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53 Cards in this Set

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Actions: Expels wind, brightens eyes, STOPS LACRIMATION

Indications: eye pain/ITCHING REDNESS SWELLING, LACRIMATION, vision problems, facial paralysis, twitching eyelids, EYE SX'S

ST 1
Cheng Qi

Tear Container

Actions: expels wind, brightens eyes

Indications: eye pain/redness, facial paralysis, deviation of eye/mouth, TWITCHING EYELIDS, *ROUNDWORMS IN BILE DUCT

ST 2
Si Bai

Four Whites

Actions: expels wind, relieves swelling, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: facial paralysis/swelling, TOOTHACHE, EYE MOVEMENT problems

ST 3
Ju Liao

Great Bone Hole

Actions: expels wind, opens channel, *BENEFITS TENDONS/MUSCLES, alleviates local pain

Indications: DEVIATION OF MOUTH, local facial pain/NUMBNESS, DROOLING, *EYE MOVEMENT problems

ST 4
Di Cang

Earth Grainery

Actions: expels wind, stops swelling

Indications: facial paralysis/pain/SWELLING, toothache (upper/lower), lock jaw

ST 5
Da Ying

Big Welcome

Actions: expels wind, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: JAW PAIN, facial paralysis, t/a, lock jaw, MUMPS, TMJ

ST 6
Jia Che

Jaw Bone

Actions: open channel, alleviates pain

Indications: DEAFNESS, *TINNITUS, *OTORRHEA, *EAR ITCHING/PAIN, lock jaw, tmj, facial paralysis/pain, toothache, *EAR AND JAW SX'S

ST 7
Xia Guan

Below the Gate

Actions: expels wind, alleviates pain, clear heat, brightens eyes

Indications: *H/A (strong/splitting), eye pain/swelling (bursting), blurry vision, lacrimation, *HEMIPLEGIA

ST 8
Tou Wei

Head Corner

Actions: *REGULATE QI & XUE (in and out of head), stops pain, benefits throat, stops swelling


ST 9
Ren Ying

Window of the Sky

Man's Welcome

Actions: descends LU qi, benefits throat

Indications: sore throat, cough, asthma, dsypnea

ST 10
Shui Tu

Water Prominence

Actions: descends qi, benefits throat

Indications: sore throat, asthma, dyspnea, *GOITER, local neck pain, cough

ST 11
Qi She

Qi Abode

Actions: *DESCENDS REBELLIOUS QI opens chest

Indications: cough, asthma, dyspnea, sore throat, local pain- chest, shoulder, *MEETING POINT OF 6 FU ORGANS except UB

CI pregnancy

ST 12
Que Pen

Empty Basin

Actions: descends qi, opens chest

Indications: fullness of chest, asthma, cough, *HICCUPS, chest/rib pain, local pnt

ST 13
Qi Hu

Qi Door

Actions: descends qi, opens chest

Indications: fullness/pain chest, cough

ST 14
Ku Fang

Store Room

Actions: descends qi, opens chest, alleviates pain, benefit breasts

Indications: cough, wheezing, fullness/pain in chest, breast pain/abscess

ST 15
Wu Yi

Room Screen

Actions: stop cough/wheezing, alleviates pain, benefits breast

Indications: cough, asthma, dsypnea, fullness/pain in chest, breast pain/abscess

ST 16
Ying Chuang

Serves only as a LANDMARK

Actions: none

Indications: none

CI: needling, moxa, tx at all

ST 17
Ru Zhong

Breast Center

Actions: *REGULATES BREAST/LACTATION, opens chest, stop cough/wheezing

Indications: *BREAST PAIN/ABCESS, *INSUFFICIENT LACTATION, cough, *WHEEZING, fullness/pain chest

ST 18
Ru Gen

Breast Root

Actions: harmonizes middle jiao, descends qi

Indications: epigastric pain/distension, N/V, borborygmus, anorexia

ST 19
Bu Rong

Not Contained

Actions: harmonize middle jiao, descends qi

Indications: epigastric pain/distension, anorexia, n/v, local pnt- upper GI

ST 20
Cheng Man

Assuming Fullness

Actions: harmonizes middle jiao, **RAISES QI, STOPS VOMITING, STOPS DIARRHEA, relieves pain

Indications: epigastric pain/distension, n/v, *REFLUX, borborygmus, *SLIPPERY (phlegmy), DIARRHEA, anorexia, best local ST pnt upper GI

ST 21
Liang Men

Beam Gate


Indications: abdominal pain/distension, constipation, anorexia, diarrhea, edema

ST 22
Guan Men

Pass gate

Actions: *CALMS SHEN, harmonize middle jiao

Indications: mania, *AGITATION, *DEPRESSION, abdominal pain, diarrhea, poor digestive fx

ST 23
Tai Yi

Supreme Unity

Actions: *CALMS SHEN, harmonizes ST and intestines

Indications: mania, epigastric pain, N/V

ST 24
Hua Rou Men

Slippery Meat Gate

Actions: regulates middle jiao/intestines, clears heat, regulates qi, resolves damp, *MOVES STAGNATION

Indications: abdominal pain/distension, diarrhea, DYSENTERY, borborrygmus, *CONSTIPATION, edema, painful *MENSTRUAL DYSFUNCTION, leukorrhea, painful urination, *DIGESTIVE SX'S

ST 25 -
Tian Shu

Celestial Pivot

Actions: regulates qi, stops pain

Indications: abdominal pain/distension, dysmenorrhea, hernia

ST 26
Wai Ling

Outer Mound

Actions: Regulates qi, benefits KD

Indications: lower abdominal distension/pain, dysuria, hernia, *SEMINAL EMISSIONS, *PREMATURE EJACULATION, irregular menstration, *REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTION

ST 27
Da Ju

Great Gigantic

Actions: regulates lower jiao, *OPENS THE WATER PASSAGES, regulates menstruation, stops pain

Indications: *URINARY RETENTION, edema, lower abdominal distension, dysmenorrhea, infertility, hernia

ST 28
Shui Dao

Water Passage

Actions: warms lower jiao, benefits menstruation, RELIEVES BLOOD STASIS

Indications: lower abdominal pain, IRREG MENSTRUATION, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, *INFERTILITY, *FIBROIDS, uterine prolapse, luekorrhea, endometriosis, *FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE DISORDERS

ST 29
Gui Lai


Actions: regulates qi and lower jiao, *regulates chong mai

Indications: abdominal pain/distension, borborygmus, hernia, *SWELLING/PAIN OF EXTERNAL GENITALS, irregular menstruation, IMPOTENCE, infertility, *IRREGULAR MENSTRUAL BLEEDING, RUNNING PIGLET QI qi

ST 30
Qi Chong

Surging Qi

Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: pain/numbness/atrophy/ROM of THOUGH AND LEG

ST 31
Bi Guan

Thigh Gate

Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: paralysis/ROM/bi syndrome *LEG & KNEE, *LUMBAR PAIN & STIFFNESS

ST 32
Fu Tu

Crouching Rabbit

Actions: opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: pain/numbness/ROM *THOUGH, KNEE, LOWER LEG

ST 33
Yin Shi

Yin Market/City

Actions: harmonizes ST, *DESCENDS REBELLIOUS QI, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: epigastric pain/distension, reflux, *MASTITIS, local pain/numbness *KNEE & LOWER EXTREMITY, ANY DIGESTIVE SX

ST 34
Liang Qiu

Beam Mound

Actions: opens channel, stops swelling/pain


ST 35
Du Bi

Calf's Nose

Actions: *TONIFY (bu) ST/SP, resolve damp, regulate intestines, dispels cold, BU QI & XUE, firms jing, **REGULATES YING/WEI, clears heat, brightens eyes & calms shen, raises yang & revives consciousness, opens channel/stops pain, shao yang disorders

Indications: *ANY DIGESTIVE SX, severe depletion of qi and xue (post-partum, chronic illness, emaciation, exhaustion, etc.), mastitis, *BERIBERI, dizziness, cough, asthma, edema, HTN, febrile disease, insomnia, agitation, mania, *LOCAL PAIN- knee/lower leg, *TONIFICATION POINT

ST 36
Zu San Li

Leg Three Miles

Actions: regulates ST, SP, intestines, clears damp-heat, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: abdominal pain/distension, *DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, *CONSTIPATION, borborygmus, asthma, *POST-STROKE PARALYSIS, local pain/numbness/*ROM LOWER LEG, DIGESTIVE POINT

ST 37
Shang Ju Xu

Upper Great Void

Actions: open channel, alleviates pain

Indications: pain/ROM lower leg, *SHOULDER PAIN, abdominal pain

ST 38
Tiao Kou

Ribbon Opening

Actions: *REGULATES ST and SI, clear damp-heat, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: lower abdominal pain, *LUMBAR PAIN, radiating to testes, diarrhea, mastitis, numbness/pain/ROM lower extremities

ST 39
Xia Ju Xu

Lower Great Void

Actions: transforms *PHLEGM & DAMPNESS, clears chest, stops cough/wheezing, clear heat, calms shen, open channel, alleviates pain

Indications: *PHLEGM, pain, congestion in chest, cough, asthma, h/a, dizziness, n/v, constipation, mania, *EPILEPSY, numbness/pain/ROM, lower extremities,

ST 40
Feng Long

Abundant Bulge

Actions: Clears heat, harmonizes ST, calms shen, opens channel, alleviates pain

Indications: h/a, dizzy/*VERTIGO, abdom. pain, constipation, fever, *MALERIA, mania, pain/atrophy/numb of foot & ankle

ST 41

Separate Stream

Actions: clears heat, harmonizes ST, clams shen, opens channel, alleviates pain.

Indications: *PAIN/SWELLING OF THE FACE/EYE, *FACIAL PARALYSIS, *TOOTHACHE, mania, local pain/numb of dorsum of foot.

ST 42

Rushing Yang

Actions; regulates & harmonizes M. Jaio, open channel, alleviates pain.

Indications: edema, abdom. pain/distention, borborygmus, local pain/swelling of dorsum of foot.

ST 43

Sinking Valley

Actions: clears heat, stops pain, harmonizes M. Jaio, regulates qi.

Indications: face pain, eye pain, toothache, epistaxis, sore throat, febrile disease, *THIRST, epigastric pain, reflux, dysentery, diarrhea, constipation, local pain/swell of dorsum of foot

ST 44

Inner Courtyard

Actions: clears heat, clams shen, **REVIVES CONSCIOUSNESS

Indicatons: facial swelling, epistaxis, toothache, *DEVIATION OF MOUTH, sore throat, febrile diseases, abdom. pain/distention, *DREAM DISTURBED SLEEP, mania, **LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS

ST 45

Severe Mouth

Jing Well Point (Metal)

ST 45
Lidui - Severe Mouth

Ying Spring Point (Water)

ST 44
Neiting - Inner Courtyard

ST Yuan Source

ST Exit Point

ST 42
Chongyang - Rushing Yang

Ying River Point (Fire)

ST 41
Jiexi - Separate Stream

Luo Connecting Point

The "Phlegm" Point

ST 40
Feng Long - Abundant Bulge

Lower Hea Sea of SI

Four Sea Point (Sea of Blood)

ST 39
Xia Ju Xu - Lower Great Void

Lower Hea Sea of LI

Four Sea Point (Sea of Blood)

ST 37
Shang Ju Xu - Upper Great Void

Hea Sea of Earth

Four Sea Point (Nourishment)

ST 36

Zusanli - Leg Three Mile