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15 Cards in this Set

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a charitable gift, especially of money, given to the poor
The hands of the beggars were outstretched for alms.
to criticize or condemn
She is more to be pitied than censured.
deserving of contempt, censure, or reproach; very bad; wretched
This room is in deplorable order. You have deplorable manners!
the process of trying to be the same as or better than another, especially by imitating
Her excitement is infectious while her deep drive and intent are worthy of emulation.
that which serves the purpose; means to an end
Use any expedients you think necessary to get over the obstacles in your way.
a supply (a market) with much more of a particular article than there is demanded for
One difference from last year is a slight displacement downward in the glut of applications.
to pester with insistent demands or requests
The ghosts importune the living, begging to be remembered and avenged.
excessive unwillingness to spend money or use resources; stinginess
The main reason for her parsimony was the impact on public-sector wages and pensions, which are linked to the minimum wage.
to be affected with great desire and longing (often followed for)
to pine for one's home and family.
extremely large or great in size, amount, strength, extent, or the like; enormous
The legal costs involved in this enormous litigation could be prodigious
Salable (saleable)
available or suitable for sale; easily sold
The books were sent back by the store in salable condition.
adhering strictly to standards of ethics or morality; punctilious
Scrupulous fossil collectors are careful always to get permission.
nourishment that maintains life; food
Warm and filling, it provided cheap, nourishing sustenance.
moderation in action, emotion, speech, or the like; self-restraint
Members of the temperance movement applied the phrase to households besieged by alcoholism.
an amount of money, produce, or goods equal in value to a tenth of one's income, given or paid as a contribution or a tax, especially to a church
•The greater tithes, or part payment in kind, were given to the vicar by the priest who served the parish.