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24 Cards in this Set

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Who discovered Laughing gas? And in what year?

Sir Humphry Davy in 1799

What is the advantage and disadvantage of using laughing gas?

It reduced pain however it didnt knock out patients so its impact was limited

Who discovered Ether and in what year?

John Collins Warren in 1846

Why was ether better than laughing gas?

As it made patients unconscious

What did Robert Liston do in what year?

Used ether in an amputation operation in 1847

What did Robert Liston notice about Ether?

That it caused coughing, sickness, is flammable and irritant.

What did James Simpson discover? And how?

Chloroform; him and doctors inhaled various chemicals to see effect and Mrs Simpson found them unconscious due to chloroform.

When was chloroform used in operations?


What made people ( christians in particular ) more willing to accept Chloroform being used?

Queen Victoria using it in Childbirth in 1853

Limitations due to chloroform?

Not all doctors did the correct dosage which led to unexpected deaths such as Hannah Greener 1848 ( first death )

What did John Snow invent?

An inhaler to regulate chloroform dosage to prevent heart problems

Opposition to Chloroform?

1. Unexpected deaths

2.Christians believe pain is part of Gods plan

3.believe its easier to tell if patient is alive if theyre screaming

4.new anaesthetics encouraged more complex operations which faced the problem of infection and as the problem of blood loss hadnt been solved ; death rate rose.

Negatives in dealing with infection before 1861? (3)

1. Instruments and operating room not cleaned

2. Surgeons wore oldest coat to signify experience due to how much blood its covered in

3.surgeons rarely washed hands in water which could be contaminated itself

Positives in dealing with infection before 1861?

1.Florence Nightingale ensured high standards of hygiene among nurses & insisted each hospital bed had 1 patient

2. In 1846, Semmelweiss noticed women attended by midwives were less likely to die from infection than attended by medical students as they came from dissecting bodies and didnt wash their hands so he put chlorinated water around to wash hands in and death rate fell by 12% however he couldnt explain why it helped.

Who discovered carbolic acid and how?

Joseph Lister; noticed it killed parasites at sewage works so he tried it out on microbes causing infection.

What did joseph lister do with carbolic acid?

Tested it on child with broken leg using a carbolic soaked bandage and it healed in 6 weeks, he washed equipment and hands in it and created a carbolic spray to treat air around patient which caused the death rate to fall

Carbolics acid impact on surgery


1. Surgeons didnt believe it would help

2.surgeons critical on it as it was smelly and corrosive


By 1980s antiseptic surgery was common

1. Sterile clothing, masks and gloves introduced

Preventing blood loss before 1900

Cauterisation: blood vessels sealed shut by burning such as pouring boiling water

Ambrose paré: clipped off blood vessels with metal clips/ligatures

However still no way of replacing blood that had been lost.

Blood transfusions

1. First on sheeps and humans ; caused death, made illegal in 1670 in Britain

2. Human-to-human blood transfusions done by James Blundell 1825-30 / caused death due to mismatch of groups

What did Karl Landsteiner do? And in what year?

Showed there was different blood types & how they were incompatible with eachother in 1900

What did Reuben Ottenburg do ? In what year?

The first blood transfusion in 1907; doner and patient had to be together as blood clotted outside the body

Impact of war? (7)

1.First blood bank was set up for soldiers with blood type O

2. 1914: soldium citrate stopped blood clotting

3.sped up knowledge on how to treat wounds.

4.Attempt at brain surgery

5. Saline to fight infection

6.variety of training

7.plastic surgery developed to tackle new injuries.

Impact of communication ?

1.newspapers reported notable operations such as Q.Victoria using chloroform.

2. Medical conferences occurred/lectured by surgeons

3.surgeons took notes such as lister recording impact of carbolic acid helped prove it

4. Scientists published ideas.

Impact of science and technology

1. Carbolic spray helped keep germs out of surgery lowering infection rate

2. x-rays ; 1895 made accuracy better

3. Hypodermic needles 1853; more accurate dosage : helped blood transfusions