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42 Cards in this Set

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is a pejorative suffix: pajarraco ‘ugly bird’ (from pájaro ‘bird’), libraco ‘large, bulky book’ (libro ‘book’)
is a pejorative suffix: librejo ‘worthless book’ (libro ‘book’), lugarejo ‘dive’ (lugar ‘place’)
is an augmentative and pejorative suffix attached to nouns: discursote ‘long, boring speech’ (discurso ‘speech’), narizota ‘big ugly nose’ (nariz ‘nose’)
a. attaches to verbal stems to indicate an action: mirada ‘look’ (mirar ‘to look’), empujada ‘push’ (empujar ‘to push’)
b. attaches to noun stems to indicate a blow: cachetada ‘blow on the cheek’ (cachete ‘cheek’), puñalada ‘stab with a dagger’ (puñal ‘dagger’)
c. attaches to nominal stems to indicate an action characteristic of a person or group: bobada ‘foolish act’ (bobo ‘fool’), niñada ‘childish act’ (niño ‘child’)
attach to nouns indicating trees to form nouns that denote a grove: naranjal ‘orange grove’ (from naranjo ‘orange tree’), pinar ‘pine grove’ (pino ‘pine tree’)
attaches to noun stems, forming nouns that indicate
a. augmentation: hombrazo ‘big man’ (hombre ‘man’), marranazo ‘large hog’ (marrano ‘hog’)
b. a blow or explosion: porrazo ‘blow with a club’ (porra ‘club’), cañonazo ‘cannon shot’ (cañón ‘cannon’)
is a diminutive suffix: cochecito ‘a little car’ (coche ‘car’), mujercita ‘little woman’ (mujer ‘woman’)
is a diminutive suffix: ratico ‘little while’ (rato ‘while’), momentico ‘brief moment’ (momento ‘moment’)
is sometimes a diminutive suffix: politiquillo ‘insignificant politician’ (político ‘politician’), chiquillo ‘little kid’ (chico ‘child’)
is a diminutive suffix: librito ‘small book’ (libro ‘book’), casita ‘little house’ (casa ‘house’)
forms agent nouns from verbs: hablador ‘talker’ (hablar ‘to talk’), regulador ‘regulator’ (regular ‘to regulate’), which are sometimes used as adjectives: hablador ‘talkative’, regulador ‘regulating’
— makes noun forms of some verbs — enseñanza, education
->or, -ora
attaches to noun stems to denote
a. a place where something is made or sold: zapatería ‘shoestore’ (zapato ‘shoe’), pastelería ‘pastry shop’ (pastel ‘pastry’)
b. a profession: carpintería ‘carpentry’ (carpintero ‘carpenter’), ingeniería ‘engineering’ (ingeniero ‘engineer’)
c. a group: chiquillería ‘bunch of children’ (chiquillo ‘little kid’)
->-er — pintor (painter)
->indicates profession or place — bibliotecario, librarian
a. attaches to nouns to indicate a person who makes, sells, or is in charge of something: librero ‘bookseller’ (libro ‘book’), zapatero ‘shoemaker’ (zapato ‘shoe’), carcelero ‘jailer’ (cárcel ‘jail’)
b. attaches to nominal stems to form adjectives: guerrero ‘warlike’ (guerra ‘war’), conejero ‘for hunting rabbits’ (conejo ‘rabbit’)
are used to make abstract nouns from adjectival bases: vejez ‘old age’ (viejo ‘old’), niñez ‘childhood’ (niño ‘child’), grandeza ‘greatness’ (grande ‘large, great’), rareza ‘rarity’ (raro ‘rare’)
forms adjective abstracts: valentía ‘courage’ (valiente ‘brave’), cobardía ‘cowardice’ (cobarde ‘coward’)
attaches to adjectives to indicate attenuation, as in amarillento ‘yellowish’ (amarillo ‘yellow’), or an undesirable quality, as in hambriento ‘hungry’ (hambre ‘hunger’)
attaches to adjectives to indicate an extreme degree of a quality: hermosísimo ‘very beautiful’ (hermoso ‘beautiful’)
forms adjectives from nominal stems, indicating a tendency or attenuation: rojizo ‘reddish’ (rojo ‘red’), olvidadizo ‘forgetful’ (olvidar ‘to forget’)
is the adverbial ending attached to the feminine form of the adjective: generosamente ‘generously’ (generoso ‘generous’), claramente ‘clearly’ (claro ‘clear’)
a. is an augmentative adjectival suffix: barrigón ‘pot-bellied’ (barriga ‘belly’), cabezón ‘large-headed’ (cabeza ‘head’)
b. attaches to verb stems to denote sudden actions: tirón ‘pull, jerk’ (tirar ‘to pull’), apretón ‘push’ (apretar ‘to push’)
is an augmentative and pejorative suffix attached to nouns: discursote ‘long, boring speech’ (discurso ‘speech’), narizota ‘big ugly nose’ (nariz ‘nose’)
forms adjectives from nouns, indicating abundance or character: rocoso ‘rocky’ (roca ‘rock’), tormentoso ‘stormy’ (tormenta ‘storm’)
forms adjectives from nouns, indicating an excess: peludo ‘hairy’ (pelo ‘hair’), panzudo ‘big-bellied’ (panza ‘belly’)
forms abstract nouns from adjectives: negrura ‘blackness’ (negro ‘black’), altura ‘height’ (alto ‘high’)
forms adjectives from other adjectives, indicating attenuation: blancuzco ‘whitish’ (blanco ‘white’), negruzco ‘blackish’ (negro ‘black’)
-ish — rojizo (reddish)
-age — kilometraje (like mileage, but in
-ancy — discrepancia (discrepancy)
-archy — monarquía (monarchy)
-atic — -lunático (lunatic)
-ble — manejable (manageable)
-cida, cidio
-cide — insecticida (insecticie)
-tion — agravación (aggravation)
-cracy — democracia (democracy)
-crat — burócrata (bureaucrat)
-ity — pomposidad (pomposity)
-esa, -iz, -isa
-ess — actriz (actress)
-fico, -fica
-fic — horrífico (horrific)
-filo, -filia
-file — pedófilo (pedophile)
-phobia — claustrofobia (claustrophobia)
-phone — teléfono (telephone)
-icio, -icia
-ice — avaricia (avarice)
-ify — dignificar (dignify)
-ism — budismo (Buddhism)
-ist — dentista (dentist)
-tude — latitud (latitude)
-osa, -oso
-ous — maravilloso (marvelous)
indicates instrument, means, or capacity — lavandero, laundry (from lavar, to clean)
indicates the effect of an action — picadura, puncture (from picar, to pick)
indicates place of origin — estadounidense, of or from the United States, American
indicates place of origin — holandés, Dutch