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158 Cards in this Set

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Continued use of drug despite related problems
substance abuse
A severe condition usually considered a disease. There may be physical problems with serious disruptions in the person's work, family, and social life.
Substance dependence
the psychosocial behaviors related to substance dependence.
Co-existence of substance abuse and one or more psychiatric disorder
dual diagnosis
biological need that develops when the body becomes adapted to having the drug in the system
withdrawal symptoms
with continued use, more of the substance is needed to produce the same effect
The most common period for the first experience with drugs
If regular use of alcohol and drugs is used before this age, the individual is more likely to have abuse and dependence problems as an adult
These groups have the highest excessive alcohol use
American Indians and Alaska Natives
A 3-item screening tool used to identify individuals who are hazardous drinkers or have active alcohol use disorders
the quickest drug abuse screening tool
public health approach to delivering early intervention to anyone who uses alcohol or drugs in unhealthy ways
The goal of SBIRT
Improve early identification of people who are overusing, abusing, or dependent on alcohol or other substances
The simplest biological measure to obtain a BAC
blood alcohol is measured by a
breath device, urinalysis, or blood test
High tolerance is usually a sign of
physical dependence
Euphoria, labile mood, cognitive disturbances: decreased concentration, impaired judgment, loss of sexual inhibitions
Slurred speech, staggering gait, diplopia, drowsiness, labile mood with outburts
Stupor, aggressive behavior, incoherent speech, labored breathing, vomiting
Severe respiratory depression, death
Types of CNS depressants
Alcohol, barbiturates, benzos
More than 7 drinks per week or more than 3 per occasion for women; more than 14 drinks per week or more than 4 per occasion for men
risky or hazardous drinking
A person is experiencing physical, social, or psychological harm from alcohol use but does not meet the criteria for dependence
harmful drinking
When the person continues to drink to avoid withdrawal symptoms
physical and psychological dependence
tolerance develops to this class of drug rapidly
The preferred treatment for anxiety and related disorders
Amphetamine and cocaine
act by releasing norepinephrine and dopamine from neuronal storage vesicles into the synapse
Changes the brain's chemistry, destroying the wiring in the brain's pleasure centers.
Damages the dopamine receptors and neurons decreasing the ability to experience pleasure without using the drug
Methamphetamine (meth)
Can lead to hyperactive, obsessive, and violent behavior
Causes blood vessels to constrict, it cuts off the steady flow of blood to all parts of the body, causing tissues damage and inhibits the body's ability to repair itself.
Acne develops, sores takes longer to heal, and the skin loses its luster and elasticity; poor dental
Destruction caused by meth can be repaired with ____ of sobriety
more than 1 year
The cognitive effects that remain with meth use
severe impairment in memory, judgment, and motor coordination - symptoms similar with a pt with PD
Legal use of amphetamines
Narcolepsy, ADHD in children and adults, short-term weight reduction
the form of cocaine that is smoked is produced by a process
The euphoria caused by cocaine starts with a ____ rush and followed by a _______ of less intense euphoria
10 to 20-second rush; 15 to 20 minute less intense euphoria
A person high on cocaine feels
euphoric, energetic, self-confident, and sociable
blocks the reuptake of norepi and dopamine, the receptors are continually activated causing euphoria
presynaptic supplies of dopamine and norepi are depleted with cocaine cause a
crash as the drug wears off
Addiction to barbituates
Addiction to stimulants
Opiates include
opium, heroin, meperidine, morphine, codeine, and methadone
Patients taking a maintenance dose of ______ may work and live normally, although they are still addicted to narcotics.
one characteristic of narcotic addiction is the development of
the most important psychological response to opiate use is
other psychological effects of narcotics include
apathy, detachment from reality, and impaired judgment
apathy, detachment from reality, and impaired judgment are also termed ___ when combined with drowsiness
nodding out
an OD of narcotics can rapidly lead to
coma, respiratory depression, and death
natural substances that act like morphine in the brain are known as
endorphins and enkephalins
endorphins and enkephalins bond with opiate receptors in
the brain and the pituitary gland
when large amounts of artificial opiates are taken over a long period, the brain responds by cutting off production of endorphins in an attempt to restore homeostasis. As the artificial opiates leave the system, there are no natural opiates to take their place.
theory of drug cravings
Causes sedation, an altered state of awareness, accompanied by a feeling of relaxation and mild euphoria
prolonged use of marijuana may lead to
apathy, lack of energy, loss of desire to work or be productive, diminished concentration, poor personal hygiene, and preoccupation
apathy, lack of energy, loss of desire to work or be productive, diminished concentration, poor personal hygiene, and preoccupation is known as
amotivational syndrome
May precipitate psychosis when used by people with schizophrenia whose symptoms are otherwise controlled with antipsychotic drugs
Marijuana's withdrawal pattern
one has not been documented
How many states have enacted laws legalizing medical marijuana?
16 plus D.C.
Drugs that create experiences very similar to those typical of a psychotic state
Hallucinogens produce
perceptual distortions
LSD, peyote, mescaline, and psilocybin are commonly used
Colorless and tasteless, often added to a drink or food, such as a sugar cube, and can be given to a person without the person knowing
Colors are described as more brilliant and sounds, smells, and tastes are heightened
Crossover of sensory experiences during which music may be seen or colors may be heard, with space and time distorted.
______ do not appear to cause physical dependence, but tolerance develops if they are used regularly; but causes impaired judgment and vulnerable people may experience "bad trips"
Psychotic episodes in which the person may experience being paranoid, grandiose, or somatic delusions, usually accompanied by vivid hallucinations
bad trips
Taken to induce euphoria, a sense of intimacy with others, and diminished anxiety; one of the most widely used recreational drug in the world.
Ecstasy users usually report feeling the effects within ____, peaking at _____, and a plateau that lasts about ____
30 to 60 minutes
1 to 1.5 hours
2 to 3 hours
At low doses, the user experiences euphoria, floating feeling, along with heightened emotionality and incoordination
PCP use may precipitate an intensely ______ characterized by extreme agitation.
psychotic experience
Because PCP is an _____, people feel
anesthetic; little to no pain
Butane gas (lighter fluid), gas, air fresheners, rubber cement, correction fluid, and nitrous oxide
Used to obtain a euphoric effect because of the quality of high, the rapid onset of effect, and the low cost, and ease of availability.
A runny nose, a pimple or sores around the mouth, symptoms of a cold
Both a stimulant and depressant
lung irritant
readily absorbed into the bloodstream and has an almost immediate effect on the reward systems in the brain
mimics acetylcholine; stimulates the release of dopamine and prolongs the action of dopamine by decreasing the metabolizing enzyme monoamine oxidase and increases the expression of nitric oxide, which inhibits dopamine reuptake
Smoking is associated with
increased morbidity and mortality
An active ingredient in coffee, tea, chocolate, and many carbonated beverages
major effects of caffeine use
increased alertness and increased BP
overuse of caffeine may cause
headache, irritability, sleepiness, fatigue, problems in attention and concentration, and decreased vigor
caffeine withdrawal
Rohypnol, GHB, and ketamine
date rape drugs
date rape drugs are so dangerous because
they can be slipped into a drink without being detected because they have no color, smell, or tastes.
Potential effects of date rape drugs
weakness, confusion, oss of consciousness, coma, and death.
people who had problems living in a committed relationship with a person with an addiction
With codependency, the person with the addiction is addicted to the drug, while the codependent person is
addicted to the person with the addiction
a support group for friends and family of people with alcoholism, created specifically to help family members cope with their own problems that stem from living with a person with alcohol
Anyone who had had anything to do with a dysfunctional person while growing up or as an adult
Co-occurrence of psychiatric and substance use disorders
dual diagnosis
even small amounts of ____ may precipitate psychotic episode in a patient with schizophrenia
the tendency of a substance abuse to run in families
biological factor
___ people are predisposition experience a physiological response to alcohol
Asian people experience this when drinking alcohol
flushing, tachycardia, and an intense feeling of discomfort
Clinicians have observed a link between substance abuse and several psychological traits, such as
depression, anxiety, antisocial personality, and dependent personality
Northern europeans have a higher rate of
highest/lowest rate of religions with alcoholism
roman catholics; Jewish
___ of symptoms depends on the half-life of the particular drug
time course
____ of symptoms depends on the drug dose and length of use
higher-than-therapeutic doses for moth than 1 month can produce
physical dependence
an intensified return of the symptoms for which the drug was prescribed in the first place
symptom rebound
the _____ system is a pathway in the brain that originates from dopamine-producing cells in the brainstem and targets higher regions of the brain
mesolimbic dopamine
the expected outcome for patients in withdrawal from drugs or alcohol
the patient will overcome withdrawal safely and with minimal discomfort
expected outcome for patients dependent on drugs or alcohol
the patient will abstain from all mood-altering chemicals
____ is an essential aspect of care for drug-dependent patients
development of a support system
a pattern of behavioral, physiologic, and cognitive symptoms that develop due to substance use or abuse; usually indicated by tolerance to the effects of the substance and withdrawal symptoms that develop when use of the substance is terminated
substance dependence
The excessive use of a substance, especially alcohol or a drug. A pattern of harmful use of any substance for mood-altering purposes
substance abuse
Treatment of choice for nicotine
nicotine replacement therapy
treatment of choice for alcohol
Naltrexone with alcohol
reduces alcohol reward and results in decreased alcohol craving and reduced drinking
Treatment of choice for heroin
The process of helping a person with an addiction safely through withdrawal is
Fluids, eating, acetaminophen, kaopectate, small amount of milk, seizure precautions, a cool washcloth to the forehead, position changes
how the patient should be treated symptomatically
difficulty walking
involuntary rhythmic eye movements
the drug of choice in treating alcohol withdrawal, prevent seizures, and have a better margin of safety
LSD patients experiencing a "bad trip" often respond to
reassurance and may be talked down.
Patients coming down from a LSD "bad trip" should
be oriented frequently, discouraged from closing their eyes.
People with a PCP-induced psychosis do not respond well to
attempts at interactions
PCP and meth users are more likely to
become violent and strike out in response to their misperceptions and panic
PCP feels little to no ___ and have ____
pain; enormous strength
Acutely agitated PCP and LSD users require
a safe environment that has minimal stimulation
The time when a pt is at highest risk for relapse
the first months after cessation
an opiate antagonist effective in helping the alcoholic pt maintain abstinence, as it diminishes the craving during the early stages of abstinence and works best when accompanied by psychosocial interventions
a long-acting injection of naltrexone
interrupts the metabolism of alcohol, causing a buildup of a toxic substance in the body if the person uses alcohol in any form
disulfiram's physiological response may include:
a severe headache
chest pain
When a pt is taking disulfiram, they need
a written list of alcohol containing products, so they are able to avoid them.
Cough medicines, rubbing compounds, vinegar, aftershave lotions, and some mouthwashes
interact negatively with disulfiram
How long after d/c disulfiram can a person drink without the side effects?
14 days
An opioid antagonist that is structurally similar to naltrexone but with a number of advances for the treatment of alcohol dependence
No dose-dependent association with toxic effects to the liver, greater oral bioavailability, longer duration of antagonist action, and more complete binding with opioid receptor subtypes that are thought to reinforce drinking
demonstrated an increase in abstinence of alcohol drinking through decreased craving of alcohol
shows to positively affect length of total abstinence, time to relapse, total number of nondrinking days, and retention in treatment with minimal SEs (diarrhea, headache)
a selective SSRI that augments central serotonergic function approved for the treatment of depression
Shown to reduce alcohol consumption and craving in patients with early-onset alcohol dependence
Problem with methadone treatment?
Class II drug, special treatments, patients have to go daily to receive medication
A partial agonist at opioid nerve receptors. Mimics the effects of opioids in some situations but blocks or reverses those effects in other situations by displacing opioids when they are present in excessive amounts
consumption of alcohol and drugs during pregnancy can result in
miscarriage, low birth weight, premature labor, placental aburption, fetal death, and even maternal death.
Pregnant women addicted to heroin, ______ is safer for teh fetus than acute opiate detox
methadone maintenance
include goal setting, self-monitoring, functional analysis of drinking antecedents, and learning alternative coping skills
self-control strategies
focuses on learning skills for forming and maintaining interpersonal relationships, assertiveness, and drink refusal
social skills training
involves creating a written agreement with the patient that specifies targeted patient behavior and consequences
behavioral contracting
involves patients receiving incentives or rewards for adaptive behavior or meeting specific behavioral goals
contingency management
return of symptoms
relapse is dealt with as an
error from which to learn -- a temporary setback on the road to recovery
People, places, and things that have been associated with previous drug use
external triggers
situations that include all people, places, and things with a previous drug use is classified as
high-risk situations
thoughts and feelings contributing to past drug use, such as loneliness, boredom, or anger
internal triggers
family members that may cover up by making excuses to employees and other family members for the person's erratic behavior, but also ones that may tend to blame themselves for the behavior
addiction is a
family problem
goal for groups like Alcoholics Anonymous
total abstinence
goal of engagement
development of working relationship between pt and nurse
goal of persuasion
pt acceptance of having a substance abuse problem and the need for active change strategies
goal of active treatment
abstinence from substance use and compliance with medication
goal of relapse prevention
absence or minimization of return to substance abuse