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45 Cards in this Set

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Performance appraisal

a formal approach to evaluating performance that should primarily encourage performance in the employee's present position

Rating scales

appraisal approaches based on scoring of employees along a continuum of observed performance. May be of either continuous or discrete type.

Employee comparison methods

appraisal approaches based primarily on how employees are percieved as performing relative to each other.

Criteria based appraisal

appraisal systems that evaluate employee performance against job description requirements and evaluate performance against established standards.

Who should be the primary evaluator of the employee?

an employees immediate supervisor

In most modern healthcare organizations employee appraisal remains the basic responsibility of who?

all persons who direct the work of others

T/ F If a supersivor reprimands an employee for a breach of policy, it is a form of appraising performance.


T/F Compliments, complaints, and directions, about work and work habits are all forms of appraising performance.


What would constitute an employee evaluation?

any instance of criticism or praise, whether offered within or outside the context of a formal performance appraisal system.

Appraisal are some times pushed to the lower part of the supervisors priority list until attention is required because

appraisal require time and information that must be accumulated over an extended period of time and they have on direct impact on the accomplishments of the day to day work in the department

What is the all-at-once approach to and appraisal?

evaluation of all employees at the same time, ordinarily once each year or perhaps once every 6 months

All at once approach of appraisals leads to

1. task being over whelming

2. other things may suffer because appraisals must be done

3. supervisor may fail to do justice to the appraisals

4. early appraisals may get better attention that ones done later

5. supervisors may fail to do justice to the appraisals because they are worried about the work that is not getting done.

Supervisors regard appraisals as what?

at best, a necessary evil or, at worst, and unnecessary and resented intrusion

Some appraisals of employees are done on what date?

the anniversary date of the employee

Which department usually puts the most pressure on the supervisor to get the appraisals done?

human resource

What is an advantage of the all-at-once approach of appraisals?

one they are finished, for practical purposes, they go away for the greatest part of a year.

What is a disadvantage of the anniversary date approach to appraisals?

appraisals are never caught up. The appraisals are staggered throughout the year, the process hangs over the supervisors head, placing steady pressure on the supervisor.

T/ F Supervisors are expected to advance opinions and render judgements.


T/F Many supervisors within an organization view the performance appraisal primarily as a requirement of the system.


What is the key element of the essential supervisor employee relationship?

performance appraisal

What should the primary objectives of performance appraisal be

1. to encourage improved performance in the job each employee presently holds

2. to provide growth opportunity for those employees who wish to prusue possibilites for promotion, and conversely, provide the organization with people qualified for promotion to more responsible positions

What should a effective performance appraisal utilize the past?

Rather than looking at the past and stopping there, the past should be a starting point to move into the future.

What are the major approaches to performance appraisal?

1. Rating Scales

2. Employee Comparison

3. Check list

4. Critical Incident

5. Field Review

6. Free Form Essay

7. Group Appraisal

Characteristics of the Rating Scales Appraisal Method

1. the oldest and most widely used appraisal procedures

2. easy to understand and easy to use

3. permit numerical tabulation of scores

4. easy to construct and permit ready comparison of scores among employees

Disadvantages of rating scales

1. do scores realy mean anything significant

2. have high score on one thing to compensate for a low score on another thing

3. supervisors tend to rate their employees high because they want them to receive pay raises and feel good about themselves

4. different supervisors tent to rate differently

Why were employee comparison methods developed

to overcome certain disadvantages of the rating scale appraoch

What are the two methods of employee comparison

Ranking and forced distribution

Characteristics of the ranking method

1. forces the supervisor to rate all employees on an overall basis according to their job performance

2. look at the work group and decide who is the best and who is the poorest

3. highly judgemental and strongly influenced by personality factors

4. may not be fair assessment overall

Characteristics of the forced distribution

1. prevent the superviosr from clustering all employees in any particular part of the scale.

2. requires the evaluator to distribute the ratings in a pattern conforming to a normal frequency distribution.

3. objective is the spread out the evaluations

4. if employees are properly trained and misfits eliminated then true distribution of abilities and performance in the group should be decidedly skewed.

5. average of the group could be better than the normal average

Characteristics of check list (weighted checklist and forced choice)

1. number of statements describing the varius types of behavior for a paticular job or family of jobs.

2. supervisor checks the list that closely describe the behavior exhibited by the individual

Critical incident

1. supervisors adopt the practice of recording in a notebook significant incidents of employees behavior

2. things do not get in the note book

3. "little black book"

Field review

1. supervisor has no forms to fill out

2. supervisor is interviewed by a representative of the human resource department who ask questions about each employee

3. interviewer writes up a narrative of the interview and reviews it with supervisor for suggestions modifications and approval

4. simple overall ratings are obtained

5. relieves the supervisor of paperwork

6. assures a greater likelyhood supervisors will give better attention to appraisals because HR is involved

Free form Essay

1. requires the supervisor to write down impressions about the employee in essay form

2. comments are grouped under headings such as job performance, job knowledge,

3. supervisor must devote considerable time and thought to the evaluation

4. encourages the superviosr to become more observant and annlytical

5. demands more time than the average supervisor is willing or able to give

Group Appraisal

1. an employee id evaluated at the same time by the immediate supervisor plus three or four other supervisors who have knowledge of the employees work performance

2. virtue of this method is thoroughness

3. rarely used

4. extremely time consuming, tying up several members of management at once to evaluate one employee

What is a "halo effect"?

1. tendency of an evaluator to allow the rating assigned to one or more characteristics to influence excessively the rating on other performance characteristics

2. rating scale methods are particulary susceptible

example: if you give high marks for "initiative and dependability" you might be inclined to give high marks for "judgement and adaptability"

What are some common appraisal problems?

1.Halo effect

2. supervisors give their employees consistently high rating.

3. central tendency and clustering (rate employees the same -- average not everyone is average

4. interpersonal relationships

Reasons why appraisal programs often fail

1. weakness in the system

2. require supervisor to render personal judgement

3. supervisors are unqualified to judge personality characteristics

4. uncomfortable position of the person doing the evaluating

5. fail mechanically, owing to poor system administration

6. poor follow up on appraisals can weaken a program

7. delay alone can kill an appraisal system

Why would companies do appraisals at all?

Performance appraisal is needed because all employees deserve to know where they stand in the eyes of the supervisor and the organization. Employees need to know where they stand so as to be able to do something positive about future performance.

What are the requirements of an effective appraisal system?

1. System Objectives

2. Appropriateness of Criteria

3. Standards of performance

4. Employee Knowledge of criteria

5. Management Education

6. A working tool

7. Appraisal Interview

8. Self contained record

9. System Administration

What is written criteria?

expressions of the job description:

they relate what the employee is expected to do in performance of the job

What is the biggest trap in performance appraisals?

the trap is the lenient appraisal -- stating on the record that the individual's work is acceptable when in truth it is unsatisfactory in some respect.

Effective job standards reflect a concern in what four areas

1. Quantity

2. Quality

3. Time

4. Cost

What are the 4 elements of constructive appraisal

1. Job description

2. Employee performance objectives

3. Negotiate objectives

4. Discuss results

What is the most important facet of the constructive approach appraisal

the process of involving the employee in setting objectives, working to attain them, and working with the supervisor to analyze the differences between planned performance and actual results.

Constructive appraisal approach

1. the employee knows well in advance the basis for evaluation.

2. encourages the employee and supervisor to come to complete agreement on the content of the employee's job.

3. takes place entirely within the context of the supervisor/employee relationship

4. contacts occur between employee and supervisor the stronger the supervisor/employee relationship become.