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29 Cards in this Set

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Ace of Swords

Raw power, victory, breakthroughs, mental clarity, force, new ideas, strong will

A card of courage, new ideas, mental breakthroughs and clarity. The confusion is cleared and you have a balanced mind. Cut away the excess, and focus on your goals

A sudden breakthrough of clarity awakens your soul.

Ace of Swords reversed

Reversed: lack of clarity, injustice, hostility, confusion, chaos

An unclear path will lead nowhere until you stop and regroup.

II Swords

Indecision, need for balance, blocked emotions, lacking information, stalemate, choices, truce

Two of swords about being stuck with a difficult decision and being afraid to proceed. However, lack of action may make the situation worse. A decision must be made, but only once you have all the needed information.

A daunting decision to be made; go with your heart.

II Swords Reversed

Difficult decisions, painful revelations, betrayal, emotional/mental turmoil, indecision, confusion, information overload

Do not overthink it; avoid the confusion of so many opinions.

III Swords

Heartache, Grief, love triangles, separation, rejection, emotional release, painful separation, sorrow, grief

Three of swords indicates a time of pain and heartbreak, however, encourages you to use this pain as a lesson learned. Accept your loss, release the pain and move on with the past behind you.

Pain and sorrow today brings out great strength tomorrow.

III Swords Reversed

Healing, releasing pain, refusal to let go, loneliness, optimism, forgiveness

Time to forgive and release the pain you can leave in the past.

IV Swords

Passivity, recharging, rest, seclusion, contemplation, recuperation, relaxation

Take a breather, and spend some time replenishing your strength. Refresh your mind with meditation and calm spaces.

Trying times leave you a moment to rest and reflect.

IV Swords Reversed

Restlessness, Stress, stagnation, burn out, lack of progress

Restless spirits reveal the dire need to take pause and regroup.

V Swords

Conflict, hollow victories, treachery, loss, defeat, win it all costs, tension, betrayal

Pick your battles wisely, and think before you act. Five of swords is about tension and disagreement with others. Even if you’ve won the battle, you may have still lost by hurting others

Winning is not all that it seems when friendships perish.

V Swords Reversed

Unresolved conflicts, re-opening wounds, negotiating, willingness to change, past resentment

The peak of conflict opens your mind to compromise and peace.

VI Swords

Moving on, transition, recovery, regretful but necessary transition, right of passage

A somber card, about picking up the pieces and moving on. Regretful but necessary transition but one that will be it if it to you in the long run.

The next chapter will begin when you let go of the past.

VI Swords Reversed

Reversed: unresolved issues, and ability to move on, resistance to change, carrying baggage

Holding onto baggage will hold you back from moving on.

VII Swords

Upright: deception, betrayal, selfishness, secrecy, stealth, being a lone wolf, getting away with something

The seven of swords is about deception, and being sneaky about a situation rather than facing it head on. It may be you, or someone in your life who is going Behind the backs of others. When drawing this card, be sure to reflect on your intentions and make sure they are pure.

Betrayal revealed when the descepter lets down his guard.

VII Swords Reversed

Ignoring advice, breaking old habits, self sabotage, mental challenges, breaking free

The first step forward calls you to break free from old ways.

VIII Swords

Self imprisonment, isolation, restriction, being powerless

You may feel restricted and powerless, but these are things that you’ve imposed on yourself. You may have to face a difficult decision, but you must release those constraints before doing so. Be honest with yourself.

Blinded by guilt or fear, you must be honest with yourself.

VIII Swords Reversed

Reversed: Open to change, self reflection, taking accountability, release, open to new perspectives

Newly opened change, you are ready to release old burdens.

IX Swords

Upright: Anxiety, nightmares, despair, cruelty, depression

None of sorts indicates you may be stricken by fear and anxiety, but this may all be in your head. You may be worrying about a situation a little too much, when in reality, it isn’t as bad as you think it is.

Beware of the self for filling prophecy’s of worry and fear.

IX Swords

Upright: Anxiety, nightmares, despair, cruelty, depression

Nine of swords indicates you may be stricken by fear and anxiety, but this may all be in your head. You may be worrying about a situation a little too much, when in reality, it isn’t as bad as you think it is.

Beware of the self-fulfilling prophecies of worry and fear.

IX Swords Reversed

Reversed: Overthinking, hopelessness, deep depression, guilt, hopelessness, torment

A tormented soul is your own worst enemy to overcome.

X Swords

Hitting rock-bottom, backstabbing, endings, defeat, release, crisis, betrayal, loss

You may have recently experienced a crushing failure, betrayal or disaster that brings you to your knees. However, you should be mindful of not making yourself into a martyr because of it. This card means you’ve hit rock bottom - from here on out there’s nowhere else to go but up.

And unexpected betrayal forces you into the next chapter.

X Swords Reversed

Change, clarity, recovery, reevaluation, regeneration, renewal, fear of inevitable end

A painful ending often leads to a beautiful beginning.

Page of Swords

Upright: Curiosity, energy, enthusiasm, ideas, communication, new phases, talkative , curious, mentally, energetic

The page of swords represents new energy, projects and ventures. You may experience some conflict as you go, but your ability to reason, communication skills and intuition will guide you along the way.

Strike while the iron is hot and your energy burns bright!

Page of Swords Reversed

Reversed: Haste, deceit, undelivered promises, unforeseen events, gossip, all talk/no action

Over enthusiasm can cloud your actions; think it through.

Knight of Swords

Upright: Action, ambition, determination, communication, haste, rebellion, opinionated, action oriented, communicative

You’re a strong, driven and ambitious, and perhaps embarking on new ventures. However, do not do so in haste, were you were so focused on your goals that you are blind to obstacles.

Embark on a bold new venture with unstoppable spirit.

Knight of Swords Reversed

Reversed: Chaos, arrogance, impatient, impulse, rash decisions, scattered thoughts, disregard for consequences

Beware of the impulse to leap full force without clear foresight.

Queen of Swords

Upright: Independence, intelligence, rational thought, staying calm, grace, perspective, quick thinker, organized, independent

The queen of swords is composed, mature, and intelligent; and able to think clearly without emotion. When faced with an issue, use your head rather than your heart.

Think with your head not your heart and logic will guide you.

Queen of Swords Reversed

Reversed: Bitterness, cold hearted, harshness, lack of focus, overly emotional, bitchy

Do not let emotions get in the way of sound decisions.

King of Swords

Upright: Authority, logic, calmness, clear objective thinking, intellectual power, truth

The king of swords is a card of stern judgment in leadership. The court of law and order. Suggests fairness, logic, and a clear mind when making decisions.

May good judgment and clear thinking always be your guides.

King of Swords Reversed

Reversed: Misuse of authority, manipulation, mistrust, abuse, manipulative, tyrannical

The King of Swords reversed can suggest the misuse of one’s mental power, authority, and drive. Represents manipulation and persuasion to fulfil selfish needs. He is a very intelligent older male (or sometimes female) who likes to show off to others about how smart he is by using big words or talking about topics about which no one else knows. He may also be very cutting in his words, critical of others, and stern in his manner. This card may represent a person in your life or even yourself. You need to be wary of this type of person because, although he/she may be charming and intelligent, they can do only harm.

The reversed King of Swords can also reflect a lack of decisiveness about where your best opportunities lie or in what direction you want to head. You are still making up your mind about what you want to do. Lack of decision means a lack of direction, so it is essential that you drive energy towards making a decision and then acting upon it. The longer you wait around until everything is 100% clear, the longer you delay your fulfilment.

Upright, the King is typically a very rational man who uses his intelligence and clear understanding of a situation to make critical decisions but reversed, this card indicates that you are feeling very lost and uncertain about your options, let alone the decisions you need to make. As a result, you are delaying necessary decisions and generally not achieving anything because you are getting so worried.

Beware the selfish one who only has his own interests at heart.