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45 Cards in this Set

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What are the nerve root values for the cervical plexus?
What are the nerve root values for the ansa cervicalis? what muscles does it supply?
infrahyoid muscles: sternohyoid, omohyoid & sternothyroid.
what are the cutaneous nerves of the cervical plexus & nerve roots?
1.lesser occipital (C2)
2. great auricular (C2-C3)
3. transverse cervical (C2-C3)
4. supraclavicular(C3,C4)
What fascia invests the superficial compartment in the neck and what does it contain?
1. investing layer of deep cervical
2. sternocleidomastoid & trapezius
what fascia invests the musculoskeletal compartment and what does it contain?
1. prevertebral
2. vertebrae and axial muscles
what fascia has an axillary sheath extension? and what does this extension contain?
brachial plexus, axillary artery & vein
what is the visceral compartment defined by? what does it contain?
1. pretracheal fascia
2. trachea, oesophagus & thyroid
what compartment does the carotid sheath surround? what does it contain?
1. neurovascular
2. common carotid artery, I.J.V & Vagus nerve
Label 1,2 & 3.
Label 1,2 & 3.
1. visceral compartment.
2. neurovascular bundle (carotid sheath)
3. musculoskeletal compartment.
what space is between the investing layer and pretracheal?
pretracheal space
where is the retropharyngeal space?
between the buccopharyngeal fascia and the prevertebral fascia?
what fascia does the buccopharyngeal layer belong to?
pretracheal layer
where is the '3rd' space found?
between the layers of prevertebral fascia.
Label number 3.
Label number 3.
retropharyngeal space.
What are the boundaries of the occipital and supraclavicular triangles of the neck?
What are the boundaries of the occipital and supraclavicular triangles of the neck?
Occipital : SCM, trapazius & omohyoid
Supraclavicular: SCM, Omohyoid & clavicle.
What are the 4 triangles of the anterior triangle of the neck?
What are the 4 triangles of the anterior triangle of the neck?
1. Carotid
2. Muscular
3. Submental
4. submandibular
what are the boundaries of all 4 anterior triangles?
1. Carotid: posterior belly of digastric, omohyoid & SCM
2.Muscular: midline, omohyoid, SCM (+hyoid)
3. submandibular: 2 digastric bellies and mandible
4. submental: hyoid, anterior belly of digastric and midline.
boundaries of anterior triangle of neck?
SCM, midline and mandible.
boundaries of posterior triangle?
SCM,trapezius and middle 1/3 of clavicle.
what are the branches of the external carotid artery (in ascending order)?
1. superior thyroid
2. ascending pharyngeal
3. lingual
4. facial
5. occipital
6. posterior auricular
7. maxillary
8. superficial temporal
where does the right common carotid arise from?
brachiocephalic trunk.
where does the left common carotid arise from?
arch of aorta.
what nerve(s) innervate the carotid sinus & carotid body?
sinus = glossopharyngeal (IX)
body= Vagus & Glossopharyngeal
what are the 4 infrahyoid muscles and their innervation?
1. omohyoid - ansa cervicalis
2. sternohyoid - ansa cervicalis
3. sternothyroid. - ansa cervicalis
4. thyrohyoid - C1
What are the 4 suprahyoid muscles and their innervation?
1. mylohyoid - Nerve to mylohyoid from mandibular nerve (V3)
2. Digastric
(a) anterior - nerve to mylohyoid from mandibular nerve (V3)
(b) posterior - Facial nerve
3. stylohyoid - Facial nerve
4. geniohyoid- C1
What 2 veins form the external jugular vein ?
retromandibular & posterior auricular
what is the retromandibular vein formed from?
superficial temporal and maxillary veins.
what vein does the external jugular vein drain to?
what are the tributaries to the external jugular vein? (clue: P.A.S.T.)
P – Posterior external jugular vein
A – Anterior jugular vein
S – Suprascapular vein
T – Transverse cervical vein
What vein does the internal jugular vein drain into?
Origin of the I.J.V.?
inferior petrosal sinus and the sigmoid sinus
Tributaries of the internal jugular vein?
M- Middle thyroid
S- superior thyroid
O- occipital
L- lingual
F- facial
P- pharyngeal
I- inferior petrosal sinus
what muscle separates the subclavian artery into 3 parts?
Scalenus anterior
what nerve crosses the scalenus anterior?
where does the brachial plexus emerge in the neck?
between scalenus anterior & middle
origin of scalene Anterior, middle and posterior?
M= C3-C7
P= C5-C7
function of scalenes?
lateral flexion and inspiration
Which black box is the subclavian vein and which is the artery?
Which black box is the subclavian vein and which is the artery?
Posterior = artery
anterior = vein
what branches come off the 1st part of the subclavian?
1. vertebral
2. internal thoracic
3. thyrocervical
branches of thyrocervical?
1. transverse cervical
2. inferior thyroid
3. suprascapular
What arises from the 2nd part of the subclavian artery?
costocervical trunk.
what structures are located on the left of the thoracic inlet?
Higher apex of lung & thoracic duct
what syndrome does a cervical rib cause? what sign is used to test for this?
Thoracic outlet syndrome: compression of brachial plexus and subclavian artery.
Adson's sign - BP drops when arm raised
what is the name of the genglion when the inferior cervical and 1st thoracic fuse?
cervicothoracic ganglion
compression of the sympathetic trunk can cause what syndrome? incl. signs & symptoms.
Horners syndrome - constricted pupil, absence of sweating, ptosis (drooping of eyelid) and sinking eye in some cases.