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670 Cards in this Set

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Controversial standard w/u for kid < 12 c 1st UTI
VCUG (voiding cystourethrogram)

Some professional wait for 2nd
50% have urinary anomaly
Dx procedure to determine presence of bladder CA
cystoscopy c Bx
Most common presenting complaint of bladder CA
painless hematuria
Most common type of bladder CA
transitional cell carcinoma
First line Dx test for children c suspected osteomyelitis
Bone scan

MRI = more sensitive; replacing it?
Conn's syndrome?
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Inc Na, Dec K
How to treat Conn's syndrome?
Cut out tumor
Elements of MELD score
INR, Bili, Cr,
Hand injury c exposed vessels - do you clamp?
No, b/c nerves follow the vessels
6 hr rule for penetrating trauma
If CXR neg at 6 hr, probably okay
LES with reference to diaphragm
Below the diaphram
If LES above diaphragm
hiatal hernia
Sx of hiatal hernia? Why?
GERD - crura help to prevent reflux
Best prophylaxis for esophageal variceal bleeding who have not yet had bleed - med (2), surg (1)
Med: Beta-blocker, nitrates
Surg: endoscopic band ligation
In US, esophageal CA more common in which race? What is the increased risk?
African American: White 2-3:1
Role of radiation in DCIS
Used after lump excised (breast conservation therapy)

Limited retrospective show may not req adjuvant if low-grade
Medical therapy of choice for h. pylori
Triple therapy: 2 abx + antacid

Flagyl, amox/tet, ranitidine
How give abx in triple therapy?
Sequential better than both abx together
Tx of choice for DVT in pt c c/in for anticoag (recent intracranial bleed)
Place IVC filter
How effective is IVC
Good in short term, bad in long term
Typical w/u for pt c suspected carpal tunnel (3)
1. H&P
2. Xray to r/o Fx
3. EMG
Pt c carpal tunnel, suspect: 5
DM, hypothyroid, pregnancy, acromegaly, RA
Standard 2 drug regimen for intra-abdominal regimen
Flagyl - cover anaerobes
Aminoglycoside - cover GNR

Other combo: PCN/beta-lactamse inh
Art blood supply to esophagus: 3
Sup -> thyroid arteries
Mid -> intercostal
Inf -> L gastric artery
If acute panc not improve in 3-5 d, should order? Why?
CT scan c contrast to r/o necrosis

Lights up extravasation
Most common cause of post op fever
5 W of post op fever
Wind - atelectasis, PNA
Water - UTI
Wound - inf
Walking - DVT
Wonder Rx
type of CA most likely having a paraneoplastic syndrome of growth hormone
SCC of lung
of lung CA, most likely to have elevated level of CEA
Tx of choice for acute hypercalcemia
Volume expansion -> load then diuresis

Bisphosphonate if paraneoplastic
Non-surg measure to dec ICP in expanding mass lesion in head
Hypervent -> blows off CO2 -> vasoconstriction
??Hypertonic saline??
best predictor that splenectomy would cure ITP
partial response to steroids
Indications for prophylactic abx in burn victims
Don't give it!! Abx can't penetrate dead tissue
Most common cause of blood pleural effusion (3)
TB inf
Approx cure rate after resection of gastrinoma
~100% survival @ 10 yrs
If present c gastrinoma, what other tumors should you look for? Syndrome?

Parathyroid, pituitary
What causes the highest number of deaths from CA in US?
Lung CA
Presence of gallstones in CBD
Type of skin CA in areas of previous burn injuries
Role of ext mech stabilization in flail chest
No role
What is a flail chest
Paradoxical movement of chest wall during breathing from rib Fx
Tx of flail chest
Analgesic to prevent hypovent
Intubate -> + pressure vent
Top 2 manifestations of chronic panc
Endo: DM
Exo: steatorrhea
~ cumulative lifetime risk of developing Sx in asymptomatic cholelithiasis
Watershed areas of bowel
Splenic flexture
Recto-sigmoid jxn
Courvoisier's sign
Palpable nontender GB c jaudice
Courvoisier's sign is a sign for?
Any tumor that compresses CBD
rationale for removing GB during Whipple
Ampulla of vater is affected -> remove to prevent cholelithiasis/cholestasis
What's a Whipple?
Aortic dissection v. aneurysm
Dissection -> only intima
Aneurysm -> all walls imtima, media, adventitia
Tx for acute hyperkalemia 5
Myocardial stabilization -> 10% Ca gluconate
Glc c insulin -> drive into cells
Kayexalate -> Na polystyrene sulfate
Diuretics to waste
Very sick pt, use this for acute cholecystitis
Cholecystostomy -> tube placed into GB perc to decompress & drain
Cushing's ulcers are?
Central neuro insult causing single deep ulcer
Iatrogenic destruction of nerve leading to winged scapula? Which muscle? Which surgery?
Cutting long thoracic
Innervates serratus anterior
Axillary node dissection
Other nerves damaged in breast surgery? Which muscle?
Thoracodorsal -> lattismus dorsi

Costobranchial sensory nerves
Most common cause of spontaneous PTX?
Spont rupture of sub-pleural bleb
Which pop prone to spont PTX?
Young, tall athletic male
Top sites of mets for melanoma?
Lung, brain, bone, GIT
type of CA that can produce Lambert-Eaton syndrome
What is Lambert-Eaton syndrome?
Myasthenia gravis like syndrome where auto-Ab to calcium channels
Hard indications for CABG 4
Stenosis of L main coronary -> divides into LAD and circumflex
3 vessel dz
2 vessel dz if LAD involved
Angina refractory
Sx of perioral numbness and paresthesias & + Chvostek Sx?
Chvostek Sx is?
Tetany of jaw when tap facial nerve
Trousseau's sign
Induction of tetany of arm c blood-pressure cuff
Procedure to eval for regional mets of melanoma
Sentinel LN Bx
Blood supply for body and tail of pancreas
Direct branches from splenic and L gastroepiploic arteries
Natural Hx of bleeding in diverticulosis
Bleeding usu stop spont
Tests to w/u diverticulosis
Colonscopy to r/o colon CA
Most common serum markers for panc CA
CA 19-9
CA 50
ABCDE of trauma
Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposures
Tx of choice for non-necrotic frostbitten skin
Place in water just above body temp
Dx suggested by calcified retroperitoneal mass in child c FTT, HTN
Genetic test for neuroblastoma prog
look for amplification of n-myc
Class triad of acute embolic ischemia to intestine
Severe pain out of proportion to physical exam
Evacuation of bowels -> bloody diarrhea
H/o CV dz
Adjuvant chemo after surgery for CRC
Pt c regional mets
Duke's staging for regional mets of CRC
Stage C
Type of hernia follows path of spermatic cord
Indirect inguinal hernia
Most common type of inguinal hernia
Indirect inguinal hernia
ABCDE of melanoma
Asymmetry, border irregular, color change, diameter, evolution
Any change to nevus is consider this until proven OTW
Poisoning causing high pulse Ox
Tumor suppression gene affected in FAP? Chr
APC gene on chr 5
FAP pt get colon CA by what age?
Surgical approach to thymoma for definitive Dx
Median sternotomy
Thymoma assoc with 2 dz
Myasthenia gravis,
Masses found in ant mediastinum 4
Terrible lymphoma
Thyroid CA
Sq papillomatosis of upper airway assoc c which inf? Subtypes?
HPV 6, 11 -> the ones that cause simple warts
Characteristics of nipple d/c that make malig more likely
Bloody, spontaneous, u/l
most common cause bloody nipple discharge
benign intraductal papilloma
B/l discharge of nipples 2
think prolactinoma or antipsychotic
~ 1 yr recurrence rate of duodenal ulcer
Where do duodenal ulcers recur
Recur adj to previous healed ulcer
Acute panc accompanied by which Ca level
Hypocalcemia (saponification)
Pt can get acute panc from which Ca level
Ped pt c abd mass -> imaging studies 3
1. KUB
2. U/S
3. CT
Charcot's traid, Reynold's pentad refer to which condition
Ascending cholangitis
Sx of Reynold's pentad
RUQ pain, fever, jaundice, hypotension, MS change
Why do ascending cholangitis pt get jaundice?
Obstructive -> inc direct (conj) bili
Define trimodal death distribution of trauma
1st pk: immediate death
2nd pk: 1-3 hrs
3rd pk: wks-months 2/2 complications
Indications for prophylatic mastectomy 5
Strong FHx of breast CA in 1st degree relative
Known BRCA mutation
Screening is difficult
Dx of LCIS
Usu incident on Bx
Dx test of choice in suspected PE c no clinical Sx of DVT
?V/Q scan -> spiral CT
Tx of choice for acute testicular torsion
Immediate surgery
Acute testicular torsion age of presentation
How does testicular torsion usu present
acute testicular pain, sometimes vomitting b/c pain
How does the testis hang c torsion
May be horizontal
Bell-clapper deformity (can spin easily)
Dx w/u for obstructive jaundice
Bili fractionated
Tests for localizing lower GI bleed 4
Sigmoidoscopy, C-scope
Mesenteric angiogram
T-99 RBC scan
Should hemodynamically unstable pt be scoped?
NO! -> get angiogram
W/u of DVT, PE blood marker
(sensitive, non-specific)
Battle Sx is?
ecchymoses over mastoid
Presence of battle Sx or raccoon eyes suggest?
Fracture of base of post skull
Best next step for suspected tension PTX
Needle thoracostomy; chest tube
Indirect inguinal hernia occurs when what fails to obliterate?
Processus vaginalis
Tx of choice for SBP
IV abx
Dizziness, syncope, confusion in carotid stenosis?
RF for melanoma 6
Fair skin, sun expo, h/o sun burns, numerous nevi, dysplastic nevi, FHx/personal Hx
Multicentric b/l dz suggets which breast carcinoma?
Parkland formula for fluid resus in burn victims
24 total = 4 mL x kg x % surface area burned
most common Sx of ectopic ureter in female
Incontinence, esp if drain distal to external urethral sphincter
(men always proximal)
Presence of multiple liver cysts on CT suggest
Echinococcus (sheep liver fluke)
Do you sample echinococcal cyst?
Nope, because can see peritoneum
Tissue removed in modified radical mastectomy 2
All breast tissue off nipple, aerolar
All axillary nodes
Classic radical mastectomy remove
Pect major
Tx of choice for ulcerative colitis c high-grade dysplasia on Bx
Approach to surg Tx of CRC involving anal canal and sphincter
Huge abd perineal resection -> life-long colostomy
Emphysematous cholecystitis caused by? Assoc c?
C. perfringens
Triad of dysphagia, Fe def anemia, upper eso webs suggest
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Plummer Vinson assoc c inc risk of
Esophageal CA
Does smoking inc risk of PUD
Traumatic rupture of aorta occur c which type injury? What structure is injured and how?
Head-on blunt trauma to chest
Traction to ligamentous arteriosus during rapid accel-decel injury
XR finding of traumatic rupture of aorta
Mediastinal widening
Proper chemo adjuvant of thyroid CA post-op
RAI -> obliterates remaining thyroid tissue
Why give levothyroxine after thyroid surg 2
Pt now hypothyroid
Suppresses TSH
Why bring down undescended inguinal testicle 3
Lower risk of CA
Future testicular exam easier
Improve fertility
Most common solid renal mass in newborn
congenital mesoblastic nephroma

(Wilm's at age 2)
range of ABI for claudication (not resting pain)
Crossmatching recipient serum to donor lymphocyte prevent which type of rejection?
Only Tx for hyperacute rejection
Microprocedure for sclerosing basal cell CA, some cases SCC, locally recurrent skin CA
Mose? micrographic procedure
thoracic duct relative to esophagus
post to esophagus
rupture of thoracic duct causes
chylomicron leak into pleural space
Dx suggested by 8 y/o boy with painful limb that hurts in ant thigh

Avascular necrosis of capital femoral epiphysis
Acute or chronic panc presents at younger age
FAST procedure aimed to pick up? 2
Pericardial effusion
Free intraperitoneal fluid
FAST is better at finding which?
Pericardial effusion
Dx procedure of choice if FAST neg but suspect fluid in abdomen
DPL - diagnostic peritoneal lavage
prior to surg, acute cholecystitis should receive
IVF resus

Broad-spec abx:
flagyl, aminoglycoside
amp/beta-lact inh
most common grafted artery in CABG
LIMA: L internal mammary artery
3 elements of Monroe-Kelly doctrine for head injuries
Skull = vault of fixed volume; inc one-> dec other 2

Blood, parenchyma, CSF
only abs indication for surgery in acute pancreatitis
Infective necrosis of pancreas
Site of gastric CA mets in Krukenberg tumor
Blood supply for fundus of stomach
Splenic artery -> short gastric arteries
10 yr survival rate for DCIS
greatest metabolic risk for shunting procedure for portal HTN
worsening hepatic encephalopathy -> don't let toxins metabolize
most common cause of lower GI bleed
upper GI bleed

if actually lower, diverticulosis
intervention @ bedside if upper GI distension
NG tube for gastric decompression
most important RF for morbidity and mortality in pt c esophageal perf
time from perf to Dx/Tx

perform primary closure in 24 hrs
first test to use in urological w/u
most common cause chronic pancreatitis in US
most common adrenal tumor of children
causes of painless hematochezia 3
r/o CA,
Angiodysplasm (AVM)
Pediatric trauma pt not able to access IV; what use for fluid infusion
IO - intraosseus
top 2 lung CA assoc c smoking
where do SCC and SCLC arise in lung?
test to confirm gastrinoma
Secretin test:
IV bolus of secretin induce huge rise in gastrin
surg in Tx of TB
curative in multi-drug resistant TB but reserved for cavitary
Conditions that predispose pt to bile duct CA 3
Pre-existing cholangitis
PSC -> IBD assoc: UC
Chronic liver fluke inf -> clinorrchus
Indication for escharotomy on circumferential limb burns
Whenever Sx of neurovasc compromise -> worry about compartment syndrome
Radical orchiectomy inv incision in this region
Inguinal region -> extract testis by traction on spermatic cord
Most common testicular CA in young men (3rd decade)
Lab values helpful to Dx seminoma
Fluid around GB, wall thickening and distension suggest
Test of choice for acute cholecystitis
U/S of RUQ; spec & sens
If can't r/o cholecystitis by U/S then get
Use of meds that incr risk of benign heaptic adenoma by 40
Prog indicator for melanoma
Tumor thickness
Other prog indicators for melanoma
# Mitoses
Histo evidence of ulceration
Bx needed for melanoma
Full thickness
~% lung CA for subtypes
Adenocarcinoma 1/3
SCC 1/3
SCLC 1/4
Large cell/anaplastic 10%
Incisional hernia repair by which type of closure?
Grafting of synthetic prosthetic material
Dx/Tx for solid testicular mass in adult men
Assume malig; don't Bx
Course of axn in adult incidentally found to have Meckel's during another surgery
Leave it alone unless symptomatic -> higher M&M if alter
best way to eval suspicious breast mass
Image-guided Bx: ~95% sens
Hypothesis why pt with shock develop stress gastritis
hypotension -> ischemia to gastric mucosa
Common breast tissue d/o c mid-cycle pain and lumpy bumpy feel on exam
Fibrocystic change
Histo of fibrocystic change
blue dome cyst
Change of insulin levels in significant injury
Increase b/c an acute phase reactant but so much infl that pt also hyperglycemic
Bld marker used to monitor recurrence of colon CA
Type 1 gastric ulcer always located in
Inf aspect of lesser curvature
most common type of gastric ulcer
type 1
Bird's beak Sx in COLON in lower GIT c barium follow-through
Tx of volvulus
Palliative technique for advance esophageal CA
Can't be cured -> esophagectomy c radiation/chemo
What esophageal CA so locally aggressive
Lacks true serosa so can easily penetrate all layers
Dx test of choice for penetrating abd wound
Exp lap
Dx test of choice for penetrating chest wound
Don't need to explore if hemodynamically stable c good CXR/CT
Top risk for mortality in severe burn injuries 3
Extent of burn > 40%
Concurrent inhalation injury
Age > 60
mortality of burn injury if all 3 risk factors
Benefits of adding epi to local anesthestics (lido, bupivocaine) 2
Dec absorption into systemic
Prolonged duration of local anesthesia
Most important risk factor for melanoma
Personal Hx
surgery indication if sclerotherapy/balloon tamponade fail to ctrl esophageal variceal bleeding
Shutn blood away -> TIPS
Embolize arteries veins feeding esophagus
Most common cause short bowl syndrome in children
Sx short bowel syndrome 4
Malabsorption, steatorrhea, dec fat-soluable vitamins, wt loss
Other causes short bowel syndrome 5
Extensive bowel surgery
Chron's disease
Huge tumors
Trauma to intestine
Rationale for avoiding splenectomy in mild spleen injury
High risk of sepsis c encapsulated organisms
Lumpectomy = as effective as modified radical mastectomy if give
Subsequent radition therapy
top 3 causes of CA deaths in US
Pulm complications of chronic GERD
Chronic cough
Recurrent aspiration PNA
Inh anesthestic that causes trapped air in body to incr in volume
Natural Hx of umbilical hernia in newborn
Usu spont resolve by 2
When do surgery for umbilical hernia in newborn
Ctn to grow
Remain past age 2
Becomes incarcerated
LCIS best diagnosed by

Rarely assoc c palpable breast lumps or mammography
Ampulla of Vater drains into what part of duodenum
2nd part of duodenum
Mortality rate for appy c perf appendix
5 yr survival rate for Whipple for resectable panc CA
Overall survival rate of panc CA
1st steps to take in pt c solid breast mass 3
Dx mammogram +/- US

May need Bx
Most common cause u/l sensoineural hearing loss
Vestibular schwannoma
Most common cause u/l conductive hearing loss
Cerumen impaction
Adaptive structure changes after part of small bowel remove 3
Remaining bowel: lengthening, incr density/villi; incr bowel diameter
Syndromes of apical lung tumor and why 3
Horner's syndrome: invasion on sympathetic
Pancoast: horner's + brachial plexus
Sup vena cava: edema in face, upper ext
Chemo therapy indicated for colon CA in these cases
Duke's class C (Stage 3 or 4)
Dx of traumatic brain injury, massive UOP, hypernatremia
Neurogenic DI
+ Tinnel's Sx suggest
Carpal tunnel
What is Tinnel's Sx
Percuss median nerve -> reproduces pain in hand in median distribution
best Tx for primary hepatocellular CA
Wedge resection
how long survival extended by resection of hepatocellular CA
3 yrs
Is mets to liver indication for surgery?
No, but can be done for solitary nodule
Define borders of Hasselbach's triangle 3
Lateral: inf epigastric artery
Inf: Inguinal ligament
Med: Rectus abdominus
Endocrine disturbance assoc c carpal tunnel 2
Hypothyroidism, acromegaly
Pre-op meds for pheochromocytoma
alpha blocker -> phentolamine
Dx suggested by thyroid aspirate c well-defined cluster of cells and psammoma bodies
Papillary CA of thyroid
Most common thyroid CA
Papillary 80%
Patho finding in arterial walls c AAA
Serum albumin half life
3 weeks
Serum transferrin half life
1 wk
Serum prealbumin half life
3 days
Long term marker of overall nutrition
2 most common adverse events leading to death in pt undergoing carotid endartectomy
CVA, acute MI
indication for surgery in ulcerative colitis 4
Toxic megacolon
Large bowel obstruction
Active bleeding
Colectomy curative for ulcerative colitis?
Extraintestinal Sx resolve c colectomy? Exception?

ACS routine screening for colon CA by 4
Colonoscopy at 50 q 10
Flexible sigmoidoscopy q 5 at 50
Digital rectal c guaiac
Fecal occult
Ligament of Treitz is sig because
Where retroperitoneal duodenum to intra-abdominal jejunum
Dx test for suspected injury to lower urinary tract before putting in foley
Retrograde cystogram
type 5 gastric ulcer best treated by? What Rx can be used to replace PG?
D/c NSAID use

Most common cause of death in burn pt
Superior dome of stomach
Second degree burn is
Do not damage underlying nervous; mostly affect epidermis
Axn for burn victim c ultraphonia, hoarsenss, stridor
Imm endotracheal intubation
Surg Tx for stress incontinence
Strengthen pelvic floor
Activities that bring out stress incontinence 3
Laughing, coughing, lifting heavy objects
Blood supply for lesser curvature of stomach? Origin
L & R gastric arteries
L gastric off celiac
R gastric off common hepatic
CA thyroid nodule more likely to be hot/cold
Cold (don't take up RAI)
Bones, stones, groans (abd), moans (psych)
Empyema is
Inf pleural effusion
Is empyema acidic/alkalotic
Is empyema transudative/exudative
Empyema is high/low in LDH
Presence of gallstones in gallbladder
Presence of gallstones in common bile duct
Types of CA that have paraneoplastic syndrome of insulin-like proteins 3
Hepatocellular CA
When use thrombolysis to Tx acute embolic intestinal ischemia
Never! surgical dz

Remove infarcted bowel
Most common causes conductive hearing loss 5
Cerumen in ext acoustic meatus
TM perf
Ossicular dysarticulation
Mid ear effusion
Hemoglobinuria/myoglobinuria Tx to urine
Alkalinize the urine
If don't alkalinize urine, what does myoglobinuria lead to
Acute tubular necrosis
How alkalinize urine
Give pt bicarb
Fem art atherosclerosis present c claudication where
Distal leg (esp calf)
If claudication in hip flexors/buttocks, occlusion is where
Aorto-iliac occlusion
Dx test for w/u refractory GERD 4
24 hr pH monitoring
Barium follow thru
Gold standard Dx test for GERD
24 hr pH monitoring
Sensitive & spec of MRI to detect breast CA
90% sens
45% spec
Classic timing of abd pain in chronic mesenteric ischemia
few hours postprandial
Chronic mesenteric ischemia thrombotic/embolic
Acute mesenteric ischemia thrombotic/embolic
Most common cause death in renal transplant pt
Immunosuppression puts at risk for CA
Most common site of mets for soft tissue sarcoma
mets to lung
Course of R & L laryngeal nerves
L: off CN X -> loops around ascending aorta ant -> tracheoesophageal groove
R: loops around R subclavian -> ascend R tracheoesophageal groove
Why do ppl c lung CA get hoarse
L pharyngeal nerve compress by tumor
Other RF for SCC of skin besides sunlight 5
Burn scars, radiation scars, HPV, smoking, immunocompromised
Spont retroperitoneal hemorrhage uncommon adverse fx of which meds
Anticoag (esp warfarin)
Major bleeds from having high INR 3
Retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Tx of choice for burn eschar
Escharotomy immediately b/c inf, infl, propagate sepsis-like state
To eval if breast mass solid or fluid filled in young pt
Gastrinoma triangle
Jxn of neck & body of panc
Jxn of cystic and common bile duct
Jxn of 2nd/3rd parts of duodenum
If breast mass is fluid-filled
Aspirate -> send for pathology
Most common site of colonic diverticula
Which age group most likely to have colonic diverticula
Most common presentation diverticulosis
painless rectal bleeding
Microscopically, where do diverticula tend to aris
Where arterial blood supply penetrate bowel wall
Rationale for fasciotomy for impaired vasc injury
Reperfusion injury: ROS -> severe edema -> compartment syndrome
Genetic syndromes assoc c incr risk sarcoma 4
Li-Fremmani: p53 mutation
Familial retinoblastoma
Familial polyposis
Fascial layer encompassing kidney
Gerota's fascia
Adjuvant Tx of resectable panc CA is
Feeding in acute pancreatitis
NPO -> bowel rest
Role of cholecystectomy in preg
Are preg women more prone to biliary colic
Yes but usu resolve spont
Biggest risk of cholecystectomy in preg woman
Surgical abortion
Testicular CA spread to which LN first
Para-aortic nodes
Most common age of presentation osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma?
More common M or F?
Adolescence; M > F
Selective vagotomy target branches going into which part of stomach
Indications for selective vagotomy 2
Refrac ulcers
Cells located in fundus that secrete acid
Parietal cells
Splenectomy has been used to stage which CA (no longer done)
Hodgkin's lymphoma
Most important measures to take in acute pancreatitis 2
Fluid resus
Bowel rest
Define causalgia
Condition following trauma where tissue becomes denervated and then hypersensitivity to pain after reinnervation
Type of lung CA: centrally located, related to cigs, produces PTHrP
best noninvasive test for h. pylori
stool Ag test; sens & spec
Incidental adrenal mass > what size must be excised
4 cm
Blood group assoc c greatest risk gastric CA
Type A
Majority of blood supply to thyroid from which larger arteries
External carotid
Risk factors for poor surg wound healing 8
Poor nutrition
Wound inf
Poor surg technique
Splenic vein thrombosis assoc c infl of
Main reason mammo used for w/u concerning breast mass
can look for calcification but really used to look for other microlesions
Med used for immunosuppression in transplant c tox: nephro, metabolic syndrome, HTN
Dec synthesis IL-2
Best diet modification to prevent diverticulosis/diverticulitis
High fiber
Rovsing Sx?
Referred pain in RLQ c deep palpation of LLQ
Lab marker specific for hepatocellular CA
alpha feto protein
what other CA secrete a-FP
yolk sac tumor
Tx of choice for acalculus cholecystitis if not surg candidate
Perc cholecystostomy
Pain after cholecystectomy like biliary colic
post-cholecystectomy syndrome
Kehr's sign?
Referred pain to post shoulder in presence of diaphragmatic injury
Kehr's sign seen in 3
Splenic injury
Peridiaphragmatic abscess
Renal calculi
Top 2 RF for panc CA
Advanced age
which is more specific for panc injury - amylase v lipase
Splenectomy cures how many pt c ITP
W/u for gastric ulcer
Endoscophy c Bx
H. pylori Ag test
Top for sites for distant mets of lung CA 4
Liver, adrenal, bones, brain
isolated lung mass more likely mets or primary
XR findings of tension PTX 3
pocket of air
mediastinal shift away
dec vasc markings
Area most likely tender in diverticulitis
Classic description of panc duct on ERCP in chronic pancreatitis 2
Chain of lakes, beads on a string
Also looks like
Causes of hypercalcemia 7
Mulitple myeloma
Paget's dz of bone
Milk-alkali syndrome
Addison's dz
Lack of filling in GB on cholesyntigraphy suggest
Cystic duct occlusion
Blood supply for head of pancreas
Sup & inf pancreaticoduodenal arteries (ant & post)
Portion of stomach extending from angle of stomach to pylorus
Antrum is primary location of what type of cells
Gastrin-secreting G cells
Rare, feared complication of urologic procedures (post-prostatectomy syndrome)
Glycine-induced hyponatremia
% of lung CA c paraneoplastic syndrome
cutaneous T cell lymphoma has trophism for epidermis
May be mistaken for skin CA
Mycosis fungoides
most common site of cutaneous melanoma in women
lower ext
most common site of cutaneous melanoma in men 2
Back, trunk
role of surg in SCLC
no role b/c it is found to be mets on diagnosis
pancoast tumor is usu which type of lung CA
SCC or bronchoadenocarcinoma
Dobutamine acts at which R
pure beta 1 agonist
cardio fx of dobutamine
inc iontropy
combine use of these is 80% spec, sens for lung CA
Chest CT, PET
Dx of young child c u/l foul-smelling otorrhea
foreign object in ext acoustic meatus
avoid what to prevent midcycle pain in fibrocystic women
revascularization/angioplasty for PAD only indicated if 2
rest pain
ABI < 0.5
most common cause esophageal perf
most feared complications of esophageal perf 2
elevated lab values in choledocholithiasis
direct bili, ALP
pharm Tx for acute hemorrhage of esophageal varies 2
% gastric ulcers that are malig
Most common cause of hypotension in pt c traumatic brain injury
Rare cause of hypotension in TBI pt
Neurogenic shock
What is neurogenic shock
When TBI causes decreased sympathetic tone
Improvement of myocardial fxn after CABG because
reperfusion in hibernating myocardium
what is hibernating myocardium
Viable myocardium that was previously underperfused that went into hibernating state (lower metabolism)
Mechanism of malabsorption in Zollinger-Elllison syndrome
Inc stomach acid production -> inc duodenal acid conc -> less active pancreatic enzymes
Melanoma c proclivity for palms, soles, nail beds, mucosal surfaces
Acral lentiginous melanoma
Race more prone to acral lentinginous melanoma
African Americans
3 main branches of celiac artery
Splenic artery, common hepatic artery, L gastric artery
Why are mammograms not used to screen breast CA in younger women
<30 have high incidence fibrocystic change and breast density -> low risk of breast CA

Affects specificity
Name familial CA syndromes that increase risk for any type of thyroid cancer
MEN 2, 3 -> medullary
Gardner's (FAP)
Finding considered + murphy's Sx
Cessation of inspiration during deep palpation of RUQ
Murphy's Sx signifies
acute cholecystitis
Image test to r/in acute cholecystitis
Traumatic injury to heart can be r/o c what test?
12 lead EKG
Most common primary site of CA when pt have liver mets?
Colon CA
Lifetime risk of SBO in pt c laparotomy?
Most important risk factor for SBO?
Previous laparotomy
Dx of soft tissue tumor always begin c what procedure?
Core needle Bx
What don't excise soft tissue tumor?
Because complicates surgery when need to cut whole thing out: ruins margins
Most common bact cause of nosocomial bacteremia?
Coag neg staphylococcus
Most common contaminant of blood cultures?
Coag neg staphylococcus
Besides HBV, HCV, and EtOH, other risk factors for hepatocellular CA? 4
Vinyl chloride
Aphylotoxins (aspergillus)
Most common site of gastric ulcers?
Lesser curvature of stomach in antral, pre-pyloric region
Most common bact cause of nosocomial bacteremia?
Coag neg staphylococcus
Most common contaminant of blood cultures?
Coag neg staphylococcus
Besides HBV, HCV, and EtOH, other risk factors for hepatocellular CA? 4
Vinyl chloride
Aphylotoxins (aspergillus)
Most common site of gastric ulcers?
Lesser curvature of stomach in antral, pre-pyloric region
To protect from acute kidney injury, electrocuted pt should get which Tx? 3
Massive hydration, diuresis, urine alkalinization
= Tx for myoglobinuria
Best at home 1st aid measure for burns <10% total body surface area
Copious irrigation c lukewarm tap water
Semi-invasive therapy for achalasia before surgical correction? 2
Balloon dilation
Selective myotomy of LES
#1 cause of portal HTN in whole world
Type of scan used to ID parathyroid adenomas
Sestimibe scan
Most common cause of bloody nipple discharge
Intraductal papilloma
Other causes of blood nipple discharge 3
Carcinoma, duct ectasia, infection
Dx test of choice for parotid mass
Don't aspirate, Bx, excise unless ENT b/c can injure facial nerve
Lab test for pheochromocytoma besides urinary VMA
Free metanephrine levels in blood
H. pylori = rf for which types of stomach CA? 2
Gastric adenoma
Dukes class A lesion for CRC?
Tumor confined to bowel wall
Dukes class C lesion for CRC?
Mets to regional LN
Dukes class B lesion for CRC?
Tumor invasion thru bowel wall but not thru regional nodes
3rd degree burn = full thickness burn is
Charring and blackening of epidermis, dermis, and dermal appendages BUT not to underlying tissues
How to distinguish primary HCC from mets to liver by abdominal CT?
Abdominal CT to r/o other sites
Most common cause of periop mortality in pt undergoing any form of vasc surg
Acute MI
Intraop med that reduces risk of periop MI in medium/high-risk pt
Tx of choice in asymptomatic cholelithiasis 3
None unless:
Hemolytic anemias -> splenectomy
Obese -> bariatric surgery
Most effective Tx for c. diff inf
Vancomycin PO
Other Tx options for c. diff
DDx of adrenal mass 5
Incidentaloma (non-fxning adenoma)
Cortisol-producing tumor
Lung CA mets
3 most common benign liver tumors
Hemangioma -> why don't bx
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Which benign liver tumor assoc c OCP?
Prolonged immobilization has what effect on serum Ca
Why does immobilization cause hypercalcemia
Increase bone resorption
Boerhaaves v. Mallory Weiss tear
Boerhaaves = complete perf of esophagus -> complications: sepsis, pneumomediastinum, mortality
Mallory-Weiss = noncomplete transmural tear at gastro-eso jxn
Dx test of choice for scrotal hematoma
Superficial basal cell carcinoma should be Tx c local excision or?
In pt c metab alkalosis due to vomitting, LR or NS is better?
NS b/c pt just need volume and Cl
pH of NSS
hepatic cirrhosis and hematomachrosis present c what type of portal HTN
Specialized and specific scan for pheochromocytoma
Most common but nonspecific presenting Sx of lung CA
New onset cough
Highest risk groups for refeeding syndrome
Alcholic, Anorexic/eating d/o
Refeeding syndrome is
Rapid renourishment -> severe electrolyte disturbances (hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia)
Dx test to order in suspected intraabdominal inf
Abd CT c contrast
Top 3 causes of SBO
Adhesions, CA, hernia
Top 2 causes of immediate death in blunt trauma
Neuro injury
Cardiac injury
Recurrence rate of spont PTX after single episdoe
Recommended lab test on infant c hypospadius or cryptoorchidism
Most common mets to bone? 2
Breast, prostate
Gold standard test for traumatic rupture of aorta? Other? 2
Other: CT, TEE
Lowest mortality surg procedure for Tx mitral valve stenosis
Comissurotomy (dec risk of death 3x)
Syndrome: severe shoulder pain, wasting of muscles in arm & hand, horner's, edema of upper ext
ERCP stands for
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Tx of choice for severe finger tips (if no bone/nail involved)
Clean it; no need for primary closure
Rational for Bx non-healing gastric ulcer
R/o gastric carcinoma
Type of blood used if cross/match unavailable
2 U O-neg
Universal plasma donor
AB neg
Top 2 surg approaches to bariatric surgery
Lap band
Dx test of choice for suspected intestinal ischemia
Dx test of choice for unstable GI bleed
Recommended length of time to delay surgery when pt suffer MI
6 months
Test 98% sens, spec for gallstones
Most common part of GIT involved in Crohn's dz
Define tenesmus
Painful passing of stool
Difference in outcome of CABG and perc transluminal coronary angioplasty 4
No difference in overall mortality, MI incidence

Lower periop risk in PTCA

Greater recurrence of angina & need for intervention PTCA
Most common cause of short bowel syndrome in adults 2
Crohn's = #1
Other common: mesenteric infarction
Define incarcerated hernia
Non-reducible but not yet strangulated (dying)
Typical location of gastric carcinoma
Antrum (area prox to pylorus)
Esophageal varices form when blood stasis in portal vein backs up into which vein?
L gastric
Inexpensive Dx test 75% sensitive for SBO
AXR: 4 way series - flat & upright abd film + PA/lateral chest films
AXR finding in SBO:
Air-fluid levels, paucity of gas in colon & rectum, air in small bowel
Histo reason for invasion of esophageal CA
Esophagus lacks true serosa
3 realms of Glascow coma scale
eye opening, best motor response, best verbal response
Obturator Sx for appendicitis
Pain c internal rotation of femur (flex thigh & knee to 90o)
In both liver and lung, CA growth most likely to be
Umbilical mets (Sis Mary Joseph nodule) most likely reflect which CA?
Gastric, ovarian CA
Most accurate Dx tool to eval pt c chronic pancreatitis
Tx of choice for small aortic dissection limited to descending aorta
Type of skin CA characterized by pearly dome appearance, central ulceration, telangectasia
Nodular, ulcerative basal cell carcinoma
All pt c abd GSW req what w/u
Immediate lap if unstable
Stable: imaging
Vinyl chloride predispose to which class of tumor
Recommend f/u for pt c adenomatous, non-CA polyp on colonoscopy
Surveillance: colonoscopy q 3 yrs
Surgical f/u for pt c breast CA who has + SLNBx
Level 1 & 2 regional node dissection
Why do splenectomy on pt c myeloproliferative d/o?
For Sx relief (doesn't change course or mgmt of dz)
Pattern of bowel movement in pt c intestinal obstruction
BM at onset then constipation
Why give prophylatic cholecystectomy in pt c single episode gallstone-induced pancreatitis
Up to 40% recurrence in 1st 6 wk
Majority of chief cells in stomach found in
Proximal (body)
What do chief cells do?
Secrete pepsinogen
Outside of US, 2 types of parasites most likely to cause liver abscess
Entameoba histolytica, Echinococcus
Classic presentation of entameoba inf
H/o dysenteric diarrhea and single isolated cyst on liver
Classic presentation of echinococcus inf
H/o multiple liver cysts, can be in lung also
To tell which parasite is in liver abscess, what Dx?
Don't stick needle -> anaphylaxis
Approximate false neg rate for screening mammogram
Polypectomy of colonic polyp = curative if adenomatous tissue not beyond what layer of colon
Submucosa -> then adenoma in situ & unlikely to recur
After ABCs, what measures to take with rib Fx? Why?
Analgesia -> poor pain ctrl leads to poor resp effort
C/in to balloon valvuloplasty?
If presence of valvular vegetation/calcification or fusion of chordae
Balloon valvuloplasty is used for which kind valve defect?
Pt failed medical management of GERD when which class cannot provide relief?
PPI (omeprazole)
Mechanism by which atelectasis causes post op fever
It doesn't!!!!
Duct that drains pancreas into common bile duct 2
Wirsung's duct (pancreatic duct)
Santorini's = minor contributory
Carotid artery endarterectomy is indicated for stenosis at what level if asymptomatic?
Endarterectomy indicated if pt has Sx of TIA and stenosis at which level?
How do you determine the level stenosis in the carotids?
What do you look at during doppler to determine the level of stenosis in carotids?
Most common presenting Sx of Meckel's diverticulum
Painless rectal bleeding
By which post op week will surgical wound get to 75% strength
8 weeks
At what point will surgical wound receive 100% strength?
Breslow scale: primary melanoma of what depth considered local (>90% cure rate)
0.76 mm
Components of clotting cascade present in parietal participate? 5
Factor 8, vWF, fibrinogen, fibrin-stabilizing factor, and fibronectin
Early sepsis characterized by what acid-base disturbances? As evolves what does it turn into?
Resp alkalosis (hypermetabolic) -> metabolic acidosis (related to incr lactate)
Suspected eso perf, what most sensitive to Dx?
Barium GI series
What safer test should be performed before barium GI series in suspected eso perf?
Water-soluble contrast series
Why shouldn't you use barium if eso perforated?
Can exacerbate medistinitis?
Premalig skin lesion caused by chronic UV expo? (Rough, scaly, poorly-demarcated plaque)
Actinic keratosis (SCC precursor)
Longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy used for
Chronic pancreatitis
Dx test for women with serosanguinous nipple d/c (no mass)
Ductogram (contrast injected into ductal system)
% women >60 c gallstones
Which is better for metabolic acidosis - LR or NSS?
LR because NSS doesn't contain bases and will dilute bicarb
Other than aFP, what can be used for hepatocellular carcinoma?
Ferritin (high)
Ranson criteria used for
Metrics of Ranson criteria:
At admission: 5
At 48 hrs: 6
At admission: age, WBC, hyperglycemia, elevated LDH, elevated AST

48 hrs: rapid rise BUN, hypocalcemia, low pO2, high base def, high fluid sequestration, rapid drop in HCT
Dx suggested by new onset DM, elevated direct bili, wt loss
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Electrolyte whose deficiency resembles Sx of hypocalcemia?
At what PRL level is Dx of prolactinoma
>300 mcg/L
If PRL elevated by <300, what should you consider?
Compressive stalk syndrome, antipsychotics
Almost critically ill pt require higher intake of protein except pt with dz of which organ system
Psoas sign of appendicitis is
Pain with extension at thigh
Penetrating neck injuries must violate which muscle plane?
Formula for cerebral perfusion pressure
Dx suggested by air-fluid levels and coiling NGT in L chest
Atraumatic diaphragmatic hernia
Dx triad for breast masses:
Phys exam, mammo, Bx
Define isograft:
Donor and recipient are identical twins
Anatomic markers defining R & L liver lobes
Gallbladder fossa and IVC
Hamburger Sx is? seen in?
Pt has no appetite; appendicitis
Chandelier Sx seen in?
Changes in color of stool & urine in choledocholithiasis?
Stool becomes clay color (bili dec); urine becomes brown (bili inc)
Procedure in pt c suspected tension PTX
Needle thoracostomy
Dx suggested by progressive paralysis of muscles innervated by CN VII c cheek mass
Parotid malig
Most common form of parotid malig
Mucoepidermal carcinoma
Top 2 causes of death during first 24 hr after trauma
CNS injury, hemorrhagic shock
First mammogram at what age?
35-39 ACS, 40 USPTF
Rectal shelf (Bloomer's shelf) on rectal exam represents? 2
GU CA or gastric CA c peritoneal spread
Surgical correction of acid dependent peptic ulcer
Selective vagatomy
Fourth part of duodenum ascends/terminates at what landmark?
Ligament of Treitz
Primary advantage of LAR of CRC
Spares anal canal and sphincter
Indications for surgery for PUD 3
Refractory to PPIs, large ulcers > 3 cm, non-healing ulcer
Top 2 Sx of cardiac contusion
Cardiogenic shock, arrhythmia
Best Tx for PE c no specific c/in to anticoag/thrombolytic
Neuron-specific enolase marker for which type of CA?
Common PNA causing microbes that can cause 2o PTX or empyema 6
Staph aureus, TB, pseudomonas, klebsiella, PCP, pertussis
Tx of persistent empyema
Painless, well-circumscribed, firm, rubbery breast mass in F < 25 y/o suggests
2 common med interventions for Graves
2 segments of colon that are intraperitoneal
Transverse and sigmoid
Dx test most reliable for determining true Cushing syndrome
24 urine cortisol, late night salivary cortisol
Best pt in menstrual cycle for self breast exam
1 week after LMP
Classic surgical Tx for BPH
TURP - transurethral resection of prostate
Classic medical Tx of BPH & M/A? 2
Finasteride - inh 5HT reductase
Prazasin - alpha-1 inh
Melanoma c greatest potential for vertical growth
L pleural effusion & pneumomediastinum found in what eso patho?
Distal eso perf
2 veins contributing to portal vein
SMV and splenic vein
Clinical breast exam picks up mass > what size ~ 100% time
2 cm
Other causes of incr amylase besides pancreatitis
Inflammatory conditions of bowel/GIT
Define hematochezia
bright red blood per rectum
Most common benign parotid tumor
Pleomorphic adenoma
Tx for pleomorphic adenoma of parotid
Indication for parathyroidectomy in HPTH
Sx of hypercalcemia c Ca > 1mg/dL above normal
Low bone density by DEXA scan
<50 y/o
Any Sx of renal insufficiency
Hard indications for thyroidectomy in hyperthyroidism 3
Preg women/children (no RAI)
Suspected CA
Mass fx
Tx of choice for children c acute epiglottis
Nasotracheal intubation (tracheostomy if necessary)
Appearance of child c acute epiglottis 3
Hunched forward, significant stridor, drooling
Underlying event to r/o in pediatric TBI
Child abuse
1st 2 test to order in pt c thyroid nodule
Surgery on which 2 organs cause short bowel syndrome
ileum, jejunum
Gastroduodenal artery arises from which artery
Common hepatic artery
What condition cause cause big gastroduodenal artery bleed?
Duodenal ulcer (erodes post wall)
Carcinoid tumor of airway arise in which location
Main bronchi
Airway carcinoid tumors are usu benign or malig?
Benign (10% malig)
2 types of thoracic CA c chronic asbestos expo
Pleural mesothelioma, Bronchogenic carcinoma
Dx test that may be req in asymptomatic penetrating neck trauma 3
Arteriography, esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy
Indication for surgical resection in recurrent diverticulitis
Failure of med mgmt
Recommended f/u Tx for breast conservation therapy
Dx suggested by dilated common bile duct on RUQ U/S, elevated LFT, normal amylase
Test of choice to distinguish testicular torsion from epidydimitis
Tx of choice for cauliflower ear
I&D of hematoma c application of pressure bandage
Dx of LCIS usu
incidental on Bx
Apocrine metaplasia, squamous metaplasia or glandular hyperplasia is most worrisome on breast Bx
Hyperplasia -> incr risk of breast CA by 2
AAA > what size should be repaired surgically (unless high risk)
5.5 cm (25% will rupture in 5 yrs)
Common presenting Sx of pancreatic adenocarcinoma 4
Obstructive jaundice, RUQ pain, new onset DM, wt loss
ID common risk factors for eso CA 6
Cigs, EtOH, chronic GERD, chronic hot liquid, expo to nitrosomines, malnutrition (low fiber)
Dx to perform in pt c palpable thyroid nodule, low TSH, and Sx of hyperthyrodism
FNA, Iodine scintogram
Dx test that can r/o or r/in cervical spine injury in trauma
Xrays: AP, lateral, peg
Lab for neuroendocrine tumors
Chromogranin A
Anisocoria is
Unequal pupil size
Most common sites of carinoid tumors
Appendix > small intestine
Carcinoid syndrome most seen in tumors located where?
Small intestine
Carinoid syndrome is 3
R valvular defects, diarrhea, flushing
Most important predictive factor in esophageal varices becoming hemorrhagic
Size of varices
The beta blocker used for eso varices
Transient monocular blindness and Hollenhorst plaques on exam
Carotid artery dz
Most common postop morbidity in vasc surgery
Wound complications: lymphedema, poor healing, infection
Surgery generally indicated for which types of lung CA?
NSCLC stage 1 or 2
Primary Tx of SCLC
Malig breast masses are usu firm/soft, irregular/well-circumscribed, fixed/mobile, solitary/multiple
Firm, irregular border, fixed, solitary
Tx of choice for low stage soft tissue sarcoma
Wide local excision c margins of 2 cm
Liver mass should not be Bx as part of initial mgmt because 2
Can be a hemangioma or echinococcal cyst
Besides clindamycin use, which abx predispose to c. diff inf
Cephalosporins, quinolones
Parodoxical aciduria is
Pt alkalotic but acidic urine because distal resorption of Na
Common causes of alkalosis in surgery pt
Hypervent, NG suction, citrate from transfusion
Tamoxifen only prophylatic if
High risk of breast CA but low risk of side fx
Most common subtype of melanoma
Superficial, horizontal spreading variety
Procedure that is the main stay med mgmt of chronic GERD
Nissin procedure (fundoplication)
Studies to eval for mets in pt c newly Dx lung CA
Head CT, LFT, abd CT, bone scan
Pt c thymoma have what autoimmune dz 50% time
Myasthenia gravis
How many pt c myasthenia gravis have thymoma
What other autoimmune dz assoc c thymoma
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
Dx suggested by abd pain, bloody stools, abdominal bruits, thumbprinting of colon
Mesenteric vasc dz
What is thumbprinting of colon on AXR signify
Edema in bowel wall
GI organs that derive blood supply from SMA
Duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon up to splenic flexure
Rational for surgical resection of liver when find benign hepatic adenoma in women c OCP 2
Could hemorrhage, could transfrom
Carotid endarterectomy v. angioplasty 3
Higher risk of intraop/postop stroke
Equal mortality/non-fatal MI risk
Sens and spec of FNA for thyroid nodules
95% sens, 100% spec
Lung changes seen in acute pancreatitis
Mild pulm edema to fulminant ARDS
Risk of developing breast CA in pt c + FHx and atypical hyperplasia of Bx
10x baseline
5 Ps of acute vasc compromise
Pallor, parasthesia, pain, pulseless, poikilothermia
Acute/chronic mitral valve stenosis more likely to present c pulm edema
CA that may present c paraneoplastic PTHrP
SCC of lung, other SCC, renal cell CA
Bird's peak sign in lower eso suggest
Traction on which structure signify traumatic rupture of aorta
Ligametnum arteriosum
Tx of choice for schistosomiasis
Sx of Katayama fever 4
Swimmer's itch, fever, myalgia, bloody diarrhea
General measures to take in any moderate-serious hand wound lac 6
Culture, copious irrigation, Xray series, IV abx, tetanus booster (IG if high-risk)
Older adult c painless rectal bleeding suggest
2nd most common cause painless rectal bleed in elderly
Hemorrhoids, angiodysplasia
Tx of choice for gas gangrene
Immediate debridment, IV PCN
CT is better for eval solid or hollow viscus organs
Direct hernia caused by weakening of which fascial layer
Endocrine dz of 10s
Rule of 10s: 5
10% malig, kids, extra-adrenal, b/l, MEN assoc
Distinguish Graves dz from TMN (Plummer's)
Graves: diffusely enlarged, activating autoAb (type 2 HSR
Plumers: nodular, one hot nodule, usu endemic goiter
microbes implicated in acute cholecystitis 5
E. coli, Klebsiella, pseudomonas, enterococci, bacteroides
Abx Tx for acute cholecystitis according to infectious disease society of America 2
2nd gen ceph or quin/flagyl
3 most frightening complications of acute/chronic sinusitis
Brain abscess, cavernous sinus thrombosis, orbital cellulitis
Blood value to check in suspected smoke inhalation
CO levels
Modification of what risk factor will slow progression of aortic aneurysm 2
Smoking, BP
Tx of choice for empyema
IV abx c perc drainage
W/u for suspect abdominal hemorrhage in blunt abd trauma 4
phys exam, FAST, DPL, exp lap if unstable
Underlying skin of open Fx should not be primarily closed for which reason
Primary closure increases risk of osteomyelitis
Dx test of choice for suspected eso perf
Gastrografin esophagram
Eponym for fibrosis after muscle necrosis in compartment syndrome
Volkmann's ischemic contracture
imaging test of choice for pancreatis Dx 2
CT abd if alcoholic; if not maybe RUQ U/S to r/o gallstone
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis present in which groups?
Obese pubertal boys
Presentation of SCFE? 4
Knee/hip pain, limping, ext rotation, post displaced
Dx test of choice for spinal stenosis
Typical presentation for spinal stenosis
Elderly c back pain worsened by standing up straight (extension)
Test of choice to eval traumatic urethral injury
Retrograde urethrogram
Tx of choice of PE in unstable pt
Indications for prophylactic colectomy in UC
Chronic UC c dysplasia on Bx
Dx test of choice c suspected osteomyelitis 2
Nuc scan if have ortho hardware to check for infl around it
Tx of choice for fulminant hepatic failure
liver transplant
Common causes fulminant hepatic failure
Severe Hep A, acetaminophen OD
Tx of choice for 2o preventation of PE/DVT in CA pt
Low MW hep (superior to warfarin, same mortality/bleeding risk)
Nutritional def implicated in poor wound healing 3
Vit C, Zn, Protein
Advantages of using Demerol after surg
Less likely to cause Sphincter of Oddi spasm
Less likely to cause constipation
Disadvantages of Demerol
Highly habit-forming
Disadvantages of using demerol
Highly habit forming
Tends to depression cardioresp sys more than other opiod
Pt who should undergo 12 lead EKG as part of w/u 2
M > 40, F > 50 c intermediate-high risk: angina, previous MI, compensated CHF, DM, CKD, valve dz
Preop stress test for noncardiac cases 3
High risk pt: known CAD, CHF, CVA
<4 MET (<1 flight of stairs)
Measure of functional status
Most common preventable cause of death in hospitalized pt
Venous thromboembolism
Most common underlying path of compartment syndrome in post-vasc surg pt
Reperfusion injury
Tx of choice for mucomycosis 2
Surgical debridement
Amphotericin B
Intubation method of choice c cervical spine Fx 2
Awake fiberoptic intubation
Awake blind nasal intubation
Branchial cyst/thyroglossal duct cyst is more common and found midline
Tx of choice for thyroglossal/branchial cyst
Surgical excision
Midshaft Fx will compromise which structure
Radial nerve
Clinical Sx of radial nerve injury
Wrist drop
Best DVT prophylaxis in surg pt
Walking (preop and postop)
Only genus of microbes that cause serious wound inf postop in 24 hrs
Clostridium (esp perfinges)
Typical presentation of occult postop intra-abdominal abscess
Unrelenting fever +/- abd pain occuring 1-2 wk postop
W/u for postop intra-abdominal abscess
CT of abd
4 general classifications for surgical wounds to predict postop inf risk
Clean-contaminated: violation of plane into GI/GU/Resp tract
Pt may reduce risk of wound inf by cessation of
Phys exam finding in diagnosis of acute testicular torsion
Absent cremasteric reflex
Blue dot Sx (palpable blue nodule on upper pole)
Sx of appendix testes
Abd pain in young F is what until proven OTW
Role of compression stockings in surgical pt
Slightly reduce risk of DVT
Which branch of CN VII most like injured in parotid surgery
Marginal mandibular
Type of Bx on suspected melanoma
Full thickness Bx
Dx test of choice for Zenker's diverticulum
Ba flouroscopy
Upper endoscopy
Term for gallbladder c many linear calcifications on wall
Assoc c chronic cholecystitis and GB CA
Porcelein GB
Indications draining pancreatic pseudocyst 3
If symptomatic, continues to grow, or becomes inf
Rare but classic complication of AAA repair presenting c conus medullaris syndrome
Ant spinal cord ischemia
Type of Fx when falling on extended wrist (esp little ladies)
Affects distal radius
Colles Fx