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37 Cards in this Set

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Mabury v Madison

- 1803

- Case that established the power of the SCOTUS to strike down laws

Plessy v Ferguson

- 1896

- Case that established state racial segregation

- Separate but equal

Korematsu v United States

- 1944

- Japanese internment camps were legal

Brown v Board

- 1954

- Overturned separate but equal

Trop v Dulles

- 1958

- The government could not revoke citizenship as a punishment

Katzenbach v McClung

- 1964

- Within the power of Congress to forbid racial discrimination as a burden to interstate commerce

- Under the Commerce Clause

Reed v Reed

- 1971

- Administrators of estate cannot be named in a way that discriminates on the basis on sex

Roe v Wade

- 1973

- Legalisation of abortion under the presumed right to privacy

United States v Nixon

- 1974

- Ruling against President Nixon, ordering him to deliver tape recordings and other materials to the court

- Limit on executive privilege

National Socialist Party of America v Village of Skokie

- 1977

- National Socialist Party was allowed to march and display the swastika under the protection of the First Amendment

Texas v Johnson

- 1989

- Struck down laws that prohibited the desecration of the American flag first

- Protected under the first amendment

US v Lopez

- 1995

- Congress could not limit guns on school premises

- A right they had claimed under the Commerce Clause

US v Morrison

- 2000

- Struck down the Violence Against Women Act as Congress didn't have the power to pass it under the Commerce Clause or the 14th Amendment

Bush v Gore

- 2000

- Decided that the Florida counting of the Presidential election violated the 14 Amendment and there wasn't time to change it

Stenberg v Carhart

- 2000

- Struck down a law that made performing a partial-birth abortion illegal in Nebraska, with doctors risking their licences

- Violated the Due Process of the Constitution

- As established by Roe v Wade

Atkins v Virginia

- 2002

- Unconstitutional to execute people with intellectual disabilities

- Under the 8th Amendment

- States can define who is disabled

Ring v Arizona

- 2002

- Requires a jury trial to sentence to death

- Under the 6th Amendment

Gratz v Bollinger

- 2003

- University of Michigan's predetermined point allocation that gave 20 points to minorities was unconstitutional

Lawrence v Texas

- 2003

- Made same-sex sexual activity legal, striking down laws in 14 states

- On the basis of the 14th Amendment

Roper v Simmons

- 2005

- Unconstitutional to be executed for crimes committed under the age of 18

Gonzales v Raich

- 2005

- Congress may criminalize the production and use of home-grown cannabis even against the wishes of states

- Commerce clause

Hamdan v Rumsfeld

- 2006

- Found Bush's military commissions to try detainees at Guantanamo Bay violated the Geneva Convention and the Uniform Code of Military Justice

Gonzales v Carhart

- 2007

- Upheld Congress's right to ban partial birth abortions

- Found that it didn't impose an undue burden

DC v Heller

- 2008

- Struck down a law that banned handguns and placed severe restriction on shotguns, a law passed in

Boumediene v Bush

- 2008

- Prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have the right to the writ of habeas corpus under the Consitution and Military Commissions Act of 2006 was unconstitutional

McDonald v Chicago

- 2010

- The right of an individual to keep and bear arms is incorporated by the Due Process Claus of the 14th Amendment

Citizens United v FEC

- 2010

- Freedom of speech is prohibits the government from restricting independent political expenditures by a nonprofit corporation

Snyder v Phelps

- 2011

- Speech on a public sidewalk, about a public issue, cannot be liable for a tort of emotional distress

NFIB v Sebelius

- 2012

- Upheld the power of Congress to enact most of Obamacare

Arizona v United States

- 2012

- Support our law enforcement and safe neighbourhoods act was found to be partially preempted by federal law `

US v Windsor

- 2013

- Unconstitutional for Congress to interpret marriage and spouse to apply only to opposite-sex unions

- Under the fifth amendment

Hollingsworth v Perry

- 2013

- Legalised same-sex marriage in California

- Violated equal protection under the law

Shelby v Holder

- 2013

- Ruled that parts of the Voting Rights Act was unconstitutional, specifically the section on coverage formula which required federal approval of voting laws

RIley v California

- 2014

- Warrantless search and seizure of digital contents of a cell phone was unconstitutional

Holt v Hobbs

- 2015

- Arkansas prison policy which prohibited a Muslim prisoner from growing a short beard in accordance with his religious beliefs

- Violation of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act

Obergefell v Hodges

- 2015

- There is a fundamental right to marry, for same-sex couples

- Under the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause

EEOC v Abercrombie and Fitch Stores

- 2015

- A Muslim was refused a job because she wore a headscarf, which conflicted the dress code