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39 Cards in this Set

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An important procedural consideration in Thoracic surgery is to...

Maintain lung inflation.


The breathing process

Contraction of the diaprhagm and accessory muscles and expansion of the ribs to pull air into the lungs

Transfer of oxygen front the alveoli in the lungs to the bloodstream




Perfusion is the distribution of oxygen to tissues

The larynx connects the trachea with the


Contains vocal cords and prevents food and other foreign bodies from entering the trachea


Which lung has three lobes?

Right lung

Which lung has two lobes?

Left lung

Each lung is enclosed in a pleural cavity and covered by a double membrane called..

The pleural sac

An increase in fluid in the pleural space is called..

A pleural effusion

When the diaprhagm relaxes during exhalation...

Air flows passively out of the lungs

Blood in the Thoracic cavity or between the pleural sac and lungs is a...


Air in the chest cavity is called..



Pulmonary function test

Performed with breathing machine and measures parameters digitally

Inspiration means...


Vital capacity is??

The total volume of air exhaled after maximum inspiration

Expiration is??


The volume of air remaining in the lungs after exhalation is called?

Functional residual capacity

ABG stands for...

Arterial blood gas

What positions are the patient in for pulmonary surgery?


Incisions most commonly used for pulmonary surgery are?

Posterolateral and anterolateral thorocotomy

What muscle is incised during lateral pulmonary postitioned surgery?

Latissimus dorsi muscle

Closed chest drainage also means?..

Closed underwater drainage

What is lost in the Thoracic cavity when the chest wall and pleura are opened?

Negative pressure

For lungs to expand, negative pressure must be achieved. How?

Closed drainage system

Bleeding arising from the respiratory tract is called?


An endoscopic examination of the mediastinum through an incision is called?


A procedure commonly performed using the pleuraoscope is?

Talc poudrage

Dypsnea means?

Difficulty breathing

What is hypoxia?

Lower than normal oxygen perfusion

What are blebs?

Areas of overextension of lung tissue

What is performed on patients with palpable nodes in the area of the scalene fat nodes?

Scalene node biopsy

Why is a scalene node biopsy performed?

To establish cancer staging or to confirm diagnosis

Why is a lobectomy performed?

To remove a lobe of the lung to prevent the spread of cancer or to treat a benign tumor

What is the removal of the entire lung?



Thoracic outlet syndrome

What is TOS?

A rare condition in which the subclavian vessels and the brachial plexus are compressed at the Apex of the thorax. A rib resection is done for this

What is empyema?


What is decortication of the lung?

Surgical removal of a portion of the parietal pleura and may need to be done to treat emphyema