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33 Cards in this Set

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What are the three important genera of the dermatophytes?
trichophyton, microsporum, and epidermophyton
What do the superficial dermatophytes secrete to obtain food?
They secrete keratinase in order to degrade keratin in the skin, hair, and nails as an essential source of food
How do all dermatophytes grow?
They grow only as septate filamentous fungi
How are the three dermatophyte genera able to be differentiated?
Based upon the asexual sporulation morphology of their respective conidia
Describe the asexual sporulation characteristics of epidermophytons
They have club shaped macroconidia and are absent microconidia
Describe the asexual sporulation characteristics of micromosporum
They have prominent microconidia with a rough-walled, spindle-shpaed macrodonidia
Describe the asexual sporulation characteristics of trichophyton
They have prominent microconidia with few club or cigar shaped macroconidia
What species of dermatophyte secretes a pigment?
Microsporum canis secrete a pterdine pigment that flouresces under a Woods lamp
What are the possible habitats of dermatophytes?
They are commonly found in humans, animals, and the soil
What is the most infectious agent of the dermatophytes?
The arthrospores, which are very stable on surfaces
How are dermatophytes transferred to humans?
Direct contact with soil or infected tissue (human or animal) and indirectly via surfaces contamined with highly infectious arthrospores (hairbrushes!)
Describe whom dermatophytes can infect and the possible degree of infection (dissemination)
Dermatophytes can infect both normal and immunocompromised people, but invasive infection only occurs in the latter
What is the most favorable environment for dermatophyte infection?
Moist skin surfaces
Describe the pathogenesis of a dermatomycosis
Arthrospores or conidia germinate and the hyphae invade the keratinized skin
Describe the difference between endothirx and exothrix pattern of fungal growth
The endothrix pattern shows hyphael growth inside the hair shaft (black dot), while ectothrix pattern grows on the ourer surface of the hair shaft (hair loss)
Describe the classic lesion of a dermatomycosis and what is it common called?
The lesion is red and scaly with an advancing border and central clearing, commonly called "ringworm"
What is tinea capitis?
A dermatophyte inefection of the scalp hair and skin seen mainly in children
What is tinea faciale?
Dermatophyte infection of the face
What is tinea barbae?
Dermatophyte infection of the mustache, beard area, and neck
What is tinea corporis?
Dermatophyte infection of the trunk, arms, and legs with classic ringworm lesions
What is tinea manuum?
Dermatophyte infection of the trunk, arms, and legs
What is tinea cruris?
Dermatophyte infection of the groin "jock itch"
What is tinea pedis?
Dermatophyte infection of the soles of the feet called "athlete's foot"
What is tinea unguium?
Dermatophyte infection of the nails (onychomycosis)
What are the most important non-dermatophyte fungi?
Malassezia furfur, Hortaea wernekii, Piedraia hortae, Trichosporon
What causes pityriasis (tinea) versicolor and what are the clinical manifestations?
Malassezia furfur, hyperpigmented macules that coalesce to form scaling plaques
What non-dermatophyte fungi are normal flora and what are their locations?
Malassezia furfur (skin) and Trichosporon (skin, nails, mouth, and GI tract)
What is the cause of tinea nigra? Explain the clinical findings
It is caused by hortaea werneckii and is generally asymptomatic but appears as a brown-to-black macule that progressively enlarges
What causes black piedra and what are the symptoms?
It is caused by piedraia hortae and grows as a filamentous fungus with firmly adhering black/brown nodules on the hair shafts causing breakage
What causes white piedra and what are the symptoms?
It is caused by the dimorphic yeast trichosporon that infects hair with fungal nodules which are white-light brown and easily removed
What fungus is becoming an important opportunistic pathogen and what manifestations does it cause?
Trichosporon; it can cause disseminated infections resulting in endocarditis, meningitis, as well as skin manifestations and is resistant to most antifungals
What are important factors in the host defense against dermatophyte and non-dermatopyte infection?
The acute and chronic inflammation responses help maintain the superficial nature of the infections and the cell-mediated immune response keeps the infections from becoming disseminated
What is the most useful method of diagnosis of a superficial or cutaneous fungal infection?
Direct microscopic examination of skin scrapings, hair, nails and KOH treatment to degrade keratinized tissue