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115 Cards in this Set

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What are the two components of the trigeminal ganglion
GSA and motor component
What are the sensory fibers of the trigeminal made up of?
where do the motor nerve cell bodies located in the trigeminal ganglion?
along side the ganglion
what is the first branch of the trigeminal called?
V1 opthalmic
what is the fun't of V1 branch?
general sensory
where does the opthamlic branch divide into three branches
just before the eye socket throught the superior orbital fissure
name the three branches of the opthalmic branch?
Lacrimal branch, Frontal branch, Nasociliary branch
what does the lacrimal branch innervate?
innervates skin of the upper eye lid
what are the terminal nerves of the frontal branch of the opthalmic?
Supraorbital and supratrochlear
what does the supraorbital nerve innervate of the frontal branch?
innervates the scalp past the midline
what does the supratrochlear nerve innervate of the frontal branch?
innervates the scalp(named b/c it passes in above the trochlear
What are the four nerve branches of the nasociliary branch of the opthalmic branch of the trigeminal
posterior ethmoidal, anterior ethmoidal, infratrochlear, long ciliary
What does the posterior ethmoidal innervate
run into ethmoidal air sinuses. Supplies the spenoid sinus and the postieror ethmoid sinus
what does the anterior ehtmoidal innervate?
supplies the anterior and middle ethmoid sinus before entering and supplying the nasal cavity
what does the infrathrochlear innervate?
supplies the skin of the eyelids and bridge of the nose, the conjunctiva and all the lacrimal structures
what does the long ciliary innervate?
has 2-4 branches that enter the posterior part of the sclera of the eye
what fun't does the maxillary branch of the trigeminal have?
where does the maxillary branch travel?
leaves the cranial vault goes through foramen rotundu,, gives off branches in the pterygoid space
Name the five branches of the maxillary branch of the trigeminal?
Posterior Superior alveolar, zygomatic, infraorbital, descending Palatine, and Pterygopalatine(speno-palatine
what does the posterior superior alveolar innervate?
goes to maxillary dentition, from 1st premolar to 3rd molar. Enters the posterior surface of the maxilla and supplies the max sinus, max molars, giniva and mucosa alongside max molars
what does the zygomatic nerve of the maxiallry branch innervate?
zygomaticofacial, zygomaticotemporal
what does the infraorbital nerve of the maxillary branch inneravte?
considered the continuation of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
where does the descending Palatine of max branch go through?
goes through spheropalatine foramen.(Great and lesser palatine branches
what does the pterygopalatine of max branch innervate?
Nasopalatine-goes to septum, goes through incisive canal to innervate the palate
posterior nasal
Where does the mandibular branch of the trigeminal go through
the foramen ovale in sphenoid bone
what are the fun't of the mandibular branch
GSA, and SVE(muscles from the first pharyngeal arch
Name the four branches of the mandibular branch of the trigeminal
Auriculotemporal, inferior alveolar, lingual, long buccal aka buccal branch of five
What does the auriculotemporal of the mandibular branch innervate?
inneravtes tmj joint capsule and skin over tmj
What does the inferior alveolar of the mandibular branch innervate?
innervates all of the lower dentition
mental, mylohyoid
What does the lingual of the mandibular branch innervate?
supplies the mucous membrane of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue and gingiva on the lingual side of the mandibular teeth
What does the long buccal of the mandibular branch innervate?
into skin of cheek and oral cavity mucosa (sensory
What are pretramatic branches
when a branch of a cranial nerve arising from a more posterior branchial arch jions a nerve branch form a cranial nerve which comes from a more anterior branch arch
what are first order cells
respponsible for receiveing information from sensory receptors somewhere in the body sensory fibers are usually three fibers away
Where does the facial nerve go through?
goes through internal acoustic meatus, into inner ear before ( cranial nerve VII and VIII go into inner ear too)
Once the facial nerve is in inner ear how does it branch? what speical characteristic does it have
it branches backwrads and forwaard. there is a ganglion located at the bend and has speical sensation
what is the name of the branch of the faical nerve that comes off forward to anterior facial canal
greater petrosal
what are the nerve conponments of the greater pertosal nerve
GVE and SVE (taste sensation to palate).
what is located where the greater pertosal nerve exits the skull
hiatus of the facial Canal
WHat is the the name the the faical nerve branch that turns backward through the posterior facial canal
faical nerve proper( it is the larger trunck)
where does the facail nerve prorper branch from.
posterior facial canal
what is located where the facial nerve proper exits the skull
there is a foramen , the stylomastoid foramen
what can cause buzzing and ringing in the ear?
artherosclerosis of the internal jugular vein and internal carotid artery which runs adjacent to middle and inner ear
what 4 muscles does the facial nerve innervate
2.posterior belly of digastric (comes from branchial arch II)
3.anterior belly digastric ( first branchial arch)
Facial nerve enters what gland?
parotid gland. it also branches there.
what is the chorda tympani?
branch of facial nerve fiber
what does the petero tympanic fissure join?
joins the lingual branch of V3
what facial nerve goes into the mandible
inferior alveolar
what is the fun't of the facial nerve proper
name the 6 branches of the facial nerve proper
Auricular, temporal, zygomatic, Buccal, mandibular, and cervical
"and two zebras bit my cousin"
what does the temporal branch of the facial nerve proper innervate?
innervates muscles above the orbit
what does the buccal branch of the facial nerve proper innervate?
goes around parotid, innervates cheek
what does the mandibular branch of the facial nerve proper innervate?
under the lower lip, runs along border of mandible
what does the cervical branch of the facial nerve proper innervate?
across mandible into shoulder, innervates a muscle that helps pull down the mandible
where do the motor fibers arise from of the cervical nerve branch of the facial nerve?
from the motor nucleus of VII
where do the 1st order sensory fibers arise from of the cervical nerve branch of the facial nerve?
cell bodies are in the geniculate ganglion
where do the 2nd order sensory fibers arise from of the cervical nerve branch of the facial nerve?
are in mesencephalic nuclues of V
where do all the branches of the facial nerves innervate?
Primarilay motor, brachial merit some from 2nd (SVE)
where is the occipito -frontalis muscle interconnected with and what is it innervated by?
occipital innervated by auricular branch
where are the anterior, superior and posterior auricular muscles located?
muscles around the ear
where is the orbicularis oculi muscle located?
gpes around the eye?
where is the corrugator supercilli located?
where the procerus muscel located?
muscle that cmoes along the side of the bridge of the nose, nasal process
what is the nasalis located?
off frontalis onto bridge of nose
where are the zygomaticus major and minor muscle located?
long muscle that comes from cheek bone to corner of lip
what is the fun't of levator anguli oris?
elevates the corners of the mouth
leavator labii superioris
maxilla, elevates the upper lip and diallates the nostrils
buccinator located?
never see it, helps you smile
what is the fun't of the depressor anguli oris muscle?
dpress the corners of the mouth
what is the fun't of the depressor labii inferioris
depress the lower lip
mentalis is located?
comes off the mental protuberances and up to the center of the lip
'the pouting muscle'
what is the fun't of the platyma muscle?
pulls down mandible, makes you look like a lizard
o of s
Anterior Ethmoidal foramen
anterior ethmoidal nerves and vessels
o of s
carotid canal
internal carotid artery, deep petrosal nerve and other postganglionic sympathetis (carotid plexus)
o of s
cribiform plate
olfactory nerves
o of s
faical canal
facial nerve proper
o of s
foramen cecum
emissary vein from nasla cavity to superior sagital sinus
o of s
foramen lacerum
meningeal br. of ascending pharyngeal a., emissary v. from pterygoid venous plexus, greater superficial petrosal n., deep petrosal n. from carotid plexus
foramen Magnum
junction of spoianl cord and braistem, anterior and posterior spinal arteries and veins, alar ligaments, tectorial membrane, apical ligament, spinal accessory nerve
o of s
Foramen Ovale
mandibular br. of trigeminal nerve, accessory meningeal a., lesser petrosal n.
o of s
foramen rotundum
maxillary br. of trigeminal nerve
o of s
foramen spinosum
middle meningeal a., reccurent br. of mandibular nerve
o of s
foramen vesalii
emissary vein from pterygoid venous plexus
o of s
greater palatine foramen
anterior (greater) palatine nerves and vessels, posterior (lesser) palatine nerves and vessels. These are branches of pterygopalatine or descending palatine nerves and vessels
o of s
Hiatus of the Facial (greater superficail pertrosal) canal
greater superficial petrosal n., and petrosal branches of middle menigeal artery
o of s
hypoglossal canal
hypoglossal nerve and meningeal branch of descending palatine nerves and vessels
o of s
Incisive (Nasopalatine) Canal
nasopalatine branches of descending palatine nerves and vessels
o of s
inferior orbital (sphenomaxillary) Fissure
maxillary nerve branches zygomatic infraorbital, lacrimal br. of greater petrosal n., infraorbital vesseals
o of s
tympanic canaliculus
tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal nerve (will become lesser pertosal), tympanic br. of ascending pharyngeal a.
o of s
infraorbital foramen
infraorbital br. of maxillary n., infraorbital vessels
o of s
internal acoustic meatus
vestibulocochlear n., facial n., internal auditory br. of basilar a.
o of s
jugular foramen
internal jugular v., glossopharyngeal n., vagus n., spianl accessory n.
o of s
Lesser Palatine Foramen
posterior (lesser) palatine nerves and vessels. These are branches of pterygopalatine or descending palatine nerves and vessels
o of s
mandibular (inferior alveolar) Foramen
inferior alveolar n. and vessels
o of s
Mastiod Canaliculus ( tympanomastoid fissure)
auricular branch of vagus n.
o of s
Mastoid Foramen
mastoid branch of occipital a, emissary v.
o of s
mental foramen
mental n. and vessels
nasolacrimal canal
tear duct
o of s
optic foramen
optic n., opthalmic a., central retinal a.
o of s
parietal foramen
emissary v.
o of s
petrotympanic (squamotympanic) fissure
chorda tympanic branch of the facial n.
o of s
pharyngeal canals ( along with vomerovaginal canals)
phyngeal br. of maxillary a., pharyngeal brs. of greater petrosal n.
o of s
posterios condylar canal
emissary v., meningeal br. of occipital a.
o of s
posterior superior alveolar (maxillary) foramen
posterior superior alveolar n. and vessels
o of s
pterygoid (vidian) canal
nerve of pterygoid canal (combined sympathetic postganglionics of deep petrosal nerve and parasympathetic preganglionics from greater petrosal nerve)
o of s
Pterygomaxiallry fissure
maxially a., posterior superior alveolar n.
o of s
pterygopalatine (descending palatine) canal
descending palatine nerves and vessels
o of s
pterygopalatine (sphenopalatine) foramen
pterygopalatine vessels, nasopalatine n., posterior nasal nerves., pharyngeal nerves and vessels
o of s
stylomastoid foramen
facial nerve proper
o of s
sulcus tubae auditvae
groove for cartilaginous portion of auditory tube
o of s
superior orbital fissure
occulomoter, opthalmic br. of trigeminal n., trochlear n., abducent nerve., opthalamic v.
o of s
supraorbital fissure
supraorbital n. and vessels?
o fo s
zygomaticofacial foramen
zygomaticofacial br. of zygomatic n. of zygomatic br. of maxillary
o of s
zygomatico-orbital foramen
zygomatic nerve of V2
zygomaticotemporal foramen
zygomaticotemporal br. of zygomatic br. of maxillary