compassionate
Christ was able to commit sin

What would have happened if he sinned?
Importance of the Resurrection of Christ
i. Atonement for sin
ii. Eternal life
iii. If it didn’t happen then Jesus is a liar
iv. If it didn’t happen then there would be no post-resurrectional ministries
v. There is no gospel w/o the resurrection
Affirmations about the Ascension
- Psalm 68
- Psalm 110
- Jesus spoke about going back to his father
- He specifically spoke about it
Description of the Ascension
Acts 1

1. A gradual ascension of Jesus rising and disappearing into the clouds
2. He will touch down in the same spot when he comes back
Problems with the Ascension
i. Goes contrary to the laws of nature
ii. John 20 – did he ascend twice?
Importance of the Ascension
i. It marks the end of his humiliation and humanly limitations
ii. The entrance of Jesus into his state of exaltation
Jesus Present Ministry
a. Jesus is the head of the church, we are the body
b. He cares for his church
i. Sanctifies it
ii. Sustains and nourishes it
iii. Gives spiritual gifts
iv. Gives up power
c. He is a priest for his people
i. He intercedes for his people
d. He is preparing a place for us
7 figures of Jesus' Present Ministry
i. He is the second Adam and we are a new creation
ii. He is the head of the church and we are the body
iii. He is the good shepherd and we are his sheep
iv. He is the true vine and we are the branches
v. He is the chief cornerstone and we are stones who are built upon him
vi. He is our high priest and we are a royal priesthood
vii. He is the heavenly bridegroom and the true believers are his bride
Jesus' Future Ministry
a. He will raise the dead (believers of all ages)
b. He will reward those who believe (judgment)
c. He will rule in this world for 1,000 years
7 Major Worldviews
1. Theism
a. An infinite God is beyond and in the universe
2. Atheism
a. God does not exist beyond the universe or in it
3. Pantheism
a. God is the universe
4. Panentheism
a. God is in the universe
5. Deism
a. God is beyond the universe but not in it
6. Finite Godism
a. A finite God is beyond and in the universe
7. Polytheism
a. There is more than one god in the universe
Transmission of the Immaterial Part of Man – 3 Theories
1. Preexistence
2. Creationism
3. Tranducianism