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29 Cards in this Set

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Exertion of power over others through intimidation, sarcasm, or bullying


Communicating one's personal and professional needs to others; protecting one's own rights while respecting others

Body language

Communication through facial expression, posture, and gestures.


Sociology & group behavior theory, the conforming of a group to one way of thinking and behaving


Behaviors that are accepted as part of the environment & culture

Lateral Abuse

Verbal abuse or sabotage of people of equal job or professional ranking

Verbal Abuse

Deliberate attempts to devalue, intimidate, bully, or embarrass another person using loud, vulgar sexualized, or intimidating language


Response to a message; component of effective communication

Focusing on the situation at hand, not allowing your thoughts to wander

Active listening

Requires active participation

Active listening

"I want to report that Dr. X broke another pair of scissors because they weren't sharp enough."


Is non-judgemental


"Dr. X's favorite elevators aren't on the orthocart and they weren't with the other instruments. Would you mind calling upstairs? I need to scrub"


Message is delivered without ambiguity or unnecessary information


This used to ensure that the message was communicated correctly


One person may perceive an unemotional patient as a "stoic", and strong, brave person facing illness. Another may see the same as extremely anxious and fearful, speechless...


How we perceive a problem, situation, or action sometimes depends on our social and cultural background as much as our knowledge

Social and Cultural influences

Is an effective communication stopper


How we feel at the time of communication


Receiver does not have sufficient knowledge to understand exactly what the sender is trying to communicate

Lack of understanding

Hearing is a particular problem in the operating room

Environmental bearriers

To be successful in sending & receiving information, a person must want to communicate

Lack of a desire to communicate

Most important aspect of team relationship (Model for team relationship)


Verbal abuse sometimes is built into the operating room


Purposeful touching of another person to convey empathy, care, and tenderness

Therapeutic Touch

Two most important components of patient care

Communication & Teamwork

Ability to communicate effectively with other people of different culture & subcultures

Cultural Competence

How do you cope with Verbal Abuse?

- Remain Calm

- Remind yourself:

I have a right to confront this person

I have a right not to take abuse

The is no acceptable excuse for behavior

- Make an assertive statement

- "Side step" the behavior

- Do not be aggressive

- Standup for coworkers

Characteristics of Good Teamwork

Yielding, Change, Politeness, Collaboration