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78 Cards in this Set

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What artwork has been dated as the oldest in existence? What is this date?

The caves in Chavot, France. 30,000 BCE

Think of Lions

What is the oldest known sculpture and where was it found?

Female figure from Willendorf, found in Austria

Fat and chubby

What are the characteristics of the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras?

Paleolithic: old stone age, hunter and gathers, lived in caves

Neolithic: new stone age, farming, pottery developed, social structure developed

Old and New

What conditions need to exist for art to survive?

Durable material, environment, culture must be organized, caching artwork in hard to find places

King Tut’s Tomb

Where did the first established cities originate?


The two rivers meeting point

What is the most famous work of Neolithic architecture?


Think Aliens

What were the focal point structure of ancient Mesopotamia cities? What were they?

Ziggurats: a temple or shrine made from dried brick and raised on a monumental stepped base, often the city center

Why is it that Greek artwork and architecture spread through and influenced all of Europe?

The Romans conquered Greece and enjoyed their style and the Romans went in to conquer the rest of Europe

What is a Kouros?

A life sized stylized sculpture of a young male

Why was Akhenaten so unique among ancient Egyptian pharaohs?

He broke away from stylized art and made his art more realistic

Think: Big belly

What were the constant messages of Egyptian art?

Religion, the gods

What ass one material found in great abundance in King Tut’s tomb and why was it significant?

Gold and it showed trade

What discovery in 1922 unearthed the greatest treasure of ancient Egyptian art?

The discovery of King Tut’s tomb

What ass one material found in great abundance in King Tut’s tomb and why was it significant?What

Gold and it showed trade

What were the three civilizations that pre-dated classical Greece?

Cycladic, Minoan and Mycenaean

Historians concluded Minoan culture was known as being focused on what activities?

Games and sports, light hearted fun, bull fighting

What is a Fresco?

A painting technique where wet paint is applied directly into wet plaster of a wall

What’s the main reasons we respect and revere ancient Greece?

Emphasis on excellence

The most important part of ancient Athens is what area?

The Acropolis

What is the earliest Romanesque church still standing?

The Church of Abby

What is the subject of the Bayeux Tapestry?

The story of the conquest of England by William of Normandy (William the Conquerer)

What is the best example of Gothic Architecture?

The Cathedral at Chartres, France

What was unique about collecting tapestries at the end of the Middle Ages?

Portable paintings did not exists yet

What are some compositional techniques used in The Lamentation by Giotto that would influence painters for centuries?

Directional lines, casual positions of figures, Jesus is partially covered, illusion of space, diagonal of hill leads eyes to focal point

What was the primary reason for the Renaissance?

A rebirth that was prompted by resurgence of interest in Greek and Roman culture

Where did the Renaissance begin?


What are some key aspects of the Renaissance?

Rebirth of Greek and Roman culture, a time of relearning, artists had multiple jobs which keyed the term Renaissance man, scientific discoveries

Who was the finest sculptor of the early Renaissance?


What is Contrapasto?

an asymmetrical arrangement of the human figure in which the line of the arms and shoulders contrasts with, while balancing, those of the hips and legs.

What is the most important architectural structure in Ancient Athens?

Iktinos and Kallikrates Parthenon

Why is the sculpture on the doors of the Florence Cathedral by Lorenzo Ghiberti so revolutionary?

He created the illusion of depth in a relief sculpture and that had never been achieved before

Who were the two most outstanding artists of the High Renaissance period?

Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo

What are some compositional techniques used in The Lamentation by Giotto that would influence painters for centuries?

Directional lines, casual positions of figures, Jesus is partially covered, illusion of space, diagonal of hill leads eyes to focal point

What compositional techniques are used in Da Vinci’s Madonna and Child w/ St. Anne?

Triangular or pyramid compositional structure

What did Michelangelo have access to in terms of learning about the human body that classical greek artists did not?

He had access to cadavers and seeing inside the human body

What are two interesting facts about Michelangelo’s Pieta?Who

It was the only sculpture he ever signed and it was attacked by a man with a hammer in 72

Who were the two greatest Venetian painters of the High Renaissance?

Giorgione and Titian

What does the Merode Altarpiece contain that is unique to Northern Renaissance painters? What did

Extreme detail, use of symbolism, done in oil, wonky perspective and the vanishing points not consistent

Why is the sculpture on the doors of the Florence Cathedral by Lorenzo Ghiberti so revolutionary?

He created the illusion of depth in a relief sculpture and that had never been achieved before

Conceptually, what did Northern Renaissance artist, Albrecht Durer, try to combine in his art works?

Italian ideas and discoveries with Northern love of meticulous observation

What is Entasis?

An art technique where they put a bulge that goes outward slightly in the middle but gives the illusion of straight up and down columns

What compositional techniques are used in Da Vinci’s Madonna and Child w/ St. Anne?

Triangular or pyramid compositional structure

The late Renaissance period was characterized by compositions becoming shallower in space and filled with figures, what was this?

Mannerist Period

Who was the most famous Spanish artist in the late Renaissance who painted Roman Catholic stories and Spanish royalty?

El Greco, meaning The Greek

Baroque art has some defining qualities, name three:

• colorful

• decorative

• dynamic

• ornamental

What does the Merode Alterpiefr contain that is unique to Northern Renaissance painters? What did

Extreme detail, use of symbolism, done in oil, wonky perspective and the vanishing points not consistent

What is Which?

Dramatically highlighted figures projecting out of dark, deep shadowed backgrounds

Which Baroque artist developed the technique of Tenebrism?


What were Peter Paul Rubens compositions know man for?

Curved lines and curved motions

What is the most impressive example of Baroque architecture in France?

The Palace of Versailles

What unique approach to group portraiture did Rembrandt develop in the Dutch Baroque?

He would put all subjects into one group and doing activities that were the same

What is the last phase of Greek Art?


What made this Baroque sculpture by Bernini so innovative? What

It’s anchored to the wall so it appears to be floating and there is a window in the chapel to have lighting become part of the art work

What compositional technique did Jacob Van Rusideal implement in this painting?

The rule of 3rds

Rococo art and architecture has what qualities?The

Soft, dream like, pastel colors, light and refined work

The Oath if the Horatii was a classic example of what art period in Europe?


What French female painter did a motherly painting of Marie Antoinette? How many portraits did she do in her lifetime?Who

Elizabeth Vigee-Lebrun and she painted over 660 portraits

Who was the subject of Jacques Louis-David’s Death of Marat painting? Why is he important?

Jean-Paul Marat, he was part of the radical politician fraction in the French Revolution

Name the figure and where it was found.

Female figure of Willendorf found in Austria

What compositional technique did Jacob Van Rusideal implement in this painting?

The rule of 3rds

Be able to name of the artwork.

Ishtar Gate from Babylon

Be able to name of the artwork.

The funeral temple of Hapsheput

The Laocoon Group, a sculpture based on Greek myth, is important for what reasons?

Dramatics, contorted figures had never been done before

Be able to name of the artwork.

The Death of Marat by Louis-David

Name the figure and where it was found.

Female figure of Willendorf found in Austria

Be able to name of the artwork.

Lion Hunt from the Palace Complex of Assurnasiroal II

Be able to name of the artwork.

Ishtar Gate from Babylon

Be able to name of the artwork.

The funeral temple of Hapsheput

Be able to name of the artwork.

The Death of Marat by Louis-David

Be able to name of the artwork.

Sortie of Captain Banning Cocq’s Company of the Civic Guard, or The Night Watch by Vanieijn

Be able to name of the artwork.

Las Meninas (The Maids of Honor) by Velázquez

Be able to name of the artwork.

Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles

Be able to name of the artwork.

St. Teressa in Ecstasy by Bernini

Be able to name of the artwork.

Judith and Maidservant With the Head i’d Holofernes

Be able to name of the artwork.

The Last Supper by Tintoretto

Be able to name of the artwork.

The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein

Be able to name of the artwork.

School of Athens by Raphael

Be able to name of the artwork.

David by Michelangelo