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67 Cards in this Set

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Theme/ Message
A holy God provides the means for an unholy people to love in His presence
1445 B.C.
Major Elements
Sacrifice/ cleanness/ Covenant
An unholy people cannot live with a holy God and survive
What does the book of Leviticus show Israel?
How to live with their holy God
What is God's purpose in Leviticus?
To call His people to practical holiness
Leviticus has 3 major sections
1. Chapters 1-10
2. Chapters 11-16
3. Chapters 17-27
What areas do these sections deal with?
1. Chapters 1-10 (Relationship)
2. Chapters 11-16 (Approach)
3. Chapters 17-27 (the conditions of association)
What is God's plan?
That men should enjoy a relationship with him
How does this happen?
Through sacrifice
What does it take to approach God so that we can make the sacrifices necessary for relationship?
In order for them to approach God in order to make their sacrifices, they had to be ritually clean.
What is the essense of practical holiness?
How did they approach God?
First on the basis of cleanliness
Second on the basis of sacrifice
What about sins you don't know you committed?
The Day of Atonement takes care of those
What about those who don't care if they are clean or holy?
The Day of Atonemet takes care of that
In Leviticus, what is the foundation of the covenant issues?
The blood
The Old Testament is a picture book of what?
Tangible illustrations of intangible realities
What is the tangible illustration in the Old Testament?
The Tabernacle/Temple
What is the intangible reality?
You need to fall on your face before God and confessyour sin and approach Him on the basis of holiness
Is this intangible realities carried into the New Testament?
YES! We still have to be holy because He is holy 1 Peter 1:15
If NT believers still have to deal with the same intangibles, are teh tangible issues still there as well?
NO! Under teh New Covenant, they are no longer relevent
God's Appointed Times
Unleavened Bread
First Fruits
Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) Pentecost
Day of Atonment
What is the Significance of the three feast Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles?
On these days every man above the age of accountability had to be present in Jerusalem
It shows that no one else can be saved for you, na one else can receive the Holy Spirit for you and no one else will be resurrected for you
A Lamb for a family. It had to be rosted over fire and esten in one night. Significance - Jesus is our passover lamb
Offerings for atonement
1. Sin Offering - dealt with personal sin before God
2. Guilt Offering - Sin not only before God but this sin matterially effect ones neighbors. This required retribution as well
Offerings for Communion
1. Burnt/ Cereal/ Dink offerings
2. Peace offerings (thank you/ votive/ freewill offerings)
What sin could not be dealt with through these types of offerings?
Blatant in your face I'm going to this sin
How were these sins dealt with?
Through the Day of Atonement
What does Leviticus 10:10 deal with?
"You must distinguish between the holy and the common, between the clean and unclean"
Lev 10:10 deals with Ritual and Practical holiness
What do these two issues demonstrate about coming to God?
They demonstrate that there is a status and a condition to approaching God
The Priests
They had to be holy and clean
The Israleites
They had to be clean which was their practical holiness
The Day of Atonement
The means by which God consented to live with His people year by year
What 3 areas did the Day of Atonement deal with?
1. The sins of the priesthood
2. The sins of the people
3. The defilement of the Temple
What was its purpose?
The yearly covering and cleansing of teh sins of the people
What is its significance?
Christ our high priests has covered our sins once and for all and secured access to the presence of God through his blood
What did Jesus accomplish?
Through His sacrifice, Jesus has made a way for god to dwell with us
What replaced the temple?
We are the temples of the holy Spirit
How does God choose to see us?
Because of Christ's sacrifice, God consents to see us as holy even though we have a fallen nature
How is the sin of rebellion dealt with?
Through the Day of Atonement
Does the Day of Atonement guarantee a person will receive forgiveness for the sin of rebellion?
No, it is based on the worshipper havin ga heart of repentance
Why is Lev 17:11 important?
"For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life.
1. The life is in the blood
2. To profane the blood is to reject the meansof life and so to deserve death
3. Therefore, Israel has to be careful how they treat the blood of the aniamls they kill.
Offerings of Atonement
Offerings of Atonement
for a believers pursuit of God
Leviticus teaches
Man can only have his sin removed through the substitution of another life
Offerings of Atonement
To draw into an intimate relationship with God
Our relationship with God must begin where?
With sin, it has to be dealt with
Offerings of Communion
Voluntary acts of worship
Offerings of Communion
are a sweet smelling aroma to the LORD
What is the significance of the sweet smelling aroma?
The sweet smell indicates a right relationship wiith God
Burnt/ Cereal/ Drink offerings
Are offerings of dedication and expressions of sincerity to God
Peace Offerings
Their purpose is for the enjoyment of communion with God and establishing a deeper intimacy with God.
Burnt Offerings
1. are completely consumed by fire
2. Are voluntary acts of worship
3. Signify the complete surrender of the offerer to God
4. recognize sacrifice is the way to God
Cereal Offerings
1. Voluntary act of worship
2. recognize everything is from God
3. returning to God the best part
4. /usually included with Burnt Offerings
Drink Offerings
1. Voluntary
2. signify the complete surrender of the offerer to God
3. Usually included with Burnt and Peace Offerings
Peace Offerings
1. Voluntary
2. Returning something to God in praise for specific blessings, prast, present or future
If we are called to be holy, why have the cleaness laws?
Both are part of being holy
Ritual Holiness
Allows one closer to God
Practical Holiness
Shows one's pursuit of God
Commemorated Israel's dessert wanderings when they lived in tents
This was a time when God tabernacled with men
IIt foreshadows the reign of Chirst when God will once again tabernacle with men
It celebrated the completion of all the harvests
Feast of Weeks
Shavout or Pentecost
It was a harvest festival dedicating to god the first fruits of the wheat harvest
The barley harvest
What is the major theme of Leviticus?
Where is the command to be holy repeated in the NT?
1 Peter 1:15-16
Key verse
17:11 The life is in the blood
What are the consequences of Covenant Law?
Blessins for obedience and curseing for disobedience