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19 Cards in this Set

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sul fil d'un soffio etesio
on the breath of an etesian breeze
scorre tea gigli larve
scurry, agile shadows
frai rai miun bailor cesio
among the branches a bluish grey glow
dalba luna re aparve
of the rising moon has appeared
eil paso blando mi suriun blando suon
and may the gentle steps measure a gentle sound
le magiche accopiando
combining the magical
caroleala canzon
dances with the song
erriam sotto la luna
let us wander beneath the moon
sceliendo fiorda fiore
choosing flower by flower
ogni coroline core
each crown of petals in its heart
porta la sua forttuna
brings its good fortune
with the lilies
e le viole scriviam de no miarcani
and the violets let us note secret times
dale fatate mani germo il no parole
from our enchanted hands and may words blossom
parole luminate
world illuminated
di puroargentoe dor
by pure silver and by gold
magic incantations and magic chains
le fate hanno per ci frei fior
the fairies have words and the alphabet of flowers