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60 Cards in this Set

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chest injury of ribs in elederly. Rib pain. Tx
Nerve block --local anesthetic
Stabbed in chest. No breath sound on R and hyperresonance to precussion dx:
Plain Pneumothorax not Tension Pneumothorax: air was in pleural space got bigger everytime he breath.
Plain Pneumothorax
Next step:
Step after that:
Chest x-ray
chest tube
Base of R chest has no breath sounds and dull to precussion
Next step
Chest x-ray after that
Bleeding from the lungs (low pressure circuit) usually stops by itself very seldom have to operate patient to stop bleeding. Having blood in pleural cavity from stab wound is contaminated causes empyema--trauma surgeon will drain blood from chest tube.
Need for thoractomy from Hemothorax is --- cc of blood
1000cc of blood or blood keeps draining at like 200cc per hour for next couple hours if adds to 600cc for 6 hours.
significance of single large air fluid level in lungs
Sign of multiple air fluid level in lungs
Bowel in chest
SOB,No breath sound in left hemithorax(hyperresonance) and big distended veins and shock
Tension Pneumothorax
Next step: Needle and than chest tube.
severe decellaration injury --
Actively look for :
traumatic transcetion of aorta
Steps: chest x-ray (wide mediastinum very likely)
Next: Spiral CT scan of chest ( if negative with wide mediastinum)
Next: arteriogram
Large flaplike wound in chest: Inspiration the air goes through flap but does not come out with exhale
vaseline gauze
Dressing gets taped on 3 sides rather than 4 (clue) so the air can still come out
DX: Tension Pneumothorax
paradoxical breathing
caves in while inhale and comes out with exhale
flial chest
TX: underlying pulmonary contuse lung
which is ?
Fluid restriction also colloid rather than crystalloid
Managment: Do not overload with fluid and fluid restriction.
Blood gases detriorated: lady needs to intubated.
Also need chest tube where ribs are injured.
Monitor EKG, cardiac enzymes and traumatic transection of aorta.
3 hardest bone to break in chest is
sternum, 1st rib and scapula only break with crazy trauma.
Traumatic Diaphramatic rupture
Left side manily bowel comming into the chest.
3 causes of Thoracic subcutaneous emphysema
1. ruptur of esophagus(endoscopy)
2. Tension Pneumothorax
3. Tracheobronchial injury Major(need fiberoptic bronchoscopy)
Enormous air is coming through the tube and lung doesn't expand
maybe bronchial injury
sudden death from trauma think of
air embolism
Multiple long bone fracture with few hours later resp distress(low Po2)
Fat embolism
Next step: Resp support and monitor blood gases.
Trigger finger Tx
Pulp of index finger with absecess
immedi surgery
Late 20's and early 30's.Pain and stiffness inc. Pain and stiffness worse with rest and better with activity.
Ankylosing spondylitis
Bamboo spine
Physical therapy and antiinflammatory.
thick and hyperpigmented ulcer. frequent episodes of cellulitis and has varicose veins.
venous statis ulcers
pressure point
diabetic ulcer
above malleouls and other charca
venous statis ulcers
chronic irritation
Heaped up tissue growth around the edges which is growing
squamous cell carcinoma
Marjolin ulcer
biopsy of the ulcer
presence of pulses does not rule out compartment syndrome (T,F)
Pt with moderate but persitent pain from cast for ankle fracture. Only one correct answer
Cast has to be removed immediately.
young man with MVA open fracture of R thigh femur is sticking out through skin laceration.
ortho emergency
deadly soft tissue reactions
most to immunocompromised.
Murcormycosis: extensive burns and immunosuprressed.
Gas gangrene can happen to anyone and way it happens is
Deep puncture wound
2 to 3 days of incubation and moribound.
Liquid are more hard to swallow than solids
Mechanical problem
54 y old black man w ith history of smoking and drinking and progressive dysphasia with solids and than liquids, lost 30 pounds of weight
Cancer of esophagus
Next step: Barium swallow (map for esophscopy)
24 y old man with alchololc vomits repeated eventually bright red blood.
Mallory weiss tear
Only affecting mucosa (bright red blood),endoscopy.
24 y old man with alchololc vomits repeated eventually had violent episode of vomitting,fever,leukocytosis and midsternum pain looks very sick
perforation of barrettes esophagus, sick looking pain.
Gastrograffin swollow b/c it might estravasate not very effective pictures.
If gastrograffin swallow is negative: cont with barium swallow and than immediated surgerical repair and perforation.
66 y old with upper GI endoscopy, 6 hours after procedure with severe constant upper retrosternal pain
Gastrograffin swallow followed by
Barium swallow
Recognize early
72 y old man lost 42 pounds of weight with vagues epigastric discomfort discomfort for 3 weeks
Next step: Endoscopy and biopsy
If cancer of stomach is found next step is
CT scan of stomach
64 y colicky abd pain and with bowel distention and coincide with colicky pain and air fluid level,protacted vomitting with distention. 5 years ago had expl lap.
Possible due to adhesions formed the adhesion. small bowel is moving has avoided falling in trap. NG suction, nothing by mouth, let the bowel extrisate by itself if complete obstruction.
54 y old with colicky pain with vomit, does have any BM, high pitched bowel sound, air fluid level.
6 hours after hospitalization, fever,leuks,abd tenderness
strangulation obstruction
22y old male anorexia, sharp severe pain localized near umbilicus, t:100, wbc 12
Acute appendicitis
Emergency appendectomy
if the pt does not have anorexia
pt does not have appendicitis
Non typical acute appendicitis
CT scan
sonogram(operator dependent)
most cancer of colon are
59 Y old man fainting at job,pale and 4+ occult blood of stool hemoglobolin of 5.
cancer of cecum or R colon
77 y old M,colon villous adenom sigmoid,descending colon.
FAP,gardner syndrome,turcot
Villous adenoma:50% will become cancerous
adenomatous polyp: SNARE
resecetion is mandatory
Juvenile polyp,puetz jeger polyp,hyperplastic polyp
Not premaligannat
42 Y old chronic UC,90 pounds,recent relapse high steroid adn imurine, T: 104, luekocytosis, abd tender, muscle guarding and rebound, gas within wall of colon, distended colon
chronic UC initally handle Medically
can be cured with operation by removing colon and rectal mucosa, by remove the disease.
27 Y old gangrenous appendicitis on clindamycin and
When u hear clindamycin
clostridium difficle
8 hour ago cramps diarrhea
1.stool culture and 2.proctosigmoidscopy,
3. Identify toxin
If c.diff toxin do not use anti diarrheal med b/c the toxin will stay there.
Anorectal dz always begin with
Ruling out cancer
60 y with hemmoroid, itching and discomfort and mild pain
Internal hemmoroid: Painless bleeding
External hemmoroid: Pain but no bleed.
Internal hemmoroids with no pain can be cured by
Rubber band ligation
23 Y old w existe pain with defecation b/c of pain she avoid defecation. Physical exam is barely done b/c she is scared of pain dz
Anal fissure
Anal fissure occurs b/c pt has
very tight spincter all the time
all of us creates small tear all the time but b/c of great blood supply heal immediately but thight spincter cut the blood to mucosa but if more aggressive therapy required lateral internal spincterotomy and botulism toxin
M 4 months ago, operation of perianal fistula but did not heal while has purulent discharge
chrons dZ affecting anus
operation in this area heals quickly, immediatelty know if it does not heal post op it is most likely chrons. Hopefully not anorectal cancer become necrotic
44 Y old M, exiquisite perianal pain, he cannot sit down, chill and fever. hot tender red fluctuant mass
peri-rectal abscess
Perirectal abscess in normal individual
If on exam pt happen to be diabetic or immunosuppressed: it becomes necrotizing fascitis
Vomit blood or big evacuation of blood,gross GI bleed. where is the bleeding coming from.
3 out of 4 comes from upper GI tract.
abd pain in very old person
sigmoid volvulus
mesenteric ischemia
53 Y old vague RUQ abd discomfort
CEA has been within normal limit